
Reform of the Security Council

Intergovernmental negotiations - Seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly

At its seventy-sixth session, the General Assembly decided to immediately continue intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform in informal plenary of the Assembly at its seventy-seventh session, building on the informal meetings held at its seventy-sixth session, as reflected in the letter dated 16 May 2022 from the Co-Chairs, and on the document entitled ¡°Co-Chairs¡¯ revised elements paper on convergences and divergences on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters¡±, circulated on 19 May 2022, as well as the positions of and proposals made by Member States, reflected in the text and its annex circulated on 31 July 2015 (pdf), to help to inform its future work; convene the Open-ended Working Group on the Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council and Other Matters related to the Security Council during the seventy-seventh session of the Assembly, if Member States so decide; and include the item in the agenda of its seventy-seventh session (decision 76/572).

You will find below information about the informal meetings of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council.

9 March 2023

Morning meeting

You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting of 9 March in the player above (duration: 03:30:31).

Afternoon meeting

You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting of 9 March in the player above (duration: 3:29:41).

3 April 2023

Morning meeting

You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting of 3 April in the player above (duration: 03:34:49).

Afternoon meeting

You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting of 3 April in the player above (duration: 2:42:27).

4-5 May 2023

4 May, Morning meeting

You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting of 4 May in the player above (duration: 03:05:29).

4 May, Afternoon meeting

You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting of 4 May in the player above (duration: 03:32:41).

5 May, Morning meeting

You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting of 5 May in the player above (duration: 00:51:33).


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