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Janga la njaa lanyemelea Sudan Kusini WFP yatiwa hofu kubwa

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Janga la njaa lanyemelea Sudan Kusini WFP yatiwa hofu kubwa

UN News
4 February 2020
Usambazaji wa chakula mjini Beira, Msumbiji. Katika shule iliyogeuzwa kuwa makazi, familia 70 zikipokea chakula kutoka WFP. Familia nyingi zimeathirika kutokana na kimbunga.
WFP/Deborah Nguyen
Usambazaji wa chakula mjini Beira, Msumbiji. Katika shule iliyogeuzwa kuwa makazi, familia 70 zikipokea chakula kutoka WFP. Familia nyingi zimeathirika kutokana na kimbunga.

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) is shocked by new fears of hunger strikes this time facing a cut in aid funding in South Sudan

Al Sudd area is one of the largest dam in the world, the size of which is the whole of Spain. Thousands of fugitives have fled to the area of ​​this pond and to small islands like Nyal.

Deborah Nyakueth, 28, escaped with her five children when fighting broke out in Leer City.

For a whole month Deborah and her children hid in this pool risking their lives against crocodile and rhinoceros, living on a limestone flower before they found shelter on the small island of Nyal


“What concerns us most is hunger. It is heartbreaking for mothers to see their hungry children crying. When there is a food distribution we have food for babies and smiling children because they have eaten it makes you happy as a mother. ”

WFP uses birds to decompose food as a final solution to reach isolated people in places like Nyal. At this time the WFP has three aircraft operating operations to drop food into South Sudan.

Na ndege kubwa kabisa imejazwa tani 34 za chakula cha kutosha kuwalisha watu 3000 kwa mwezi mmoja.

watoto wenye uatpiamlo uliokithiri wanapimwa na kupatiwa matibabu. Athari za vita vilivyowafanya maelfu ya watu kufungasha virago na kuzikimbia nyumba zao vinatarajiwa kuongeza idadi ya visa vya utapiamlo katika katika miezi ijayo endapo msaada hautoongezeka.

Matthew Hollingworth ni mkurugenzi wa WFP Sudan Kusini


“ We know we need to help 5.5 million people in South Sudan with some food assistance. But if we do not have enough resources to reach all those people, we will have to make some difficult decisions. We'll just have to focus on those who are totally insecure about food in the country, eliminating hunger and preventing the stinging bar. But that also means that some people will experience a huge gap, which means we can't help everyone. ”

Debroha says the only solution is peace if we are at peace our children will be able to go to school and when they return home they will find food and that will make them happy.