
Sixth Committee (Legal) ¡ª 69th session

Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country (Agenda item 168)


Summary of work

Background (source: )

The Committee on Relations with the Host Country was established by the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth session, in 1971 (resolution ). The Committee is currently composed of the following 19 Member States: Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, C?te d’Ivoire, Cuba, Cyprus, France, Honduras, Hungary, Iraq, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Russian Federation, Senegal, Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

At its , the General Assembly endorsed the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country contained in its report; requested the host country to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions imposed by it on staff of certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities; and requested the Secretary-General to remain actively engaged in all aspects of the relations of the United Nations with the host country (resolution ).

Consideration at the sixty-ninth session

The Sixth Committee considered the item at its 29th meeting, on 14 November 2014 (see ). The Vice- Chair of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country introduced the report of that Committee ().

Statements were made by the representatives of the European Union (also on behalf of its Member States. The candidate Countries the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, the country of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidate Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the Republic of Moldova and Armenia aligned themselves with the statement), Cuba, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America.

The recommendations of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country were endorsed and the host country was thanked for its efforts to accommodate the needs of the diplomatic community in various areas, including for the timely issuance of visas and obtaining suitable banking services necessary for the effective functioning of the missions. The fulfillment by the host country of its obligations, inter alia, under the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and the Headquarters Agreement was also reiterated.

Concern was expressed over alleged irregularities in the issuance of visas to diplomats of one State, emphasizing that the policy to restrict the movements of diplomats and international civil servants accredited to the United Nations was contrary to the Headquarters Agreement and to the customary rules of diplomatic law. While the efforts of the host country to accelerate customs and immigration procedures were noted, the importance of enhancing the preparation of police and security personnel, with the aim of guaranteeing diplomats’ privileges and immunities, was also highlighted. Frustration over the lack of appropriate banking services for one of the Missions to the United Nations and a hope that a speedy solution necessary for the effective functioning of the missions would be found was also expressed. The need to insure a better scheduling of this agenda item in the work plan of the Sixth Committee for the next year was emphasized.

It was stated that the realization of the principle of sovereign equality of all Member States of the United Nations to a certain extent depended on the equal opportunities of their representation to the United Nations. Concerns was expressed over the working methods of the Sixth Committee for this agenda item, stressing, inter alia, that the Report of the Host Country Committee should be completed reasonably in advance of its consideration in the Sixth Committee and it should reflect the concerns of all interested States. In order to better illustrate the activities of the Committee, it was proposed that the annual report should be accompanied by a matrix of the issues referred to it and under the consideration by the Committee, indicating also the related achieved results. The role of the Secretary-General in the implementation of the provisions of the Headquarters Agreement was stressed with reference to the General Assembly resolution 2819.?

The United States of America recalled the efforts made to assist delegations on various issues, including the securing of banking services, and confirmed the United States’ commitment to fulfil its obligations under international law and to continue to work closely with all missions to resolve issues that may arise in the future, even at bilateral level if they so prefer.

Action taken by the Sixth Committee

At the 29th meeting, on 14 November, the representative of Cyprus, on behalf of Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, C?te d’Ivoire, Cyprus and Trinidad and Tobago, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country” (). The representative of Canada requested the withdrawal of Canada from the list of sponsors of the draft resolution.

At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.6/69/L.19 without a vote.

Under this draft resolution, the General Assembly would, inter alia: request the host country to continue to solve, through negotiations, problems that might arise and to take all measures necessary to prevent any interference with the functioning of missions, to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions imposed by it on staff of certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities; note the concerns expressed by some delegations concerning the denial and delay of entry visas to representatives of Member States; note with concern the difficulties that continued to be experienced by some Permanent Missions to the United Nations in obtaining suitable banking services and welcome the continued efforts of the host country to facilitate the opening of bank accounts for those Permanent Missions; request the Secretary-General to remain actively engaged in all aspects of the relations of the United Nations with the host country and recall that the Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Committee issues of mutual concern relating to the implementation of the Headquarters Agreement and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations; and request the Committee on Relations with the Host Country to continue its work in conformity with General Assembly resolution .

Subsequent action taken by the General Assembly

This agenda item will be considered at the seventieth session (2015).

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