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Children fill their cups at a water point built by UNICEF at Kanyosha III primary school in Bujumbura, Burundi.
UN News
Tenue des ¨¦lections en R¨¦publique centrafricaine, f¨¦vrier 2016 (Photo: ONU-MINUSCA)
The Gambia¡¯s former president Yahya Jammeh (in white) prepares to depart from Banjul airport to exile in Guinea Bissau on January 21, 2017. Photo:?Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon
Les transitions d¨¦mocratiques se r¨¦pandent sur le continent
Liberian political party supporters celebrate an election victory. Photo: UN /Albert Gonz¨¢lez Farran
Vingt-pays choisissent leurs dirigeants en 2018