Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)
Agenda items - 58th Session - First part of the resumed session
?Main session | First part | Second part
Item 119
Review of
the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United
Nations |
A/58/708 A/58/725 A/58/439 |
Authority: resolutions 57/282, sect. IV, para. 3
58/268, para. 5 58/279 para. 3 56/279, para. 8 |
Item 120 |
Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 |
A/58/714 A/57/442 A/57/442/Add.1 |
Authority: decision 58/560 |
Item 121 |
Programme budget for the biennium |
A/58/729 |
, Authority: resolutions: 57/292, sect. II, para. 33 |
Item 127
resources management |
A/58/666 A/C.5/58/L.13 A/56/956 |
Authority: resolutions 45/239 47/226
sect. IV, para. 23 |
Item 129
Inspection Unit |
A/58/34 A/58/64 |
Authority: resolutions 55/230 |
130 |
Report of
the Secretary-General on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight
Services |
A/57/747 A/58/294 |
Authority: resolutions 48/218 B , 54/244 and 57/306, para. 12
B 54/244 48/218
B 54/244
Item 131
Financing of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the |
A/58/677 |
Authority: resolutions 48/218 B 54/244
paras. 2 and 3?
Item 132 |
Financing of the International
Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committee in the Territory of the Former |
A/58/677 |
, Authority: resolutions 48/218
B 54/244 57/289,
paras. 2 and 3? |
Item 134 |
Administrative and budgetary aspects
of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations |
A/55/697 A/58/723 |
Authority: resolutions 54/245, para. 8 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
57/323 ,???? Documentation |