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Sudan ready to return to international role but first needs support, Prime Minister says

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Sudan ready to return to international role but first needs support, Prime Minister says

UN News
26 September 2020
Prime Minister Abdalla Adam Hamdok (on screen) of the Republic of the Sudan addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session.
UN Photo/Manuel Elias
Prime Minister Abdalla Adam Hamdok (on screen) of the Republic of the Sudan addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session.

Sudanis eager toagaincontribute to the international communitybut will needassistance asit works torevitalize its tatteredeconomy,Prime Minister Abdalla AdamHamdoktold the UN General Assembly on Saturday.

The African countryiscontinuingona pathof political transition following the ouster of President Omar al-BashirinApril 2019.

“Sudan, with the blood of its martyrs, has gone through decades of tyranny, injustice and social deterioration,”he said.

“Despite all of this, this period of transition of the young glorious revolution is experiencing many difficulties,which call for the support of the international communityin order tobe able to carry out the government’s projects and plans intended to improve the economic situation.”


The Prime Minister made the appeal in a pre-recorded speech that was broadcast during the annual debate in the UN General Assembly Hall. Heads of State and Government are mainly participating virtually this year due to theCOVID-19pandemic.

Mr.Hamdocksaid Sudan’stransitionalgovernment hasinherited a “paralyzed economy” and a “weak, devastated service sector”, includinga health system that hadbeen neglected for decades. The “dark,strange enemy” ofCOVID-19presentsan additional complication.

Sudanhas also been hit by recent torrentialrain andfloods which have caused severe loss of life and property. Tens of thousands of homes have either partially or completely collapsed, he reported.

Plans to support families

Theauthorities areundertaking reforms to restructure the economy and Mr.Hamdockpointed tofuture plansthat include providing social support to poor families and strengthening agricultural production, both in urban and rural areas.

“We are making tireless efforts to reconsider national legislation and ensure that it is in harmony with international criteriaand conventions,” he said referring to efforts to “clean up” laws on freedom of expression, protection of women’s rights, and impunity, among other areas.

However,thePrime Minister stated that international support is critical if the economic reforms are to happen.

Therefore, debt forgiveness and “preferential treatment” are topconcerns. Sudanalsoshouldbe removed from the list of countries that sponsorterrorism, he added.

“Sudan has returned to the international fold after 30 years outside it. This must happen! But we need this assistance and supportin order todo so,”he said.

“It is our hope that we will be able to accomplish projects of reconstruction and reform so that Sudan will become once again an active player on the regional stage and to contribute to the international community and work to create the future we want.”
