M.Z.N. 74.2009.LOS of 18 December 2009: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points defining the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of Tromelin Island and Reunion Island
M.Z.N. 80.2010.LOS of 6 December 2010: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points defining the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of Clipperton Island.
M.Z.N. 81.2011.LOS of 3 May 2011: Deposit of charts, pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, and article 75, paragraph 2, of the Convention concerning the baselines, the outer limits of the territorial sea and the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of New Caledonia
M.Z.N.86.2012.LOS of 3 July 2012: Deposit of charts, pursuant to article 75, paragraph 2, of the Convention concerning the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Éparses Islands, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Tromelin Island, including lines of delimitation
M.Z.N.87.2012.LOS of 3 July 2012: Deposit of a chart, pursuant to article 75, paragraph 2, of the Convention concerning the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of Clipperton Island
M.Z.N.94.2013.LOS of 27 February 2013: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points defining the outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Republic in the Mediterranean
M.Z.N.101.2013.LOS of 4 February 2014: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points concerning the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea of the islands of Saint Paul and Amsterdam, the islands of Wallis and Futuna, and the Département de Mayotte, as respectively contained in Decrees no. 2013-1175, no. 2013-1176, and no. 2013-1177, dated 17 December 2013
M.Z.N.109.2014.LOS of 3 December 2014: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points concerning the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea of the Department of LaRéunion, as contained in Decree no. 2014-1309, dated 30 October 2013.
M.Z.N.117.2015.LOS of 12 November 2015: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points concerning the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to (i) the Crozet archipelago (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), (ii) the Kerguelen Islands (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), and (iii) the territory of mainland France and Corsica, as contained in Decrees nos. 2015-551, dated 18 May 2015, no. 2015-635, dated 5 June 2015, and no. 2015-958, dated 31 July 2015.
M.Z.N.128.2017.LOS of 25 August 2017: Deposit of a list of geographical coordinates of points pursuant to articles 16, paragraph 2, and 75, paragraph 2, of the Convention, concerning 1) the line of delimitation of the territorial sea, as contained in Decree No. 2004-74 of 15 January 2004 (maritime delimitation between France and Jersey); 2) the outer limits of the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone as contained in the decree No. 2014-1491 of 11 December 2014 (Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone) and in decrees No. 2017-366 (Crozet archipelago (French Southern and Antarctic Territories)), 2017-367 (Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island (French Southern and Antarctic Territories)) and 2017-368 (Kerguelen Islands (French Southern and Antarctic Territories)), of 20 March 2017; and 3) maritime boundaries as contained in Decree No. 2017-481 of 5 April 2017 (Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the Caribbean).
M.Z.N.132.2018.LOS of 8 March 2018: Deposit of lists of geographical coordinates of points concerning the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to the French Antilles, as contained in Decree No. 2017-1511 of 30 October 2017.
M.Z.N.142.2019.LOS of 26 February 2019: Deposit of lists of geographical coordinates of points concerning the outer limit lines of the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone off the coast of Clipperton Island, as contained in Decree No. 2018-23 of 16 January 2018.
M.Z.N.149.2019.LOS of 6 December 2019: Deposit of lists of geographical coordinates of points concerning:
(a) the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to French Polynesia is measured, as contained in the Decree No. 2019-319 of 12 April 2019;
(b) the outer limits of the territorial sea off La Réunion Island, as contained in the Decree No. 2018-24 of 16 January 2018;
(c) the outer limits of the territorial sea off the metropolitan territory of France, as contained in the Decree No. 2018-681 of 30 July 2018;
(d) the outer limits of the territorial sea off Wallis and Futuna Islands, as contained in the Decree No. 2019-320 of 12 April 2019;
(e) the delimitation of the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf between France and the Republic of Suriname, as contained in the Decree No. 2018-1157 of 14 December 2018; and
(f) the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf between France and Antigua and Barbuda, as contained in the Decree No. 2019-273 of 3 April 2019.
