
UN Messengers of Peace

After UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s cease-fire appeal issued by on 23 March, United Nations Messengers of Peace added their voices to entreat governments and armed groups to pull back hostilities and allow the creation of corridors for life-saving aid. As reports of the virus multiply in conflict zones, the likelihood of humanitarian catastrophe looms too large. Add your support by signing the !

Secretary-General António Guterres

Secretary-General António Gutteres has renewed his call for an immediate global cease-fire of 23 March to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. He provided an update on the broad international support with which this appeal has been greeted, the response by conflict parties in a number of situations of armed conflict and the efforts on the ground by United Nations representatives and other actors to press forward and try to consolidate fragile advances towards laying down weapons. The UN Messengers of Peace have added their support. "We need to do everything possible to find the peace and unity our world so desperately needs to battle COVID-19," Mr. Guterres emphasized in his renewed appeal.

Two deminers at work in Western Sahara.

The General Assembly 4 April as the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action to protect people in countries where mines and explosives constitute a serious threat to the lives of the civilian population. For over 20 years, the work of the (UNMAS) has been driven by the needs of civilians, peacekeepers and humanitarians affected by the threat of explosive hazards. UNMAS continues its work during .

The recent sentencing of militia members in the Central African Republic for the 2017 killing of civilians and peacekeepers, has sent a strong message that impunity will not be tolerated.

The recent sentencing of militia members in the Central African Republic for the 2017 killing of civilians and peacekeepers, has sent a strong message that impunity will not be tolerated.

New York City spends far more on its fire, police and the prison system than the entire budget of the United Nations.

Around the world children serve as soldiers in armed conflicts. are victims, whose participation in conflict has serious consequences for their physical and emotional well-being. The General Assembly adopted the in order to protect children from recruitment and use in hostilities. The anniversary of its entry into force, 12 February 2002, is marked as the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers, also known as Red Hand Day. Let’s .

Stefana Marginean kneels beside her son for a photo-op as she places her UN-Security hat on his head.

Graduation Ceremony for an All Female New UN Security Officers

Somalia could provide valuable "lessons learned for other mission set ups," according to the UN police commissioner there. In New York for UN Police Week, Meinolf Schlotmann, Police Commissioner of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (

Caught in the Cross Fire, Armenia's Border Communities Reinvent Themselves

Major Seynabou Diouf of the Senegal National Police has been selected as the 2019 United Nations Female Police Officer of the Year.

Strengthening Protection: 20 Years of Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping

policemen planting trees

The United Nations attaches great importance to ensuring that action on the environment is part of , peacekeeping and peacebuilding strategies, because there can be no durable peace if the natural resources that sustain livelihoods and ecosystems are destroyed. On 5 November 2001, the UN General Assembly 6 November of each year as the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict.

Lasting Peace and Mine Action

It is well known that violent conflict disproportionately affects women and girls and intensifies pre-existing gender inequalities and discrimination. Women are also active agents of peace in armed conflict, yet their role as key players and change agents of peace has been largely unrecognized.  was the first resolution that acknowledged the contributions women and girls make to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peacebuilding and highlighted the importance of their equal and full participation. Since then, the Security Council meets every year on the anniversary of its adoption, 31 October.