Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)
List of documents relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017
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Foreword & Introduction
Estimates of expenditure
PART I. Overall policy-making, direction and coordination
Section 1. Overall policymaking, direction and coordination
Section 2. General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management
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PART II. Political affairs
Section 3. Political affairs and special missions
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Section 4. Disarmament
Section 5. Peacekeeping operations• ,
Section 6. Peaceful uses of outer space•
PART III. International justice and law
Section 7. International Court of Justice
Section 8. Legal affairs
• ,
PART IV. International cooperation for development
Section 9. Economic and social affairs•
Section 10. Least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States•
Section 11. United Nations Support to the New Partnership for Africa's Development•
Section 12. Trade and Development
Section 13. International Trade Centre
Section 14. Environment
• ,
Section 15. Human settlements
Section 16. International drug control, crime prevention and criminal justice
Section 17. UN-Women
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PART V. Regional cooperation for development
Section 18. Economic and social development in Africa
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Section 19. Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific
Section 20. Economic and social development in Europe
Section 21. Economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Section 22. Economic and social development in Western Asia
Section 23. Regular programme of technical cooperation
PART VI. Human rights and humanitarian affairs
Section 24. Human rights
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Section 25. International protection, durable solutions and assistance to refugees
Section 26. Palestine refugees
Section 27. Humanitarian assistance
PART VII. Public information
Section 28. Public information
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PART VIII. Common support services
Section 29. Management and central support services
A. Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management
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B. Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts
C. Office of Human Resources Management
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D. Office of Central Support Services
E. Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT)
F. Administration, Geneva
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G. Administration, Vienna
H. Administration, Nairobi
PART IX. Internal oversight
Section 30. Internal oversight
PART X. Jointly financed administrative activities and special expenses
Section 31. Jointly financed administrative activities
Section 32. Special Expenses
PART XI. Capital expenditures
Section 33. Construction, alteration, improvement and major maintenance
PART XII. Safety and security
Section 34. Safety and security
PART XIII. Development Account
Section 35. Development account
• and
PART XIV. Staff assessment
Section 36. Staff assessment
Estimates of income
Income Section 1. Income from staff assessment
Income Section 2. General income
Income Section 3. Services to the public
Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017 of the Secretary-General
Additional Documents related to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017
- IAAC report on OIOS PPB 2016-2017
- Development account
- CPC Report
- Consolidated report on changes to the biennial programme plan
- JIU: Management and administration of OHCHR,
- JIU: Records and Archives Management ,
Special Subjects and Programme Budget Implications
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