Jeffrey Wright presents UNDEF's work for Prisoners of the Caucasus

UNDEF celebrity Board member Jeffrey Wright came into the UN studios to present Prisoners of the Caucasus, .
The UNDEF project in the Caucasus works for the effective use of non-custodial and early release measures to challenge the overuse of imprisonment, help decrease in the prison population and build proportionate responses to crime. It is helping develop a probation system in Armenia -- currently completely lacking there -- while supporting community service and early release through parole.
Known for his roles as Felix Leiter in 007 films Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, Valentin Narcisse in Boardwalk Empire and Beetee in The Hunger Games, Jeffrey Wright is also Vice Chairman of Taia Lion Resources, a mineral exploration company operating in Sierra Leone, and founder chairman of Taia Peace Foundation, Taia Lion Resources’ not-for-profit social development arm, which focuses on building a replicable model for extractives that focuses equally on mineral rights and human rights.