UN Digital Library reaches 1 million metadata milestone
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library is celebrating the creation of over one million bibliographic metadata units in the UN Digital Library.

Anticipatory action in Bangladesh before peak monsoon flooding
In July, with monsoon rains descending on Bangladesh, the Centre for Humanitarian Data supported OCHA and partner organizations to act before disaster hit.

Real Life Heroes: building trust, and saving lives
Marie-Roseline Bélizaire, a doctor and epidemiologist with WHO, is using her passion for community medicine to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the Central African Republic (CAR).

Amid COVID-19, UN commitment to peace ‘more urgent than ever’
COVID-19 threatens not only hard-won development and peacebuilding gains but also “risks exacerbating conflicts or fomenting new ones”, the Secretary-General told the Security Council.

The United Nations Guide to Model UN is here!
The new book is the official guide for Model United Nations student leaders and advisors to best simulate how the UN operates.

Ways to enjoy the outdoors during COVID-19
The UN Bookshop has launched online sales of SDG gifts just in time to make your physically distanced outings a little more enjoyable.

Visitors Services launches virtual tours and online briefings
UN staff members are invited to take a UN Virtual Tour free of charge on the second Friday of every month at 11:00 am.
2020 Informational meetings with Member States

“We Are All In This Together” UN Stamps Support Frontline Workers
The UNPA is issuing stamps today, 11 August, entitled “We Are All in this Together – Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19".

Guterres outlines bold steps for education disrupted by COVID-19
Describing education as “the key to personal development and the future of societies”, the Secretary-General issued recommendations to get children back in the classroom in a policy brief.

UNDP Report: Temporary basic income could slow COVID surge
“Unprecedented times call for unprecedented social and economic measures...This might have seemed impossible just a few months ago.” - UNDP Chief Achim Steiner

New ECOSOC President outlines focus on pandemic, SDGs and climate
Now is the time to implement policies and commitments to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, achieve the SDGs, and implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Munir Akram told 'UN News'.

New Remote Access to Library Resources for Permanent Missions
In response to inquiries from Permanent Mission staff, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library has created a platform for staff and delegates to access the Library’s subscription resources remotely.

Explore 75 years of UN history through 75 key documents
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN, the Library has unveiled an online exhibit of key documents that have shaped international relations and led to remarkable changes in the lives of people.