Technology empowers Liberia's rural women

An UNDEF-funded project in Liberia works to empower rural women by providing speedy information and networking opportunities via radio and mobile technology. Implemented by the Liberia Women Media Action Committee, the radio-to-mobile service makes broadcasts of Liberia Women Democracy Radio, LWDR 91.1 FM, available via cellphone and on line, reaching women in forests and mountainous rural areas. This helps them engage on issues related to their human rights, economic and political advancement and governance processes.
The project recently released a baseline survey report on women’s access to information. The report was launched by Liberia's Deputy Minister for Policy, Planning & Technical Services, Mardia Martin Wiles (pictured), and made available to the general public, media, women’s groups and other stakeholders. The project also officially launched its radio-to-mobile platform and first dialogue on coverage of women’s issues in the media.