

996 VOTE NOTE - Local


  • Subfields
  • How to import votes

      In the voting records of the General Assembly resolutions adopted with vote and Security Council resolutions, tag 996 is used to record the number of «Y±ð²õ» and «N´Ç» votes and abstentions on a particular resolution.

      This tag is not used for General Assembly resolutions adopted without vote .

        Subfields Back to the top

          $a - voting summary note
          $b - «yeas» votes
          $c - «nays» votes
          $d - abstentions
          $e - non-voting
          $f - total members

        The workform of the Security Council voting record (Vote-S) is defaulted to the «Y±ð²õ» vote. It should be changed according to the actual vote on the resolution.


        996 $b 14 $c 000 $d 000 $e 001 $f 15
        [Voting on Security Council resolution S/RES/1483(2003)]

        996 $b 13 $c 000 $d 002 $e 000 $f 15
        [Voting on Security Council resolution S/RES/1454(2002)]

        996 $b 000 $c 000 $d 002 $e 000 $f 15
        [Voting on Security Council resolution S/RES/1248(1999) - adopted without vote]

        The votes for resolutions adopted by the General Assembly are imported to Horizon from the voting machines.


        996 $b 167 $c 1 $d 8 $e 15 $f 191
        [Voting on General Assembly resolution A/RES/58/91]

        How to import votes on General Assembly resolutions adopted with vote from the voting machine

        Back to the top

        The voting information is stored in «V:°À³Ò´¡°À±¹´Ç³Ù±ð°À» . The voting information on the latest resolution is usually in the last text file with a numeric name.
        For example: «V°¿°Õ·¡³å0620.³Ù³æ³Ù» contains voting information on General Assembly resolution 58/245.

        To import the votes:

        1. Copy the latest vote file from V:\GA\vote\ to c:\voterec. Note the vote file number 0620 to use it in the next step.

        2. Open MS-DOS and change directory to «v´Ç³Ù±ð°ù±ð³¦»:

        3. Type «p°ù±ð±¹´Ç³Ù±ð» «s±è²¹³¦±ð» and the number of the vote file
        (See step 1)

        And wait for a normal termination of the process.

        4. After the normal termination change directory to «v´Ç³Ù±ð±è°ù±ð±è» and write down the record ID (the voting record ID number which is picked up by the system from the s:\adhoc\recordid\voterec.txt (see tag 035)). For example, V0009836.

        5. Exit MS-DOS.

        6. In Horizon - cataloguing module:

        1. Choose File from the navigation bar and then Import and input the following information:
          • Import File - c:\voterec\vote.iso
          • Import Source - catadd
        2. Click OK
        7. In Horizon - Votepac Search:
        Search by record ID that was written down during the voteprep process in MS-DOS, e.g. V0009836 (See step 4). Open the voting record.
        • Correct the title in tag 245.
        • Add tag 269.
        • Add tag 791.
        • Add remaining of meeting document symbol (A/../PV.) to tag 952.
        • Change tag 991.
        • Add tag 999.

        Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
        © United Nations 2004-2009. All rights reserved

        Last updated: 24 April 2008