Reform of the Security Council
Intergovernmental negotiations - Seventy-second session of the General Assembly
- Letters from the President of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly:
- 30 October 2017: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 72nd Session
- 13 December 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs on the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 29-30 January 2018
- 18 January 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs concerning the rescheduling date and agenda of the first IGN meeting
- 16 February 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs confirming the second informal meeting of the IGN on 27 and 28 February 2018
- 23 March 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs confirming the third informal meeting of the IGN on 27 and 28 March 2018
- 25 April 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs circulating the document entitled "Revised Elements of Commonality and Issues for Further Consideration" and confirming the fourth informal meeting of the IGN on 1 - 2 May 2018
- 21 May 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs circulating the updated version of the document entitled "Revised Elements of Commonality and Issues for Further Consideration".
- 14 June 2018: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs on the final version of the document entitled: "Revised elements of commonality and issues for further consideration on the question of equitable representation on and increase ni hte membership of the Security Council and related matters"
- 28 June 2018: Transmission of the draft oral decision on Security Council reform to be presented for adoption at the plenary meeting of the General Assembly
- 30 October 2017: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 72nd Session