TheFifth Session of the Committee on Social Policy, Poverty and Genderis will take place in Addis this month to discuss ways of creating opportunities for all on the road to development.
Organised by theUnited Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), this year’s theme is“Building New Social Contracts in Africa: Choices to Fulfil Developmental Aspirations.”
The themeresponds to UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ call for anew social contractthat creates “equal opportunities for all” and recognizes “the rights and freedoms of all” in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In our, we advocate for education as a key enabler and equalizer. In the words of,“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”
Regaining precious ground
A series of conflicts, climate disasters and debt distress has reversed the gains of recent decades in Africa. Millions more are now poor or migrant.
What’s more, years of inadequate and inefficient public spending on social programs have stalled progress on the people-related goals.
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.—Nelson Mandela
On average, African countries spend 3–4per cent and 5.49 per cent of gross domestic product oneducation and healthrespectively, well below UNESCO’s recommendedand the World Health Organization’s global average of.
According to the International Monetary Fund, spending inefficiencies have cost Africa more thanandbetween 2000 and 2017.
For greater stability, the UNECA seeks to rally government leaders and policymakers around innovative ways to strengthen their social policy agenda and improve their public spending.
The goalis to provide socio-economic mobility and protection to all.
The strategyis to forge new social contracts that ensure equal rights and opportunities for all.
Using education as a key enabler
How countries form their new social contracts will vary depending on individual country circumstances.
In our, we use education as an entry point to tackle many other Sustainable Development Goals.
The new social contract … must integrate employment, sustainable development and social protection.— António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
According to theReport on the 2022 Transforming Education Summit Convened by the UN Secretary-General, people equipped with skills and knowledge can make more informed decisions, pursue healthier lives and respond to national and global development challenges.
We focus on the three ‘A’s — affordability, accessibility and applicability — that can influencepeople’s behaviour and help policymakers toaddressstructural barriers posed by poverty and inequality.
- Affordable education, especially for poor populations, can reduce inequality and poverty and promote employment and inclusive development. Interventions such as cash transfers, which Cameroon successfully adopted, have increased the likelihood of children’s enrolling in school by 30 per cent, when household income increases by 1 per cent.
- Access to educationto urban and rural populations can increase social mobility and, hence, more equitable growth. For example, research in Ghana, Mozambique and Nigeria has shown that children whose travel time to school is more than 30 minutes have poorer learning and writing outcomes. Infrastructural planning can mitigate such challenges to children’s learning abilities.
- Applicability of educationrefers to tailoring education programmes so that they improve quality, strengthen institutional credibility, and match education to employable skills. Some African countries like Ethiopia have explored co-locating various educational institutions in industrial and technology parks to strengthen the skills and labour pipeline.Three A’s — affordability, accessibility and applicability — can help policymakers toaddressstructural barriers.
Three A’s — affordability, accessibility and applicability — can help policymakers toaddressstructural barriers.
Preparing young people for the future
To prepare the workforce for the jobs of the future, policymakers and educators can ask whether their currentcurricula are fit for purpose.
Mostyoung Africans feel that theirskill setsdo not match local labour needs. Among young graduates, 35 per cent reported feeling overqualified for their jobs, while 6 per cent felt underqualified.
Technical and vocational educationand training (TVET) can also helpupskill and reskillworkers, who often lack traditional education, and help them get more rewarding jobs. For instance, in Eswatini, 73 per cent of TVET students found productive employment after graduation.
There is no one-size-fits-all blueprint for using education to develop a new social contract.
Rather, governments and communities must cultivate cooperative relationships, in which people pay their fair share of taxes and officials spend these funds wisely, making sure their people have the requisite social protections, public services and skills for jobs.
Such a social contract hinges oninspirational leadership, inclusive institutions and targeted policies. This whole-of-society approach will set in motion a virtuous cycle of trust between each government and its people, resulting in policies that deliver equal opportunities, intergenerational mobility and prosperity for all.
Redesigning the social contract in education
Source: UNECA issues paper.