
A collage of two pictures. The first shows three students standing together and smiling at each other in a classroom. The second image shows a young blind man and a young blind woman from Burundi, sitting on a bench, talking and laughing.
Left: Ukranian students at an education complex for Deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Right: Gloria (right) and Jean-Claude (left), from Burundi, in conversation at university.
Photo:UNICEF/2019/Kharkiv/Anna Markel | ? UNHCR/Antoine Tardy


Secretary-General’s Report

When launching the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy in June 2019, the Secretary-General stated that the United Nations should lead by example and raise the Organization’s standards and performance on disability inclusion-across all pillars of work, from headquarters to the field.  

To track progress on steps taken by the United Nations system to mainstream disability inclusion and implement the Strategy, the Secretary-General submits an annual system-wide report to the General Assembly. The report establishes recommendations for the system to do more, and lays down concrete steps to support to Member States to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, contributing to a more inclusive United Nations for all.

Image of the cover of the 2001 report

Since 2019, the system-wide reports have shown how disability inclusion has been progressively embedded into the operations and programmes of 132 United Nations country teams and United Nations entities – the agencies, funds and programmes, offices and departments, and other related organizations of the United Nations.

The fifth report analyzes the continued actions underway by an increasing number of entities and 132 country teams across the programmes and operations of the United Nations in 2023. Building on five years of implementation, this year’s report reflects on the progress made to advance disability inclusion, highlights new or continuing challenges and opportunities presented through the Strategy’s implementation, and emphasizes key areas of focus needed to continue mobilizing the system towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable world for all.

Access the report for the 2023 programme year

Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy

The report is also available in the following accessible formats:


Logo of the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy