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Africa Books

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Africa Books

Africa Renewal
From Africa Renewal: 

Ìý**PLEASE NOTE:BOOKS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM AFRICA RECOVERY,THEY MUST BE OBTAINED DIRECTLY FROM THE PUBLISHERS**ÌýA New Dawn: A Collection of Speeches of President Olusegun Obasanjo, ed. Ad'Obe Obe (Spectrum Books, Nigeria, 2002; 328 pp; £16.95; $27.95)Democracy in Zimbabwe from Liberation to Liberalization by Alfred G. Nhema (University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, 2002; 214 pp; £14.95; $24.95)Le Sénegal en quête d'une croissance durable eds. Abdoulaye Diagne, Gaye Daffé (Karthala, Paris, 2002; 278 pp; 24 euros)Protect or Plunder? Understanding Intellectual Property Rights by Vandana Shiva (Zed Books, London, UK, 2001; 144 pp; pb $17.50)Democratizing the Global Economy, ed. Kevin Danaher (Common Courage Press, Monroe, ME, US, 2001; 200 pp; pb $11.96)Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph E. Stiglitz (Norton Publishing, NY, US, 2002; 192 pp; hb $24.95)Economic Change, Governance & Natural Resource Wealth: The Political Economy of Change in Southern Africa by David Reed (Stylus Publishing, Sterling, VA, US, 2001; 168 pp; hb $59.95; pb $25)Give & Take: What's the Matter with Foreign Aid? by David Sogge (Zed Books London, UK, 2002; 236 pp; hb $55; pb $17.50)Crime and Policing in Post-Apartheid South-Africa: Transforming Under Fire by Mark Shaw (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, US, 2002; 188 pp; hb $49.95; pb $22.95)The Congo from Leopold to Kabila: A People's History by Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja (Zed Books, London, UK, 2002; 320 pp; hb $69.95; pb $25)Le commerce frontalier en Afrique centrale by Karine Bennafla (Karthala, Paris, 2002; 368 pp; 25 euros)African Renaissance: Roadmaps to the Challenge of Globalization by Fantu Cheru (Zed Books, London, UK, 2002; 304 pp; hb $69.95; pb $25)Capacity for Development: New Solutions for Old Problems, eds. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Carlos Lopes, Khalid Malik (Earthscan Publications, London and Sterling, VA, US, 2002; 284 pp; pb £17.95; hb £48)Cultural Transformation and Human Rights in Africa, ed. Abdullahi A. An-Na'im (Zed Books, London, UK, 2002; 288 pp; hb $69.95; pb $27.50)Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Miracle or Model? by Lyn S. Graybill (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, US, 2002; 230 pp; hb $49.95; pb $19.95)Building Peace in West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Bissau by Adekeye Adebajo (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, US, 2002; 150 pp; pb $12.95)Corruption in Nigeria: The Niger Delta Experience by Christian Akani (Fourth Dimension Publications, Nigeria, 2002; 112 pp; £12.95; $20.95)Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook, eds. Bernard M. Hoekman, Philip English, Aaditya Mattoo (World Bank, Washington DC, US, 2002; 672 pp; $45)L'économie camerounaise. Un espoir évanoui by J.J. Aerts, D. Cogneau, J. Herrera, G. De Monchy, F. Roubaud (Karthala, Paris, 2000; 288 pp; 21.34 euros)International Public Goods, eds. Ashoka Mody, Marco Ferroni (World Bank, Washington DC, US, 2002; 208 pp; $40)Regional Integration in Africa (OECD Publications, Washington DC, US, 2002; 215 pp; $31)State Legitimacy and Development in Africa by Pierre Englebert (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, US, 2000; 244 pp; hb $55; pb $19.95)Blood Diamonds: Tracing The Deadly Path of The World's Most Precious Stones by Greg Campbell (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, US, 2002; 280 pp; hb $26)Revolution In Zanzibar: An American's Cold War Tale by Donald Petterson (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, US, 2002; 304 pp; hb $28)African History and Politics: Ideological and Military Incursions, 1900-Present by A.B. Assensoh, Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh (Palgrave Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Houndmills, England, 2002; 256 pp; hb £35)Negotiating Development: African Farmers and Colonial Experts at the Office du Niger, 1920-1960 by Monica M. Van Beusekom (Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH, US, 2002; hb $65; pb $24)A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa by Patrick Chabal (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, US, 2002; 360 pp; hb $49.95; pb $22.95)