Strengthening local governance accountability in Kosovo*

An UNDEF Kosovo* project works to engage civil society in monitoring to advance transparency and accountability in local governance. Coordinated by the , the project works in 14 municipal assemblies across all seven regions of Kosovo -- Prishtina, Mitrovica, Peja, Gjakova, Prizren, Ferizaj and Gjilan. It trains civil society groups in monitoring local assemblies and in implementing actual monitoring and civic action exercises, including issue identification; holds town hall meetings; and elaborates public issue papers. The civil society groups then conduct advocacy campaigns in their respective municipalities, and work to strengthen the civil society network across Kosovo. The project groups 11 civil society organizations: Serbian Democratic Youth, Iniciativa për Zhvillim Lokal, Mundësia, Prehja, Shoqata Gazetarëve, Polis, Koha, Shoqata e Intelektualëve te Pavarur, Elita-Viti, Fortesa, and Bashkohu Edhe Ti. UNDEF Deputy Head Mikiko Sawanishi visited the project in October 2014, and is pictured here in Gračanica with project implementers Jetmir Bakija of the Kosova Democratic Institute and Marko Trajković of Serbian Democratic Youth.
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)