UNDEF supports LGBT rights in Bolivia

A documentary on Bolivian transgender rights was recently screened in La Paz at the forum “Progress and Challenges relating to the human rights of the LGBT community”. The documentary was produced as part of the UNDEF funded project “Building an Inclusive Democracy through Knowledge-building and Dialogue on LGBT rights”. Implemented by the NGO, the project goal is to enhance the leadership and advocacy skills of the Bolivian LGBT community and develop a political agenda to include LGBT rights in Bolivian law.
The screening was attended by civil society organizations, social movements and state authorities in La Paz. Entitled “Nacer” (literally meaning “Born Again”), this documentary describes the background to the Gender Identity Law in Bolivia. Stories are told through the voices of advocates for this law who describe the challenges they faced lobbying for the law and describe how it was finally enacted as the Gender Identity Law 807 in May 2016. The law protects transgender people’s right to legally change their genders.
The documentary can be viewed on this