
UN food systems envoy warns of double threat to food security in Africa
In an interview with Devex, UN Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata highlights that though 2020 was a year of generally good rain in Africa, which resulted in significant stability in food production, this luck could soon run out.

Choice and opportunity for African farmers will transform Africa
In an opinion piece for Inter Press Service, UN Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata highlights the need for futher support and investment for African farmers, and that agricultural transformation should be a key focus for the continent.

In an opinion piece for CNBC Africa, UN Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata explains why bolstering women’s role in the food system and supporting them as change agents can have broad and lasting benefits for our communities and environment.

IFPRI Signs MoU with Scientific Group on Research Cooperation
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Scientific Group of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Food Systems Summit signed a Memorandum of Understanding today establishing a framework for collaboration on research for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021.

UN Chief António Guterres announces that the UN Food Systems Summit is scheduled to take place in September 2021. The event will be held at UN Headquarters in New York, in conjunction with the next UN General Assembly.

UN’s Food Systems Summit hosts World Food Day 24-hour Global Relay Conversation
This #VoicesodFoodSystems 24-Hour Global Relay Conversation, hosted by the UN Food Systems Summit and in partnership with Future Food Institute, will be a highly interactive and relevant discussion for World Food Day, while also acting as the official launch of the Food Systems Summit Dialogues.

In an interview with UN News, Agnes Kalibata outlined her vision for a transformed international system that is more resilient, fairer, and less harmful to the planet.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres for Launch of World Food Week 2020
The systems that bring food to our tables have a profound impact on our economies, our health and the environment. Food systems are one of the main reasons we are failing to stay within our planet’s ecological boundaries. But they can also be the key to tackling the climate crisis, addressing soaring biodiversity loss and healthier societies.

Devex Q&A with Agnes Kalibata on building back a better food system
In the Q&A, Kalibata describes how the pandemic has exacerbated inequalities all over the world, including with regards to food and nutrition.

Global science experts convene for inaugural UN Food Systems Summit meeting
The first meeting of the UN Food Systems Summit’s Scientific Group has taken place. This Group of leading experts from across diverse disciplines including natural sciences, agronomy, ecology, natural resources, nutrition, and social sciences will inform the Summit’s content.

UN Chief and Special Envoy urge action to avoid global food emergency amid COVID-19
This “global food emergency” could see a doubling of the number of hungry people around the world.

Three global experts on ensuring food security in the era of COVID-19
In an opinion piece, three global food experts -- UN Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata as well as Thanawat Tiensin and Martin Cole of the Committee on World Food Security -- have described how the ongoing pandemic could unleash a crippling global food crisis. But they added that proactive policy measures can prevent the worst impacts.

UN Special Envoy: It’s time to mend our relationship with food
In an opinion piece for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, UN Special Envoy Agnes Kalibata has made the case for why we urgently need to fix the world’s food systems.

UN Secretary-General announces 2021 Food Systems Summit Special Envoy?
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has announced the appointment of Agnes Kalibata of Rwanda as his Special Envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit.