
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Links

Below are links to Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) that deal with oceans and the law of the sea.  Whenever possible, these links point to a specific ocean and law of the sea-related page within a web site.

Note: This Site contains links and references to third-party web sites. The linked sites are not under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The United Nations provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by the United Nations.

Entries are in alphabetical order by full name.

- Advisory Board on the Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea  
Provides advice and guidance and, where applicable, offers expert interpretation of the hydrographic, geodetic and other technical aspects of the Law of the Sea to the parent organizations (International Hydrographic Organization (), the International Association of Geodesy () and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission ()), their member States or to other organizations on request.

- Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea  
Assists governments in research, policy formulation, awareness campaigns to reduce marine oil pollution; list of publications, full text newsletter 

ACS logo

San Pedro, California; oldest whale conservation society - international conferences, teaching materials, publications, latest developments, cruises, adoption programmes, fact sheets on killer, northern right and other whales

Coastline statistics


- Biodiversity Conservation Network, Fiji

Information on prospecting for chemicals with medicinal potential, in particular in Fiji, which has one of the best developed coral reef systems in Pacific; bioprospecting agreements by University of South Pacific and BCN with local communities

- Center for Marine Conservation

Description of programmes,  suggestions for action

Center for seafarers' rights seamen's church institute, seafarer, seamen, mariner, legal aid, maritime law, CSR, mariners' rights, advocacy, seamen's advocacy, legal assistance, referrals, marine - Center for Seafarers' Rights
Legal research, education, advocacy and assistance for seafarers; membership directory, members' bulletin 

the coral logo: CORAL LOGO

Financial and technical support for coral reef conservation, educational resources

- Council on Ocean Law
Reference center for U.S. position on law of the sea; U.S. Congressional speeches, government policy statements and reports, conference proceedings, discussion papers, articles

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Research activities and information on oceanography and marine environment; cruises, expeditions, conferences, publications 

Chasing El Niño

- NOVA Online documentary, Public Broadcasting System, U.S.
1998 El Niño, El Niño events over time, glossary, books

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – fisheries management and protection, toolkit for "Safeguarding Fisheries", newsroom; world maps of most threatened fisheries; publications 

- Friends of the Earth International  
Campaigns to protect Antarctic biodiversity, and promote sustainable, environmentally sound shipping; FoEI quarterly magazine 

Greenpeace -   
Campaigns against overfishing, pirate fishing, Southern Ocean whaling, marine pollution; reports and press releases

Inalogo01.jpg (5261 bytes)

- Institute of Nautical Archaeology, USA

Gathers knowledge of human past  from physical remains of maritime activity and disseminates through scholarly and popular publications, seminars and lectures; information on field projects, virtual museum of nautical archaeology, publications 

- International Boundaries Research Unit, University of Durham, U.K.
Delimitation, demarcation and management of international boundaries on land and sea; sample full text and abstracts of publications; international boundary database

- International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, Canada
Research, information exchange, policy analysis and advocacy to promote sustainable development; sustainable development communications network, full text articles and publications on sustainable use of ocean and coastal ecosystems

- International Marine Mammal Association
Marine mammal conservation; books, articles, reports, information packages on by-catch of pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, etc.), dolphins and porpoises; marine protected areas 

- International Marine Minerals Society
Promote and improve the understanding of the origin, distribution, mining, processing, development, and economic assessment of mineral deposits within the province of the global ocean; meeting and conferences schedules

Training programmes, publications, research, conferences and seminars; newsletter, bibliographical information for Ocean Yearbook.


Monitors and protects health of world's oceans by equipping yachts and other vessels and platforms around the world with a sophisticated ocean and weather monitoring module 

- NOVA Online documentary, Public Broadcasting System (PBS), U.S.
Deep-sea vent mineralogy and processes, biodiversity of deep ocean ecosystems, history of deep diving vehicles

(from United Nations system EarthWatch)
Information on islands, geographic characteristics, ecology, population, shoreline length and type, endangered species found on islands, distance from land 

(from United Nations system EarthWatch)
Access to information on islands and small island developing States (SIDS) especially from within the United Nations system 

ABA network

- American Bar Association Section of International Law
Membership of Committee listed with contact information, free e-mail subscription to newsletter of Committee activities and discussions 

Living Oceans

, National Audubon Society, USA

Policy analysis, education, outreach


- Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Symposiums, workshops, courses, news stories

- National Underwater & Marine Agency,  USA
Non-profit, volunteer foundation dedicated to preserving our maritime heritage through the discovery, archaeological survey and conservation of shipwreck artifacts; initiating and supporting projects designed to uncover and explore historically significant shipwrecks; public information programs, archaeological reports and data on technical expertise 

NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council
Programmes on ; and   

Conservation of whales and their environment; education programmes, streaming video of dolphins and whales

Restoration, preservation of marine habitats; coral reefs, marine mammals, coastal habitats, fisheries 
Oceanwatch Logo
Education and outreach for marine conservation; listing of US marine-related legislation

Links to federal, provincial and territorial government sites dealing with the oceans; policy and legislation, industry, monitoring and protection; comprehensive links page 

[Oceans and Coasts]

- World Resources Institute
Marine management, marine biodiversity, coastal ecosystems, reefs, facts and figures 

- Project AWARE Foundation
Diving community programmes to preserve aquatic environments and resources;  protection of sharks

Worldwide shark conservation and awareness  programmes

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Scientists and divers; divers' surveys; reef database; maps

coral reefs

Reef health monitoring campaigns, Caribbean area

Status of reefs worldwide; reefs classified by threat from humans; technical notes on risks; reef maps 

Click to go to the home page

, The Nature Conservancy
Establishment of marine conservation areas, funding of biodiversity studies, primarily in the United States


Marine conservation organization; conferences, newsletters, other events

SOS Mer Propre

(Clean Seas)

Foundation Nicolas Hulot's campaign to promote clean seas and waterways among the citizens of Europe, especially in France.  "Plan of Action", local activities.

- Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
Information on SCOR's working groups and affiliated programmes in marine science - ocean dynamics, ecosystems, sea level, bathymetry, chemistry, climate.  Its members are the national committees for oceanic research of its thirty-seven member countries.

Promotes protection, conservation and study of seals, sea lions and walruses; pinniped reference database


Resources and solutions in support of sea turtle conservation and research; newsletter; symposium information, bookstore; also contains full text of  

Site of the Pew Charitable Trust; ocean newsletter and news items, calendar of events, e-mail updates on ocean issues (including U.S. ocean legislation), extensive listing of U.S.-based environmental groups (by state) 

Turtle Trax

Information on sea turtles and how to protect and nurture them

 fastest dolphin, swimming with dolphins, whale watching, pictures of dolphins, dolphin gifts, whale gifts, bottlenose dolphin, dolphin facts, whale facts, largest whale, rarest whale, adopt a dolphin, adopt a whale, whales and dolphins, whale sounds, scientific whaling, killer whale, blue whale, rarest dolphin, save the whale, river dolphins, out of the blue, wild dolphins, adopting a dolphin, adopting a whale, pictures of whales, ban whaling, pictures of whales, dolphin, dolphins, whale, whales, whaling, cetacean, dolphine, wales, wdsc, dolfin, wahle

Charity for protection of dolphins and whales, world news concerning these mammals, species guide

- World Conservation Union
Programmes coordinating conservation and management of marine biodiversity in cooperation with regional and country offices.  International organization concerned with environmental conservation works with local communities to promote responsible use of resources.

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