



Formatted note transcribing title(s) and statements of responsibility, if any, as they appear on the contents area of the title page or the table of contents. (Unformatted, free-text notes describing or summarizing contents of a work are recorded in the Summary/Annotation Note (tag 520).

Place a period at the end of the 505 field.

In current UNBIS practice, only complete contents are recorded in field 505 (partial contents may be cited or described in a General Note field 500). The first indicator value in field 505 is always 0, and the second indicator value is blank ( _ ). The first indicator values 1 and 2 denoting incomplete and partial contents are not used in UNBIS records.

Click on the following links to go to specific information:
1. Contents notes for works that are complete in one volume
2. Contents notes for works that are not complete in one volume
3. Contents notes for addendum titles
4. Repeats of tag 505
5. Transcription of titles and sequential designators
6. Punctuation
7. Tables of contents from online sources

1. Contents notes for works that are complete in one volume
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When a document or publication is complete in one volume, indexers use judgement in recording Contents Notes. It is recommended to add a Contents Note when a work has a useful table of contents with meaningful, distinctive chapter titles, especially when the document contents are not clear from the title, or when the title is very general and does not reflect the specific topics covered. In some cases, listing document contents in tag 505 may be a useful alternative to formulating a Summary/Annotation Note (tag 520).

Contents Notes should not be recorded if the contents are evident or implied from information provided elsewhere in the description (such as title or other note fields) or if transcribing the full contents does not provide significant information. Significant partial contents may be specified in a General Note (tag 500) instead of transcribing the full contents in tag 505, as shown in the two following examples:

Example 1:

245 10 $a Report of the Working Group on Situations to the Human Rights Council on its 2nd session
500 $a "Decisions of the Working Group on Situations": p. 2-6.
505 0_ $a Election of officers, adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the session – Decisions of the Working Group on Situations -- Adoption of the report.
[In the above example, it is not useful to list the entire document contents in tag 505; the presence of decisions adopted by the Working Group may be identified in a General Note (tag 500) instead of recording the full contents in tag 505]


Example 2:

245 10 $a FDI in tourism : $b the development dimension : East and Southern Africa
500 $a Includes country case studies on Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius and Uganda.
505 0_ $a pt. A. FDI and tourism in East and Southern Africa – pt. B. Country case studies.
[In the above example, it is not useful to list the document contents, since the topic of the report is clear from the title in tag 245; the presence of country case studies may be identified in a General Note (tag 500) instead of recording the full contents in tag 505]

2. Contents notes for works that are not complete in one volume
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When a document or publication is not complete in one volume but issued in separate volumes or as separate addenda, the contents of each volume or addendum should generally be recorded in a Formatted Contents Note. This occurs commonly, for instance, in the case of draft sessional reports of UN bodies that are issued in a sequence of addenda containing specified chapters of the report.


Example 1:

099 $a UNH $b DHU $c UNU/WIDER(02)/N148/v.1-2

245 10 $a War, hunger and displacement : $b the origins of humanitarian emergencies / $c edited by E. Wayne NafZiger, Frances Stewart and Raimo Väyrynen

505 0_ $a v.1. Analysis – v. 2. Case studies.

[Monograph published in 2 volumes]


Example 2:

191 $a TD/B/43/L.2/Add.3
245 10 $a Draft report of the Trade and Development Board on its 43rd session

505 0_ $a ch. 3. Other matters in the field of trade and development – ch. 4. Procedural, institutional, organizational, administrative and related matters.

[Addendum to draft sessional report containing specified chapters of the report]

3. Contents notes for addendum titles
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When an addendum to a document bears a specific addendum title in addition to the title of the main document, it is customary practice to record the addendum title in a 505 Formatted Contents Note instead of in the 245 Title field.

When a corrigendum to an addendum bears an addendum title in addition to the title of the main document, record the word corrigendum not only at the end of the title in tag 245 but also at the end of the addendum title in tag 505.

Example 1:

191 $a E/CN.4/2002/95/Add.2
245 10 $a Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons, Francis Deng : $b addendum
505 0_ $a Profiles in displacement : Indonesia.
[The addendum bears a specific title which is entered in the Contents Note 505]

Example 2:

191 $a A/CN.4/L.608/Add.1/Corr.1

245 10 $a Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 53rd session : $b corrigendum

505 0_ $a ch. 5. Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts : corrigendum.

