Reform of the Security Council
At its seventy-seventh session, the General Assembly:
- decided to immediately continue intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform in informal plenary of the Assembly at its seventy-eighth session, building on the informal meetings held at its seventy-seventh session, as reflected in the letter dated 2 June 2023 from the Co-Chairs, and on the document entitled ¡°Co-Chairs¡¯ revised elements paper on convergences and divergences on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters¡± (pdf), circulated on 5 June 2023, as well as the positions of and proposals made by Member States, reflected in the text and its annex circulated on 31 July 2015 (pdf), to help to inform its future work;
- welcomed the agreement among Member States to enhance transparency and inclusivity of the process by introducing webcast for the first segment (debate) of the IGN meetings while the second segment (interactive discussion) remained closed, as well as the establishment of a specific website to act as a repository of the recordings of the webcasts, letters, decisions, and other documents related to the IGN process as well as links to the Member States' statements, as referred in the Co-Chairs' letter dated 3 March 2023;
- decided to convene the Open-ended Working Group on the Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council and Other Matters related to the Security Council during the seventy-eight session of the Assembly, if Member States so decide; and
- decided to include the item in the agenda of its seventy-eighth session (decision 77/559).
78th Session of the General Assembly
You will find below information about the informal meetings of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council.
13-14 December 2023
13 December, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 03:02:01) or consult .
13 December, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 02:24:54) or consult .
14 December, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 01:05:53) or consult .
22 January 2024
22 January, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 03:04:41) or consult .
22 January, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 02:23:30) or consult .
15 - 16 February 2024
15 February, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:50:43) or consult .
15 February, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 01:01:36) or consult .
16 February, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:48:44) or consult .
7 - 8 March 2024
7 March, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 03:00:41) or consult .
7 March, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 00:57:09) or consult .
8 March, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:40:38) or consult .
18 - 19 March 2024
18 March, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:58:10) or consult .
18 March, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 00:32:05) or consult .
19 March, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 03:06:56) or consult .
19 March, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the afternoon meeting in the player above (duration: 00:16:07) or consult .
15 April 2024
15 April, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 03:02:52) or consult .
20 May 2024
20 May, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:52:31) or consult .
20 May, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 01:59:20) or consult .
20 June 2024
20 June, morning meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 02:52:10) or consult .
20 June, afternoon meeting
You can watch the discussions of the morning meeting in the player above (duration: 00:52:01) or consult .
- Letters from the President of the 78th session of the General Assembly:
- 10 October 2023: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 78th Session
- 22 November 2023: Transmission of a letter from the Co-chairs on the programme of work in 2023-2024
- 2 August 2024: Transmission of a letter from the Co-chairs providing an overview on progress achieved in the 78th session and the revised Co-Chairs Elements Paper
- 23 August 2024: Draft oral decision to be presented for adoption to the General Assembly on 27 August under agenda item 125 "Question of the equitable representation on and increase in the memebership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council"
- 10 October 2023: Appointment of the Co-Chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations during the 78th Session
- Letters from the Co-Chairs:
- 30 November 2023: Letter from the Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of the L.69-Group, submitting the L.69 model for consideration by the IGN
- 21 December 2023: Information about the structured dialogue on individual proposals presented or submitted to the Co-Chairs, to be held on 22 and 23 January 2024
- 29 December 2023: Letter from the Permanent Mission of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan on behalf of the Group of Four (G4), submitting the G4 model for consideration by the IGN
- 11 January 2024: Letter from the Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of the L.69-Group, requesting the postponement of the L.69 model presentation
- 31 January 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs of the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the upcoming meetings
- 9 February 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a request for the postponement of the G-4 model presentation to 7-8 March 2024
- 27 February 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of Italy, in its capacity as Coordinator of the Uniting for Consensus (UfC) Group, submitting the UfC model for consideration by the IGN
- 29 February 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs about the upcoming IGN meetings
- 12 March 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs about the upcoming IGN meetings scheduled for 18 and 19 March 2024
- 22 March 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs circulating a ¡°FAQ¡± document on Liechtenstein¡¯s intermediate model for enlargement of the Security Council
- 28 March 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a letter from the Permanent Mission of Japan containing a link to ¡°Interactive Handbook of the Working Methods of the Security Council¡±
- 5 April 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the Revised Co-Chairs Elements Paper on Convergences and Divergences on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters
- 29 April 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the final version of the Revised Co-Chairs¡¯ Elements Paper on Convergences and Divergences on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters
- 1 May 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a draft text of the IGN contribution to the Pact for the Future
- 14 May 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a revised draft of the IGN input to the Pact for the Future and announcing the next IGN meeting scheduled for 20 and 21 May 2024
- 5 June 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the second revision of the IGN contribution to the Pact of the Future prepared by the IGN Co-Chairs
- 14 June 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the third revision of the IGN contribution to the Pact of the Future prepared by the IGN Co-Chairs
- 3 July 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the fourth revision of the IGN contribution to the Pact of the Future prepared by the IGN Co-Chairs
- 12 August 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the fifth revision of the IGN contribution to the Pact of the Future prepared by the IGN Co-Chairs
- 21 August 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting the final revised version of the IGN contribution for the Pact for the Future
- 23 August 2024: Letter from Co-Chairs transmitting a text on Actions regarding Security Council reform as negotiated in the IGN with the intention that this text is incorporated into the draft Pact for the Future
- 30 November 2023: Letter from the Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of the L.69-Group, submitting the L.69 model for consideration by the IGN