Reform of the Security Council
Intergovernmental negotiations - Seventy-third session of the General Assembly
- Letters from the President of the 73rd Session of the General Assembly:
- 21 November 2018: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 73rd Session
- 18 January 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs on the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 29-30 January 2019
- 18 February 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs on the second meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 25-26 February 2019
- 7 May 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs circulating the document entitled "Revised Elements of Commonality and Issues for Further Consideration"
- 7 June 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs circulating the final version of the document entitled "Revised elements of commonality and issues for further consideration on the question of equitable representation on and increase ni the membership of the Security Council and related matters"
- 14 June 2019: Transmission of the final version of the document entitled "Revised elements of commonality and issues for further consideration on the question of equitable representation on and increase ni the membership of the Security Council and related matters"
- 24 June 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs enclosing the draft oral decision on Security Council Reform
- 21 November 2018: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 73rd Session
- Letters from the Co-Chairs:
- 18 January 2019: Letter from the Co-Chairs on the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 29-30 January 2019
- 18 February 2019: Letter from the Co-Chairs on the second meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 25-26 February 2019
- 25 March 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs concerning the third informal meeting scheduled for the 4-5 April.
- 26 April 2019: Transmission of a letter from the Co-Chairs concerning the fourth informal meeting scheduled for the 1-2 May.
- 7 June 2019: Revised elements of commonality and issues for further consideration on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters
- 18 January 2019: Letter from the Co-Chairs on the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiations scheduled for 29-30 January 2019