The lists of geographical coordinates of points for French Polynesia contained in this deposit sub (a) supersede a previous deposit made by France (see M.Z.N.95.2013.LOS of 14 June 2013) |
Previous deposits that were superseded |
Communications received by the Secretary-General in connection with the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points |
Communication from the Government of the Republic of Mauritius dated 17 May 2011 |
Communication from the Government of Mexico dated 15 May 2012 Spanish | English |
Communication from the Government of Spain dated 23 October 2012 (transmitted by a note verbale dated 27 March 2013) Spanish | English | French |
Communication from the Government of The Netherlands dated 13 August 2018 (transmitted by a note verbale received on 24 December 2018) French | English |
Joint submission by France, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 19 May 2006 - in the area of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay |
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 22 May 2007 - in respect of the areas of French Guiana and New Caledonia |
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 5 February 2009 - in respect of the areas of the French Antilles and the Kerguelen Islands |
Joint submission by France and South Africa to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 6 May 2009 - in the area of the Crozet Archipelago and the Prince Edward Islands |
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 8 May 2009 - in respect of La Réunion Island and Saint-Paul and Amsterdam Islands |
Preliminary information indicative of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in accordance with SPLOS/183
Joint Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf by Tuvalu, France and New Zealand (Tokelau) in the area of the Robbie Ridge made on 7 December 2012
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 16 April 2014 - in respect of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon |
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 6 April 2018- in respect of French Polynesia |
Legislation |
Decree of 19 October 1967 defining the straight baselines and the lines enclosing bays used in determining the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial waters is measured |
Act No. 68-1181 of 30 December 1968 relating to the exploration of the Continental Shelf and to the exploitation of its natural resources |
Law No. 71-1060 of 14 December 1971 regarding the delimitation of French territorial waters |
Law No. 76-655 of 16 July 1976 relating to the Economic Zone off the coasts of the territory of the Republic |
Decree No. 77-130 of 11 February 1977 on the establishment, pursuant to the law of July 16, 1976, of an Economic Zone off the coasts of the territory of the Republic bordering the North Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic, from the Franco-Belgian border to the Franco-Spanish border |
Act No. 77-485 of 11 May 1977 amending Act No. 68-1181 of 30 December 1968 relating to the exploration of the Continental Shelf and the exploitation of its natural resources |
Decree No. 78-144 of 3 February 1978 creating an exclusive economic zone off the coasts of the French Southern & Antarctic Territories |
Decree no. 78-146 of 3 February 1978 establishing an exclusive economic zone along the coasts of Tromelin, Glorieuse, Juan-de-Nova, Europa and Bassas-da-India Islands (French only) |
Decree No. 78-147 of 3 February 1978 creating an exclusive economic zone off the coasts of of Clipperton Island |
Decree No. 78-148 of 3 February 1978 creating an exclusive economic zone off the coasts of La Reunion |
Decree No. 85/185 of 6 February 1985 regulating the Passage of Foreign Ships through French Territorial Waters |
Act of 31 December 1987 concerning the campaign against drug trafficking and amending certain provisions of the Penal Code |
Act No. 89-874 of 1 December 1989 concerning Maritime Cultural Assets and amending the Act of 27 September 1941 Regulating Archaeological Excavations of 1 December 1989 |
Prefectural Order No. 1/93 (Prohibiting the movement in the Bouches de Bonifacio of tankers carrying oil and ships carrying dangerous or toxic substances, 15 February 1993) |
Decree No. 99-324 to determine the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the Martinique and Guadeloupe regions is measured, 21 April 1999 |
Decree No. 2002-827 of 3 May 2002--Decree defining the straight baselines and closing lines of bays used to determine the baselines from which the breadth of French territorial waters adjacent to New Caledonia is measured (see Law of the Sea Bulletin 53, p. 58) |
Decree no. 78-146 of 3 February 1978, establishing, pursuant to the Act of 16 July 1976, an economic zone off the coasts of the islands of Tromelin, Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Europa and Bassas da India
(see Law of the Sea Bulletin 71, p. 16) |
Decree No. 2004-74 of 15 January 2004 on the publication of the Agreement between the French Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on a line of maritime delimitation between France and Jersey, signed at Saint-Hélier on 4 July 2000, French | English [pending] |
Decree No. 2007-1254 of 21 August 2007 promulgating the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar on the delimitation of maritime areas situated between La Réunion and Madagascar, signed at Saint-Denis on 14 April 2005 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin 71, p. 22) |
