



Tag 190 contains two types of information recorded separately in subfields $b and $c.

$b - the value of the Series Symbol field (tag 690) stripped of brackets. Used for sorting purposes and for producing a heading in a publication.

The symbol of the series separated into its component parts by slashes. Component parts not printed on the document are supplied for purposes of sorting a body within its hierarchical structure.

$c - identification of the session number or year of a UN body, for creating a link with the documents file for purposes of supplying heading and table of contents entries for the United Nations Documents Index. Recorded in standardized form as established by the agency.

Alphabetic codes may follow the session number or year to specify the type of session, e.g.: org for "organizational session" (-0 is used for organizational sessions of series symbol E/); -A for "annual session" (used with series symbol DP/); -S for "substantive session"; sp for "special session"; emsp for "emergency special session"; inf for "informal session".

Subfield $c is required for a document with sessional information.


190 $b A/WGAP/
690 $a [A/]WGAP/

190 $b E/ECE/TRANS/WP.30/
690 $a [E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/

190 $b ST/DPI/
690 $a [ST/]DPI/

190 $b UNTSO/
690 $a [UNTSO/]

Sessional records do not contain Series Symbol tag 690:

190 $b TD/B/ $c 3sp
[3rd special session]

190 $b A/ $c 10emsp
[10th emergency special session]

190 $b CD/ $c 2004

190 $b DP/ $c 2002-A
[annual session]

190 $b A/AC.251/ $c 2002-S
[substantive session]

190 $b E/CN.18/ $c 2001org
[organizational session]

190 $b E/ $c 2000-0
[organizational session]

When different meetings under the same series symbol are held during the same year, they are differentiated by a number following the year and a hyphen:

190 $b E/ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/ $c 2008-1
190 $b E/ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/ $c 2008-2
[Meetings of the same body held in different venues and on different dates in 2008]

When a conference is held in several parts over a number of years, the year of the first part is followed by a hyphen and the number of the part. An entry is also made for the conference as a whole:

190 $b TD/RUBBER.2/ $c 1985
[UN Rubber Conference held 1985-1987]

190 $b TD/RUBBER.2/ $c 1985-1
[1st part of UN Rubber Conference, held in 1985]

190 $b TD/RUBBER.2/ $c 1985-2
[2nd part of UN Rubber Conference, held in 1986]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld
Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements
may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2004-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 1 July 2009