[Specific addendum title transcribed in Contents Note 505 followed by subtitle "corrigendum"]

4. Repeats of tag 505

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It is possible to record a second tag 505 in the same bibliographic record.

For example, when an addendum title is recorded in tag 505, and the addendum has contents with significant distinctive titles, consider recording the specific addendum contents in a second Formatted Contents Note.


245 10 $a Global Registry created on 18 November 2004, pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement concerning the Estalishing of Global Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1). done at Geneva on 25 June 1988 : $b addendum

505 0_ $a Global Technical Regulation no. 7: Head restraints (established in the Global Registry on 13 March 2008). Appendix. Proposal and report pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 6.3.7 of the Agreement.

505 0_ $a Proposal to develop a Global Technical Regulation concerning head restraints (TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/13) -- Final progress report of the Informal Working Group on Head Restraints (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2008/55) adopted by AC.3 at its 22nd session.

[Specific addendum title transcribed in first repeat of tag 505 and titles of addendum contents transcribed in 2nd repeat of tag 505; all the addendum titles appear on the document title page]


When a table of contents consists of a chapter with significant subsidiary parts or subsections, the chapter title may be listed in the first repeat of tag 505 and the subsections listed in an added repeat of tag 505.


245 10 $a Draft report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 60th session

505 0_ $a ch. 3. Specific issues on which comments would be of particular interest to the Commission.

505 0_ $a A. Reservations to treaties – B. Responsibility of international organizations – C. Protection of persons in the event of disasters.

5. Transcription of titles and sequential designators

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Volume numbers, part numbers or other sequential designations present on the item are enumerated in the contents note using Arabic numerals and standard AACR2 abbreviations: v., pt., ch.

Chapter numbers may be omitted from works that are complete in one volume, in accordance with current cataloguing practice, although volume and part designators are generally retained. When reports are issued in separate addenda that contain different chapters of the report, chapter numbering is generally included in contents notes unless the numbering is irregular or complex.

Transcribe titles in tag 505 as they appear except for capitalization and punctuation. Capitalize the first letter in the title of each part, chapter or subsection. Do not abbreviate words except for volume, part and edition designators (v., pt., ch., ed., rev.). Transcribe ordinal numbers as Arabic numerals (1st, 2nd, etc.) unless they are the first word in the title, in accordance with UNBIS rules for transcribing titles (1st, 2nd, etc.). Apply the same rules for transcribing statements of responsibility in tag 505 as those for tag 245, i.e. preceded by a space-slash-space, omitting titles of address, etc. In case of more than 3 persons in a statement of responsibility, apply the cataloguing "rule of 3" and record only the first name followed by [et al.].

Example 1:

191 $a E/CN.4/2002/200(PartII)
245 10 $a Commission on Human Rights : $b report on the 58th session
505 0_ $a ch. 1. Draft resolutions and decisions recommended for adoption by the Economic and Social Council -- ch. 2. Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Commission at its 58th session.
[The number «fifty-eighth» is spelled out on the document, it is transcribed in 245 and 505 as Arabic numeral «58th»; «chapter» is transcribed as «ch.»]

Example 2:

191 $a UNIDIR/2001/23
245 10 $a Disarmament as humanitarian action : $b a discussion on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the UNIDIR
505 0_ $a pt. 1. Humanitarian action in an increasingly militarized environment / Soren Jessen Petersen -- pt. 2. Small arms proliferation : a humanitarian concern / Martin Griffiths -- pt. 3. Nuclear disarmament is humanitarian action / Randall Forsberg.
[Appears as «Part 1»; transcribed as «pt. 1»]

Example 3:

191 $a [E/]ECE/HBP/152
245 10 $a Generations & Gender Programme : $b concepts and guidelines
505 0_ $a Generations and gender survey : concept and design / Andres Vikat ... [et al.] -- The contextual database of the Generations and Gender Programme / Martin Spielaue -- Guidelines for survey fieldwork and panel maintenance / Andrej Kveder.
[Monograph complete in one volume, so chapter numbers are omitted; 13 author names listed for ch. 1 are replaced by [et al.]]

