Strengthening public dialogue on human rights in Jordan

UNDEF funds a project in Jordan to foster a more informed public dialogue on human rights through strengthening media. It works for high quality journalism on human rights-related issues; holds on-air forums actively informing and engaging the public; builds media skills, tools and communications strategies including new information and communication technology to increase citizen participation and collect data relevant to local human rights issues. The project develops educational material that will last beyond the scope the project, and trains journalists to both use the new skills in their daily work as well as share them with colleagues. Designed to ensure sustainable impact, the project is implemented by Journalists for Human Rights together with a coalition of leading local academic, media and civil society partners, such as the Jordan Media Institute and Community Media Network. UNDEF Programme Officer Christian Lamarre (pictured, right) visited the project in Amman in November 2015 and met with head trainer Mohammad Shama.