Morning Session (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) |
H.E. Mr. Askar Beshimov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Daniel Ionita, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
Humanitarian statement on behalf of 156 countries - (Austria, on behalf of)
H.E. Mr. Sebastian Kurz, Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
Statement |
H.E. Ms. Lynne Yelich, Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular)
Statement | Statement |
H.E. Mr. Leszek Soczewica, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
H.E. Mrs. Roksanda Ninčić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
Czech Republic
H.E. Mr. Jakub Kulhánek, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe
Statement |
H.E Ms. Maureen M. Hinda, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - (Myanmar, on behalf of)
H.E. Mr. U Kyaw Tin, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) - (Jamaica, on behalf of)
H.E. Mr. E. Courtenay Rattray, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Ms. Laura E. Flores H., Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Och Od , Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
Arab Group - (Bahrain, on behalf of)
H.E. Mr. Jamal Fares Alrowaiei, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
New Zealand
H.E. Ms. Dell Higgie, Ambassador for Disarmament, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Statement |
Afternoon Session (3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) |
European Union
H.E. Mrs. Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission
Statement |
United Arab Emirates
H.E. Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of State
Statement | Statement |
H.E. Mr. Andreas Mavroyiannis, Ambassador, Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Statement |
H.E. Ms. María Cristina Perceval, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement | Statement |
H.E. Ms. Bénédicte Frankinet, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement | Statement  |
H.E. Mr. Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Y. Halit Çevik, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Ms. Sylvie Lucas, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Ms. Lourdes O. Yparraguirre, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Ms. Gillian Bird, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
Dominican Republic
H.E. Mr. Francisco A. Cortorreal, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva
Statement | Statement |
H.E. Ms. Susanne Rumohr Haekkerup, Ambassador for Disarmament, Non-proliferation, and Arms Control
Statement |
H.E. Mr. Klaus Korhonen, Ambassador for Arms Control
Statement |
Saudi Arabia
H.E. Mr. Abdallah Y. Al-Mouallimi, Permanent Representative, New York
Statement | Statement |
African Group - (Nigeria, on behalf of)
H.E. Mrs. U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative,
New York
Statement |
H.E. Professor Mrs. U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative,
New York
Statement |