6. Punctuation

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Use standardized punctuation to separate titles in tag 505:

  • Period follows each part or chapter designator and is placed at the end of field 505: ch. 1. Title – ch. 2. Title.
  • Colon space (: ) precedes a dependent title or the title of a subsection (e.g., the title of a chapter following the title of a part, or the titles of annexes preceded by the heading Annex: or Annexes:). Capitalize the first letters in both the title and the dependent title: Statistical annex: Data on the least developed countries.
Notice the different punctuation for dependent titles in tag 245 and tag 505:

245 10 $a Draft decision III/6, General issues of compliance
505 0_ $a Draft decision III/6: General issues of compliance.

  • Double dash ( -- ) separates titles of chapters or parts: Title – Title – Title.
  • Space semicolon space ( ; ) separates titles of subsections following a section title or common title, or chapter titles following a part title: pt. 1. Title: Chapter title ; Chapter title ; Chapter title – pt. 2. Title: Chapter title ; Chapter title.
  • Space colon space ( : ) separates title of part/chapter and its subtitle. The first letter in the subtitle is not capitalized: Title : subtitle.
  • Space slash space ( / ) precedes statements of reponsibility

The following example shows how a table of contents with complex numbering may be recorded in tag 505. A table of contents appears on a publication as:

Part 1: Competing in a changing Europe
Chapter 1.1: The economics of the "European Neighborhood Policy": an initial assessment
Ms. Susanne Milcher, Poverty and Economic Development Specialist, and Ben Slay, Director, Bratislava Regional Centre, the United Nations Development Programme [subsequent statements of responsibility are omitted from this example]
Chapter 1.2: The evolving European trade environment
Chapter 1.3: Financing for development in the UNECE region: the issues facing South-east Europe
Chapter 1.4: South-east European Cooperation Process
Chapter 1.5: Establishment and further development of the GUAM Organization
Part 2: Integrating regional markets: trade facilitation and ICT
Chapter 2.1: Eastern European digital modernization
Chapter 2.2: Reducing technical barriers to trade: regulatory convergence and harmonization - the case of the telecommunications industry

In recording the Contents Note in tag 505, chapter numbering is omitted and part numbering retained. Parts are separated by a double hyphen, chapter titles are separated by semi-colons, terms of address and affiliation are omitted from statements of responsibility:

pt. 1. Competing in a changing Europe: The economics of the "European Neighborhood Policy" : an initial assessment / Susanne Milcher and Ben Slay ; The evolving European trade environment / Pétur G. Thorsteinsson ; Financing for development in the UNECE region : the issues facing South-East Europe / Leonardo Baroncelli ; South-East European Cooperation Process / Doru Romulus Costea ; Establishment and further development of the GUAM Organization / Oleh Napov -- pt. 2. Integrating regional markets : trade facilitation and ICT: Eastern European digital modernization / Jaroslaw K. Ponder ; Reducing technical barriers to trade : regulatory convergence and harmonization : the case of the telecommunications industry / Lars Dittmer and Per Döfnäs ; Unifying the European payments landscape / Marc Temmerman ; The European Union : new frontiers, new issues / Innovative Trade Network (ITN) and COTECNA -- pt. 3. Integrating regional markets : promoting competitive, sustainable agriculture and international food supply chains: Implications of European Union enlargement for agricultural trade / Alan Matthews ; Facilitating trade in agricultural products in the UNECE region / Lorenza Jachia.

7. Tables of contents from online sources

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When tables of contents are available online, a link to the table of contents may be provided in tag 856 instead of recording the table of contents in tag 505. The second indicator value is 2 and the phrase Table of contents is entered in subfield $3 of tag 856.


099 $a UNG $g GUN $c UNU(02)/T365
245 10 $a War in our time : $b reflections on Iraq, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction / $c Ramesh Thakur
856 42 $3 Table of contents $q PDF $u http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0712/2007009549.html

However, bear in mind that recording the complete table of contents in tag 505 may be preferable to providing a link in tag 856 to the table of contents online, to allow searching by author names and text in the bibliographic record.

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 6 July 2009