

 United Nations Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea


Tenth meeting, 17 to 19 June 2009


Discussion Panel “Implementation of the outcomes of the Consultative Process,
including a review of its achievements and shortcomings in its first nine meetings


List of Panellists


Segment 1:  Mandate, objectives and role of the Consultative Process

(17 June, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.)




Mr. Alan Simcock

United Kingdom

“United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on oceans and the law of the sea: Mandate, objectives and role”

Presentation Notes for the presentation

Mr. Satya Nandan


Chairman of the West and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission

“Implementation of the outcomes of the outcomes of the Consultative Process, including a review of its achievements and shortcomings”


Segment 2:  Outcomes of the Consultative Process and their implementation

(17 June, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. and 18 June, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.)





Mr. Agustín Blanco-Bazán

Senior Deputy Director, Legal Affairs, International Maritime Organization


Mr. Mathew Gianni

Co-founder, Political and Policy Advisor, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition, Natural Resources Defense Council

"UN ICP and the conservation of deep-sea biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: a civil society perspective on the effectiveness of the UN ICP process”


Mr. Sebastian Mathew

International Collective in Support of Fishworkers

"Sustainable development of oceans and seas and their resources: A People’s Perspective”


Mr. Olajide Adeleke Ayinla

Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research

“Capacity-building in ocean science in developing countries: outcomes of the Consultative Process and their implementation”


Mr. Andrew Hudson

Principal Technical Advisor, International Waters and Cluster Leader, Water Governance Programme (UNDP)

Deputy Coordinator, UN-Oceans

““Supporting implementation of ICP outcomes and recommendations: Capacity-Building Programmes of UN-OCEANS members”


Segment 3:  Format and methods of work of the Consultative Process

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