Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)
Coordinators of the 61st Session - Second part of the resumed session
Item |
Title |
Coordinator |
116|117| 122|123| 132 |
Governance and Oversight | Mr. Karl VAN DEN BOSSCHE (Belgium) |
121 |
Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors | Mr. Hesham AFIFI (Egypt) |
128 |
Administration of Justice at the UN | Mr. Alejandro TORRES LEPORI (Argentina) |
129|130 |
Retention bonus for the ITY and ICTR | Ms. Edwina STEVENS (Australia) |
117 |
Programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007 | |
? | 每 SPMs (logical frameworks) | Mr. Alexios MITSOPOULOS (Greece) |
? | 每 INSTRAW | Ms. Elsa Cristina De Jesus PATACA (Angola) |
? | 每 Revised estimates from the Human Rights Council |
Mr. Anthony ANDANJE (Kenya) |
132 |
Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the UN peacekeeping operations | ? |
? | 每 Strengthening the capacity of the Organization in Peacekeeping Operations (Restructuring/Support account) |
Mr. Hesham AFIFI (Egypt) |
? | 每 Report of OIOS: Audit of DPKO management structures | |
? | 每 Crosscutting/overview | Mr. Klaus de RIJK (Netherlands) |
? | 每 UN Logistics Base at Brindisi | Mr. Alexios MITSOPOULOS (Greece) |
? | 每 Closed peacekeeping missions | Mr. Abraham QUEZADA (Chile) |
133 |
Financing of UN Operation in Burundi?(ONUB) | Ms. Karla Gabriela SAMAYOA-RECARI (Guatemala) |
134 |
Financing of UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire?(UNOCI) | Mr. Raffiz ALJUNIED (Singapore) |
135 |
Financing of UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus?(UNFICYP) | Ms. Carmen ? VILA (Panama) |
136 |
Financing of UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo?(MONUC) | Mr. Klaus de RIJK (Netherlands) |
138 |
Financing of UN Mission of Support in East Timor?(UNMISET) | Ms. Karla Gabriela SAMAYOA-RECARI (Guatemala) |
139 |
Financing of UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea?(UNMEE) | Ms. Sinikka KOSKI (Finland) |
140 |
Financing of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia?(UNOMIG) | Ms. Edwina STEVENS (Australia) |
141 |
Financing of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti?(MINUSTAH) | Mr. Muhammad Abdul MUHITH (Bangladesh) |
142 |
Financing of UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo?(UNMIK) | Ms. Elsa Cristina De Jesus PATACA (Angola) |
143 |
Financing of UN Mission in Liberia?(UNMIL) | Ms. Jasminka DINIC (Croatia) |
144 |
Financing of UN Peacekeeping forces in Middle East | ? |
(a) UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) |
Mr. Alejandro TORRES LEPORI (Argentina) | |
(b) UNI Force Interim force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) |
Mr. Alexios MITSOPOULOS (Greece) | |
145 |
Financing of UN Mission in Sierra Leone?(UNMAISIL) | Ms. Karla Gabriela SAMAYOA-RECARI (Guatemala) |
146 |
Financing of UN Mission in Sudan?(UNMIS) | Ms. Trine HEIMERBACK (Norway) |
147 |
Financing of UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara?(MINURSO) | Mr. Diego SIMANCAS (Mexico) |
151 |
Financing of UN Integrated Mission in Timor Leste?(UNMIT) | Mr. Alexios MITSOPOULOS (Greece) |