Decree No. 2014-1491 of 11 December 2014 on the publication of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone (together two annexes), signed in Paris on 20 April 2011, French | English |
Decree No. 2015-550 of 18 May 2015 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the coasts of Clipperton IslandFrench | English |
Decree No. 2015-551 of 18 May 2015 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the Crozet Archipelago (French Southern and Antarctic Lands) is measuredFrench | English |
Decree No. 2015-635 of 5 June 2015 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the Kerguelen Islands (French Southern and Antarctic Territories) is measuredFrench | English |
Decree No. 2015-958 of 31 July 2015 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the territory of mainland France and Corsica is measuredFrench | English |
Decree No. 2017-366 of 20 March 2017 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of the Crozet archipelago (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), French | English |
Decree No. 2017-367 of 20 March 2017 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island (French Southern and Antarctic Territories), French | English |
Decree No. 2017-368 of 20 March 2017 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of the Kerguelen Islands (French Southern and Antarctic Territories, French | English |
Decree No. 2017-481 of 5 April 2017 on the publication of the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the Caribbean, signed in Philipsburg on 6 April 2016, French | English [pending] |
Decree No. 2017-1511 of 30 October 2017 defining the baselines from which the territorial sea adjacent to the French Antilles is measured. French | English |
Decree No.2018-23 of 16 January 2018 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone off Clipperton Island French | English |
Decree No. 2019-319 of 12 April 2019 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to French Polynesia is measured French | English |
Decree No. 2018-24 of 16 January 2018 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea off LaRéunion Island French | English |
Decree No. 2018-681 of 30 July 2018 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea off the metropolitan territory of France French | English |
Decree No. 2019-320 of 12 April 2019 establishing the outer limits of the territorial sea off Wallis and Futuna Islands French | English |
Decree No. 2018-1157 of 14 December 2018 on the publication of the maritime delimitation agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Suriname (together with an annex), signed at Paris on 8 November 2017 French | English |
Decree No. 2019-273 of 3 April 2019 on the publication of the agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda on maritime delimitation in the Caribbean region, signed at Saint John's on 15 March 2017 French | English |
Decree No. 2011-1213 of 29 September 2011 on the application of article 4 of Act No.94-589 of 15 July 1994 in relation to measures against piracy and provisions on the exercise of State policing powers at sea - French | English
Maritime boundary delimitation agreements
and other material |
with Antigua and Barbuda |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of France and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda on the delimitation of maritime space between France and Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean region, 15 March 2017 (entry into force: 1 October 2018; registration #: 55817; registration date: 20 May 2019; ) |
with Australia |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of Australia and the Government of the French Republic (New Caledonia, Chesterfield Islands), 4 January 1982 (entry into force: 10 January 1983; registration #: 22302; registration date: 11 August 1983; ) |
with Barbados |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Barbados on the delimitation of the maritime space between France and Barbados, 15 October 2009 (entry into force: 1 January 2010; registration #: 47364; registration date: 16 April 2010; ) |
with Belgium |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on the delimitation of the territorial sea, 8 October 1990 (entry into force: 7 April 1993; registration #: 30173; registration date: 3 August 1993; ) |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on the delimitation of the continental shelf, 8 October 1990 (entry into force: 7 April 1993; registration #: 30172; registration date: 3 August 1993; ) |
with Brazil |
Maritime delimitation Treaty between the Federative Republic of Brazil and the French Republic (French Guyana), 30 January 1981 (entry into force: 19 October 1983; registration #: 22476; registration date: 22 November 1983; ) |
with Canada |
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the French Republic on Their Mutual Fishing Relations, 27 March 1972 (entry into force: 27 March 1972; registration #: 12353; registration date: 28 March 1973; ) |
Agreement establishing a court of arbitration for the purpose of carrying out the delimitation of maritime areas between Canada and France, 30 March 1989 (entry into force: 30 March 1989; registration #: 27629; registration date: 20 November 1990; ) |
Arbitration award relating to the delimitation of maritime areas between Canada and the French Republic, 10 June 1992 |
with Cook Islands |
Agreement on Maritime Delimitation between the Government of the Cook Islands and the Government of the French Republic (with map), 3 August 1990 (entry into force: 3 August 1990; registration #: 27947; registration date: 26 February 1991; ) |
with Dominica |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Dominica (with map) (7 September 1987) (entry into force: 23 December 1988; registration #: 26854; registration date: 6 October 1989; ) |
with Fiji |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of France and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone (with annex and maps), 19 January 1983 (entry into force; 21 August 1984; registration #: 27963; registration date: 7 March 1991; ) |
Codicil modifying the Agreement of 19 January 1983 between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone, 8 November 1990 (entry into force: 8 November 1990; registration #: 27963; registration date: 7 March 1991;) |
with Italy |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Delimitation of maritime frontiers in the area of the straights of Bonifacio, 28 November 1986 (entry into force: 15 May 1989; registration #: 26933; registration date: 28 November 1989; ) |
with Kiribati |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kiribati concerning the delimitation of a boundary line between the exclusive economic zone around French Polynesia and the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Kiribati, (entry into force: 18 December 2002; registration #: 39386; date of registration: 9 June 2003; ) |
with Madagascar |
Agreement between the Government of France and the Government of the Republic of Madagascar on the Delimitation of Maritime Areas situated between La Réunion and Madagascar, 14 April 2005 (See Law of the Sea Bulletin 71, p. 43) (entry into force 18 June 2007; registration #: 46736; registration date: 26 October 2009;) |
with Mauritius |
Convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Mauritius on the delimitation of the French and Mauritian economic zones between the islands of Reunion and Mauritius, with annexes, 2 April 1980 (entry into force: 2 April 1980; registration #: 20620; registration date: 1 December 1981; ) |
with Mexico |
Mexico: Note Verbale from the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations dated 14 September 2016 addressed to the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, concerning Decree No. 2015-550 of 18 May 2015 defining the baselines from which the breadth of the French territorial sea adjacent to the coasts of Clipperton Island English only |
with Monaco |
Exchange of letters on settlement of problems concerning the delimitation of Monegasque territorial waters constituting an agreement relating to article 4 of the Treaty of 17 July 1918 establishing the relations of France with the Principality of Monaco, 18 May 1963 (entry into force: 18 May 1963; registration #: 26261; registration date: 4 November 1988; ) |
Convention on Maritime Delimitation Agreement between the Government of His Most Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco and the Government of the French Republic (with map), 16 February 1984 (entry into force: 22 August 1985; registration #: 23631; registration date: 22 November 1985; ) |
with Netherlands |
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the French Republic on maritime delimitations in the Caribbean region, 6 April 2016 (entry into force: 1 April 2017; registration #: 55222; registration date: 4 June 2018; ) |
with New Zealand |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of New Zealand concerning the delimitation of the maritime boundaries between Wallis and Futuna and Tokelau, 30 May 2003 (entry into force: 12 November 2003; registration #: 40601; date of registration: 1 October 2004; ) |
with Saint Lucia |
Convention on delimitation between the Government of the French Republic (Martinique) and the Government of Saint Lucia, 4 March 1981; (entry into force: 4 March 1981; registration #: 20780; registration date: 25 February 1982; ) |
with Seychelles |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Seychelles concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of France and of Seychelles, 17 February 2001 (entry into force: 19 February 2001; registration #: 37782; registration date: 29 October 2001; ) |
with Solomon Islands |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Solomon Islands, 12 November 1990 (entry into force: 12 November 1990; registration #: 27851; registration date: 24 January 1991; ) |
with Spain |
Convention between France and Spain on the delimitation of the territorial sea and the contiguous zone in the Bay of Biscay (Golfe de Gascogne/Golfo de Vizcaya) (with map), 29 January 1974 (entry into force: 5 April 1975; registration #: 14592; registration date: 19 February 1976; ) |
Convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Spanish State on the delimitation of the continental shelves of the two States in the Bay of Biscay (Golfe de Gascogne/Golfo de Vizcaya) (with annex, exchange of letters and map), 29 January 1974; (entry into force: 5 April 1975; registration #: 14591; registration date: 19 February 1976; ) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement amending Annex V of the Convention of 28 December 1858 supplementary to the Treaty on delimitation of 2 December 1856 delimiting the frontier from the mouth of the Bidassoa to the point where the department of Basses-Pyrénées adjoins Aragon and Navarre, Madrid, 31 January and 7 February 1985 (entry into force: 7 February 1985; registration #: 24356; registration date: 1 May 1989; ) |
Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between France and Spain amending Annex V of the Convention of 28 December 1858 supplementary to the Treaty on delimitation of 2 December 1856 delimiting the frontier from the mouth of the Bidassoa to the point where the department of Basses-Pyrénées adjoins Aragon and Navarre, Paris, 22 September 1987 and Madrid, 10 June 1988 (entry into force: 10 June 1988; registration #: 24356; registration date: 1 May 1989; ) |
with Suriname |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Suriname 8 November 2017 (entry into force: 1 December 2018; registration #: 55757; registration date: 15 March 2019; ) |
with Tonga |
Convention between the Government of the French Republic (Wallis and Futuna) and the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga on the delimitation of economic zones, 11 January 1980 (entry into force: 11 January 1980; registration #: 18960; registration date: 27 June 1980; ) |
with Tuvalu |
Exchange of notes between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Tuvalu and the French Embassy in Suva constituting an Agreement concerning provisional maritime delimitation between the two countries, 6 August - 5 November 1985 (entry into force: 5 November 1985; registration #: 25964; registration date: 6 June 1988; ) |
with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Agreement on Arbitration signed on 10 July 1975 |
Arbitration award relating the Shelf boundary in the Western Channel approaches (France, United Kingdom), Court of arbitration, 30 June 1977 |
Arbitration award relating to the scope of the decision of the 30 June 1977 (France, United Kingdom), Court of arbitration,14 March 1978 |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf in the area east of 30 minutes west of the Greenwich Meridian, 24 June 1982 (entry into force: 4 February 1983; registration #: 21923; registration date: 31 May 1983; ) |
Convention on maritime boundaries between the Government of the French Republic (Tuamotu Archipelago) and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, Oeno Islands), 25 October 1983 (entry into force: 12 April 1984; registration #: 23067; registration date: 4 September 1984; ) |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the delimitation of the territorial sea in the Straits of Dover, 2 November 1988 (entry into force: 6 April 1989; registration #: 26858; registration date: 6 October 1989; ) |
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement, Paris, 21 and 27 March 1990 (entry into force: 27 March 1990; registration #: 21923; registration date: 30 October 1990; ) |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the completion of the delimitation of the continental shelf in the southern North Sea, 23 July 1991 (entry into force: 17 March 1992; registration #: 29182; registration date: 22 October 1992; ) |
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the activities of fishermen in the vicinity of the Channel Islands and the French coast of the Cotentin Peninsula and, in particular, on the Schole Bank (with annex and lists), 10 July 1992 (entry into force: 10 July 1992; registration #: 30858; registration date: 28 March 1994; ) |
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the creation and delimitation of an economic zone around the Islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno, 17 December 1992 and 19 January 1993 (entry into force: 1 February 1993; registration #: 30859; registration date: 28 March 1994; ) |
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning negotiations on the line of maritime delimitation in the area lying between Jersey and France (with map), 28 January 1994 (entry into force: 28 January 1994; registration #: 30931; registration date: 29 April 1994; ) |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning Guadeloupe and Montserrat, 27 June 1996 (entry into force: 15 January 1997; registration #: 36143; registration date: 7 October 1999; ) |
Agreement on maritime delimitation between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy on one hand, and Anguilla on the other, 27 June 1996 (entry into force: 15 January 1997; registration #: 36144; registration date: 7 October 1999; ) |
Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Republic concerning the establishment of a maritime boundary between France and Jersey, 4 July 2000 (entry into force: 1 January 2004; registration #: 40415; registration date: 6 July 2004; ) |
with Venezuela |
Delimitation Treaty between the Government of the French Republic (Martinique and Guadeloupe) and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela (with map ) 17 July 1980 (entry into force: 28 January 1983; registration #: 21969; registration date: 27 June 1983; ) |
Additional relevant materials |
France: Note Verbale dated 22 December 2017 from the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat. |