
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Statements made during the 70th session of the Fifth Committee

Main Part | First Resumed Part | Second Resumed Part


Organization of Work


Other Matters

27th Meeting, 10 March 2016


Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors: Strategic heritage plan of the United Nations Office at Geneva and the progress in the handling of information and communications technology affairs in the Secretariat


Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations: Accountability


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Construction and property management: Progress on the implementation of a flexible wokrplace at UN Headquarters


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Construction and property management: Strategic capital review


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Managing after-service health insurance


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Organizational resilience management system


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Proposed United Nations Secretariat contribution to the United Nations Development Group cost-sharing arrangement for the resident coordinator system


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Revised estimates relating to the United Nations Monitoring Mechanism

29th Meeting, 17 March 2016

32nd Meeting, 24 March 2016


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council, in particular on thematic cluster I: special and personal envoys and special advisers of the Secretary-General: Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General


Programme budget for the biennium 2016-2017: Special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council, in particular on Thematic cluster II: sanctions monitoring teams, groups and panels, Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team stemming from resolutions 1526 (2004) and 2253 (2015) concerning ISIL (Da¡¯esh), Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities; and Implementation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)

27th Meeting, 10 March 2016

32nd Meeting, 23 March 2016


Human resources management

25th Meeting, 4 March 2016

31st Meeting, 21 March 2016


Joint Inspection Unit


Financing of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal tribunals: Construction Arusha branch


Closing of the first resumed part of the seventieth session


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