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UNCCT Annual Report

2019 Annual Report on the Fourth Year of the UNCCT 5-Year Programme

The "2019 Annual Report on the Fourth Year of the UNCCT 5-Year Programme" provides a comprehensive overview of all UN Counter Terrorism Centre's?Programmes and Projects implemented in 2019, including their substantive and financial performance.

In 2019, UNCCT organized 95 capacity-building workshops and expert level meetings, engaging over 5,000 individuals. Responding to Member State demands and both Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, UNCCT also launched new programmes and expanded existing ones in priority areas such as countering the financing of terrorism, youth engagement, cybersecurity, victims of terrorism, upholding human rights while countering terrorism, mainstreaming gender, and countering terrorist use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear material.?

? [2018]

Handbook Children affected by the foreign-fighter phenomenon: Ensuring a child rights-based approach

Following the territorial collapse of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in particular, increased attention has been focused on foreign-fighters and their families returning to their countries of origin or travelling to a third country. Thousands of children are among them. This Handbook lists practical guidance towards such children while also taking obligations under international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law into account.
This publication is available in: AR | EN | FR | RU

Handbook on Human Rights and Screening in Border Security and Management

Policies and procedures around border security and management are wide ranging and raise a variety of issues related to human rights. This Handbook focuses on specific human rights issues around policies and processes for screening and assessing individuals at international borders in the context of counter-terrorism.

Available in: AR | EN | FR 

Pocketbook on Human Rights and Screening in Border Security and Management

Screening procedures at borders play an important role in identifying and intercepting individuals suspected of traveling to participate in terrorist acts. This Pocketbook looks at border security and management, international law and respecting and protecting human rights of every individual while taking measures to counter terrorism.

Available in: AR| EN | FR

The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices

"The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices" Prepared by CTED with the financial support of UNOCT/UNCCT within the framework of the CTITF Working Group on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure including Vulnerable Targets, Internet and Tourism Security, chaired by INTERPOL.
This report is available in: EN

United Nations Compendium of recommended practices for the responsible use and sharing of biometrics in counter-terrorism

This compendium provides a high-level overview of biometric technoly and operating systems within the context of counter-terrorism.

Available in: EN | RU