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Guterres calls for phasing out fossil fuels to avoid climate ‘catastrophe’

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Guterres calls for phasing out fossil fuels to avoid climate ‘catastrophe’

UN News
From Africa Renewal: 
15 June 2023
© Unsplash/Amir Arabshahi
Burning fossil fuels like coal contributes to climate change.
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Countries must phase out coal and other fossil fuels to avert climate “catastrophe”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Thursday in New York.

“We are hurtling towards disaster, eyes wide open”, hesaid. “It’s time to wake up and step up.”

Mr. Guterres was speaking to journalists at UN Headquarters following a meeting with civil society climate leaders from across the world.

‘Catastrophe’ looms

He said limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius is still possible but will require a 45 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

However, current policies will lead to a2.8°C temperature rise by the end of the century, which “spells catastrophe”.

He called for immediate global actiontoward net-zero emissions,which “must start with thepolluted heart of the climate crisis: the fossil fuel industry.”

Leave coal in the ground

Countries must progressively phase out fossil fuels, “moving to leave oil, coal and gas in the ground where they belong”, and massively boost investment in renewable energy, he said.

The UN chiefhas previouslyproposedestablishing aunder which rich nations would support emerging economieswith cutting emissions.

Another proposal foranAcceleration Agenda calls on governments tophase out coal by 2040, endpublic and private international coal funding, and shift subsidies from fossil fuels to renewables, among other measures.

‘A special responsibility’

“But the fossil fuel industry and its enablers have a special responsibility,” he said, notingthe record “$4 trillion windfall” in income last year.

“Yet for every dollar it spends on oil and gas drilling and exploration, onlyfour cents went to clean energy and carbon capturecombined.Trading the future for 30 pieces of silver is immoral,” he said.

Lead the transition

Mr. Guterres stressed thatthefossil fuelindustry should apply its massive resources“to drive, not obstruct” the global transition to renewable energy.

The industry currently“isnot even reaching the very low operational emissions reductions targets it has set for itself,” he said.

He called for fossil fuel companiestopresent credible,comprehensive and detailed new transition plansthat include reducingemissions “up and down the value chain” – from production through to refining,distribution and use.

Plans must alsoestablish clear, near-term targetstowards the transition to 'green' energy.

Don’t ‘knee-cap’ progress

“Fossil fuel companies must alsocease and desist influence peddlingand legal threats designed to kneecap progress. I am thinking particularly of recent attempts to subvert net zero alliances, invoking anti-trust legislation,” he said.

“Governments are pivotal in setting the record straight. They must help byproviding clear reassurance.Collective climate action does not violate anti-trust – it upholds the public trust,” he added.

The UN chief also called fordetailed plans from financial institutions, saying they must encouragethe global energy transformation.

Plans should include anexplicit strategy to progressively strip out fossil fuel assetsfrom their portfolios to ensurealignment with the net-zero goal. All lobbying and policy engagement also should bedisclosed.

“Financial institutions everywhere must end lending, underwriting, and investments in coal anywhere-including new coal infrastructure, power plants, and mines,” he said.

“And they must commit to end financing and investment in exploration for new oil and gas fields, and expansion of oil and gas reserves –investing instead in the just transition in the developing world.”