



See for types of numbering and publishing irregularities and peculiarities notes recorded in field 515.

For UN documents a 515 Numbering Peculiarities Note is required when a corrigendum is issued, when an addendum is issued adding to sponsors of a draft resolution, or when a document is withdrawn, cancelled, replaced or superseded (this usage deviates from MARC 21 description of field 515). Record a brief note in 515 subfield $a describing the specific nature of the corrigendum.

Use standardized abbreviations and terminology in references to the location of information on documents, e.g.: ch., p., para., pt., pts., t.p., masthead [for the area at head of title page with the UN logo on the left and document symbol block on the right], head of title [for the area below the masthead and above the title].

Place a period at the end of the Note field.

Notes about preceding and succeeding relationships between serials are recorded in tag 780 or 785.

Examples of Peculiarities Notes for UN documents:

515 $a Corrects text.
515 $a Corrects title and text.
515 $a Corrects meeting dates.
515 $a Corrects document symbol to: [E/ECE/]MP.EIA/2001/17.
515 $a Corrects document symbol citations in text.
515 $a Corrects language information in masthead.
515 $a Corrects date in symbol block of masthead.
515 $a Replaces table on p. 13.
515 $a Replaces p. [1].
515 $a Inserts new para. 2 bis.
515 $a Title corrected by: E/CN.4/2002/25/Corr.1.
515 $a Document symbol corrected by: [E/ECE/]ENVWA/2/Corr.1.
515 $a Document withdrawn.
515 $a The draft resolution was withdrawn by its sponsor in the light of the adoption of draft resolution A/C.3/62/L.16/Rev.2 (A/62/433(Part II)).
515 $a The draft resolution was not adopted (10-1-4) owing to the negative vote of a permanent member of the Council (United States) (S/PV.5488).
515 $a Supersedes document ST/IC/2004/7 and Add.1.
515 $a Superseded by ST/SGB/2005/5.
515 $a Additional sponsors: Belarus, China and Cuba.

515 $a
Adds Qatar to the list of participants.
515 $a Corrects information at head of title.

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 19 June 2009