
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Overview Programme of work Fifth Committee of the General Assembly during the 56th session

Week of 15 to 26 October 2001

On Monday, 15 October, the Committee held its general discussion of the item on Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations. Eighteen delegations participated in the general discussion and views expressed on strengthening the application of Article 19 of the Charter were divided. In accordance with resolution 55/5-A, the General Assembly decided to change the procedure for the application of Article 19 of the Charter from the current gross to net approach to the net-to-net approach. Under this decision, Member States that pay on time would no longer subsidize those who chose to accumulate arrears. This item is under negotiations in informal consultations.

Also, on 15 October, the Secretary-General addressed the Committee to present his proposed programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 in the amount of $2,519 million. Thirty-nine delegations participated in the general discussion on this item. All commended the Secretariat for the timely submission of the report. Being the first proposed programme budget in the results-based budgeting format, all called for further refinement as needed, particularly in the area of indicators of achievement and evaluation. The part¨C by- part consideration of the various sections of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 are under active negotiations in informal consultations.

On Wednesday, 17 October, the Committee held a general discussion on ¡°Improving of the financial situation of the United Nations¡± on the basis of the presentation made by the Under-Secretary-General for Management, which has been issued as document A/56/464. Seventeen delegations spoke and most of them were at the Ambassadorial level. All appreciated the positive outlook presented by Under-Secretary-General, Mr. Joseph Connor, on the financial situation of the United Nations. Given the current international climate and the increased responsibilities that Member States are putting on the Organization, the case for a financially sound United Nations is more compelling than ever. The Committee was also provided with additional information by the Under-Secretary-General for Management regarding the receipt of payment made by the USA in the amount of $637 million and the payment of assessed contributions to the regular budget of four 4 Member States.

The Committee took up some of the issues relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001, in particular the question of Visitor¡¯s experience, information technology, profitability of commercial activities, and development account and concluded informal consultations on them. Action of the Committee on the draft proposals will be scheduled at a later meeting.

During the week of 22 to 26 October, the Committee held discussions on the item on ¡°Financial reports and audited financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors¡±; and on ¡°Pattern of Conferences¡±. The Committee, to date, has concluded its informal consultations on the ¡°Financial reports and audited financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors¡± and approved a draft resolution on it. this item. The item on Pattern of Conferences is in negotiation in informal consultations.

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