M.Z.N. 9. 1996. LOS of 25 August 1996: Deposit of charts (outer limits of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone) and confirmation (deposit) of lists of geographical coordinates (straight baselines), as contained in:
- Royal Decree of 12 July 1935, relating to the Baselines for the Norwegian Fishery Zone as regards that part of Norway which is situated to the north of 66°28'8 N Latitude;
- Royal Decree of 18 July 1952 relating to the Baseline for the Norwegian Fishery Zone as regards that part of Norway which is situated to the south of 66°28'8 N Latitude;
- Crown Prince Regent's Decree of 30 June 1955; and
- Royal Decree of 25 September 1970 concerning the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters of Parts of Svalbard.
M.Z.N. 32. 2000. LOS of 14 March 2000: Deposit of lists of geographical coordinates, as contained in:
- Additional Protocol to the Agreement of 18 December 1995 between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Denmark concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Area between Jan Mayen and Greenland and the Boundary between the Fishery Zones in the Area, 11 November 1997; and
- Additional Protocol to the Agreement of 8 May 1980 between Norway and Iceland concerning Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions and the Agreement derived therefrom of 22 October 1981 on the Continental Shelf between Jan Mayen and Iceland, 11 November 1997
M.Z.N. 38. 2001. LOS of 8 June 2001: Deposit of the list of geographical coordinates of points for drawing the baselines for measuring the width of the territorial sea around Svalbard, as contained in: Regulations of 1 June 2001 relating to the limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Svalbard
The list of geographical coordinates of points, contained in this deposit, supersedes the list contained in Royal Decree of 25 September 1970 (see M.Z.N. 9. 1996. LOS).
M.Z.N. 40. 2002. LOS of 20 September 2002: Deposit of the list of geographical coordinates of points as specified in the Regulations relating to the limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, as laid down by Royal Decree of 30 August 2002.
The list of geographical coordinates of points, contained in this deposit, supersedes the list contained in Crown Prince Regent's Decree of 30 June 1955 (see M.Z.N. 9. 1996. LOS).
M.Z.N. 45. 2003. LOS of 3 December 2003: Deposit of the list of geographical coordinates of points defining the outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen; and deposit of the list of geographical coordinates of points as specified in the Regulations relating to the baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, as laid down by Royal Decree of 14 June 2002, as amended by Crown Prince Regent’s Decree of 10 October 2003.
The list of geographical coordinates of points, contained in this deposit, that is related to the baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, supersedes the list as laid down by Royal Decree of 14 June 2002 (see M.Z.N.39.1996.LOS). |
M.Z.N.53. 2005 LOS of 20 April 2005: Deposit of the list of geographical coordinates of points defining the outer limits of the territorial sea around Bouvet island together with the list of geographical coordinates of points as specified in the Regulations of 25 February 2005 relating to the baseline determining the extent of the territorial sea around Bouvet island, as laid down by Royal Decree of 25 February 2005, pursuant to the Act of 27 June 2003 relating to Norway’s territorial waters and contiguous zone.
Previous deposits that were superseded
Communications received by the Secretary-General in connection with the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points |
N/A |
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 27 November 2006 - in the North East Atlantic and the Arctic
Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf made on 4 May 2009 - in respect of Bouvetøya and Dronning Maud Land |
Legislation |
Royal Decree of 22 February 1812 |
Royal Resolution of 28 October 1932 covering the Customs Law of 22 June 1928 |
Royal Decree of 12 July 1935, relating to the Baselines for the Norwegian Fishery Zone as regards that part of Norway which is situated to the north of 66°28'8 N Latitude (repealed by Royal Decree of 14 June 2002 as of 1 July 2002, date of entry into force of the Royal Decree.) |
Royal Decree of 18 July 1952 relating to the Baselines for the Norwegian Fishery Zone as regards that part of Norway which is situated to the south of 66°28'8 N Latitude (repealed by Royal Decree of 14 June 2002) |
Crown Prince Regent's Decree of 30 June 1955 (The Decree was repealed by the Regulations relating to the Limit of the Norwegian Territorial Sea around Jan Mayen laid down by Royal Decree of 30 August 2002, as of 1 October 2002, date of entry into force of the Regulations.) |
Royal Decree of 31 May 1963 Relating to the Sovereignty of Norway over the Sea-Bed and Subsoil outside the Norwegian Coast |
Act of 21 June 1963 Relating to Exploration and Exploitation of Submarine Natural Resources |
Royal Decree of 9 April 1965 relating to Exploration for and Exploitation of Petroleum Deposits in the Sea-Bed and its Subsoil on the Norwegian Continental Shelf |
Royal Decree of 31 January 1969 Establishing Rules relating to Scientific Research for Natural Resources on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, etc. |
Royal Decree of 21 June 1970 Establishing Provisional Rules concerning Exploration for certain Submarine Natural Resources other than Petroleum on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, etc. |
Royal Decree of 25 September 1970 concerning the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters of Parts of Svalbard (The Royal Decree was repealed by the Regulations relating to the limits of the Norwegian territorial sea around Svalbard (Royal Decree of 1 June 2001) as of 1 July 2001, date of entry into force of the Regulations.) |
Act No. 91 of 17 December 1976 relating to the Economic Zone of Norway |
Royal Decree of 17 December 1976 relating to the establishment of the Economic Zone of Norway |
Act of 22 March 1985 No. 11 Pertaining to Petroleum Activities |
Regulations relating to foreign marine scientific research in Norway’s internal waters, territorial sea and economic zone and on the continental shelf (Crown Prince Regent's Decree of 30 March 2001) |
Regulations of 1 June 2001 relating to the limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Svalbard (Royal Decree of 1 June 2001) |
Regulations relating to the baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway (Royal Decree of 14 June 2002 - in force from 1 July 2002) - (amended - see below) |
Regulations relating to the Limit of the Norwegian Territorial Sea around Jan Mayen, laid down by Royal Decree of 30 August 2002 |
Act No. 57 relating to Norway’s territorial waters and contiguous zone, 27 June 2003 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 54, p. 97) |
Regulations relating to the baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, as laid down by Royal Decree of 14 June 2002, as amended by Crown Prince Regent’s Decree of 10 October 2003 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 54, p. 88) |
List of coordinates of points defining the outer limit of the territorial sea around Norway mainland (deposited by Norway with the Secretary-General of the United Nations under UNCLOS on 1 December 2003) (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 54, p. 29) |
List of coordinates of points defining the outer limit of the territorial sea around Svalbard (deposited by Norway with the Secretary-General of the United Nations under UNCLOS on 1 December 2003) (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 54, p. 41) |
List of coordinates of points defining the outer limit of the territorial sea around Jan Mayen (deposited by Norway with the Secretary-General of the United Nations under UNCLOS on 1 December 2003) (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 54, p. 81) |
Regulations of 25 February 2005 relating to the baseline determining the extent of the territorial sea around Bouvet island, as laid down by Royal Decree of 25 February 2005 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 60, p. 50) |
General Civil Penal Code
Maritime boundary delimitation agreements
and other material |
with Denmark |
Agreement between Denmark and Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf ( with map), 8 December 1965 (entry into force: 22 June 1966; registration #: 9052; registration date: 4 April 1968; ) |
Agreement between Denmark and Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf, 8 December 1965 - Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement, 24 April 1968 (entry into force: 24 April 1968; registration #: 9052; registration date: 29 August 1968; ) |
Agreement between Denmark and Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf, 8 December 1965 - Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement, 4 June 1974 (entry into force: 4 June 1974; registration #: 9052; registration date: 24 October 1974; ) |
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf in the area between the Faroe Islands and Norway and concerning the boundary between the fishery zone near the Faroe Islands and the Norwegian economic zone, 15 June 1979 (entry into force: 3 June 1979; registration #: 19512; registration date: 28 January 1981; ) |
Agreement between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf in the area between Jan Mayen and Greenland and concerning the boundary between the fishery zones in the area, 18 December 1995 (entry into force: 27 May 1998; registration #: 32441; registration date: 17 February 2000; ) |
Additional Protocol to the Agreement of 18 December 1995 between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Denmark concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Area between Jan Mayen and Greenland and the Boundary between the Fishery Zones in the Area, 11 November 1997 (entry into force: 27 May 1998; registration #: 32441; registration date: 17 February 2000; ) |
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on the one hand, and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark together with the Home Rule Government of Greenland on the other hand, concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf and the fisheries zones in the area between Greenland and Svalbard, Copenhagen, 20 February 2006 (entry into force: 2 June 2006 , registration #: I-42887; registration date:7 July 2006 ) |
with Iceland |
Agreement between Iceland and Norway Concerning Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions, 28 May 1980 (entry into force: 13 June 1980; registration #: 37025; registration date: 8 November 2000; ) |
Agreement between Norway and Iceland on the continental shelf between Iceland and Jan Mayen, 22 October 1981 (entry into force: 2 June 1982; registration #: 37026; registration date: 8 November 2000; ) |
Additional Protocol to the Agreement of 28 May 1980 between Norway and Iceland concerning Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions and the Supplementary Agreement derived therefrom of 22 October 1981 on the Continental Shelf in the Area between Jan Mayen and Iceland, 11 November 1997 (entry into force: 27 May 1998; registration #s: 37025; 37026; registration date: 8 November 2000; ) |
with Sweden |
Agreement between Sweden and Norway concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf, 24 July 1968 (entry into force: 18 March 1969; registration #: 14015; registration date: 20 May 1975; ) |
Agreement concerning the delimitation of the fishery areas of Norway and Sweden in the North-Eastern Skagerrak (with declaration and maps), 5 April 1967 (entry into force: 29 June 1967; registration #: 14014; registration date: 20 May 1975; ) |
with the Russian Federation |
Agreement between the Royal Norwegian Government and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the sea frontier between Norway and the USSR in the Varangerfjord, 15 February 1957 (entry into force: 24 April 1957; registration #: 4523; registration date: 26 September 1958; ) |
Descriptive Protocol relating to the sea frontier between Norway and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the Varangerfjord, demarcated in 1957, 29 November 1957 (entry into force: 17 March 1958; registration #: 4523; registration date: 26 September 1958; ) |
Joint Protocol on Working Program for the development of contacts and cooperation between the Russian Federation and Norway, 8 March 1992 |
Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway on the Maritime Delimitation in the Varangerfjord area, 11 July 2007 (see Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 67) |
Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean, 15 September 2010 (entry into force: 7 July 2011; registration #: 49095; registration date: 1 November 2011; ) |
with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf between the two countries, 10 March 1965 (entry into force: 29 June 1965; registration #: 8043; registration date: 14 January 1966; ) |
Protocol supplementary to the Agreement of 10 March 1965 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf between the two countries, 22 December 1978 22 December 1978 (entry into force: 20 February 1980; registration #: 8043; registration date: 24 October 1980; ) |
Additional relevant material |
:Letter dated 15 May 2019 from the Permanent Representatives of Norway, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council
:Letter dated 17 June 2019 from the Permanent Representatives of Norway, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council
Other relevant material () |
Norway - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
(Norway, United Kingdom), International Court of Justice, 18 December 1951
Norway - Denmark |
(Denmark, Norway), International Court of Justice, 14 June 1993