
Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 71st session

Schedule of informal consultations

Last update: September 8, 2017
Date Location Agenda item Draft resolution
7 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
10 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 108 Measures to eliminate international terrorism [convened by the delegation of Canada]
11 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 76 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its forty-ninth session [convened by the delegation of Austria]
12 October 2016
(10:00am 每 11:00am)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 82 Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives [convened by the delegation of Finland]
12 October 2016
(11:00am 每 12:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 81 Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts [convened by the delegation of Sweden]
12 October 2016
(3:00pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 145 Administration of justice at the United Nations
14 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
17 October 2016
(8:30am 每 9:30am)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 81 Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts [convened by the delegation of Sweden]
17 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 108 Measures to eliminate international terrorism [convened by the delegation of Canada]
18 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
18 October 2016
(3:00pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 145 Administration of justice at the United Nations, chaired by the coordinator Mr. Zoltan Turbek (Hungary)
19 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 82 Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives [convened by the delegation of Finland]
19 October 2016
(4:30pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 83 Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [convened by the delegation of Zambia]
20 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
21 October 2016
(12:00am - 1:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 86 The law of transboundary aquifers [convened by the delegation of Japan]
21 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 145 Administration of justice at the United Nations
21 October 2016
(5:00pm - 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 86 The law of transboundary aquifers [convened by the delegation of Japan]
24 October 2016
(9:00am 每 9:30am)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 77 United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law [convened by the delegation of Ghana]
24 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
26 October 2016
(9:00am 每 9:30am)
Economic and Social Council Chamber 85 The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction [convened by the delegation of Kenya]
31 October 2016
(8:30am 每 9:30am)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 74 Responsibility of States for international wrongful acts [convened by the delegation of Brazil]
31 October 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 81 Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts [convened by the delegation of Sweden]
31 October 2016
(3:00pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
1 November 2016
(8:30am 每 9:30am)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 74 Responsibility of States for international wrongful acts [convened by the delegation of Brazil]
1 November 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
1 November 2016
(6:00pm 每 7:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 78 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-eighth session [convened by the delegation of Peru]
2 November 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
2 November 2016
(3:00pm 每 6:00pm)
Economic and Social Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
3 November 2016
(12:00pm* 每 1:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
3 November 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 165 Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country [convened by the delegation of Cyprus]
3 November 2016
(6:00pm 每 7:00pm)
Economic and Social Council Chamber 74 Responsibility of States for international wrongful acts [convened by the delegation of Brazil]
4 November 2016
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 84 The rule of law at the national and international levels [convened by the delegations of Liechtenstein and Mexico]
4 November 2016
(3:00pm 每 4:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]
4 November 2016
(5:30pm 每 6:30pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 74 Responsibility of States for international wrongful acts [convened by the delegation of Brazil]
7 November 2016
(11:15am* 每 12:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber 83 Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization [convened by the delegation of Zambia]
7 November 2016
(1:15pm 每 )
Trusteeship Council Chamber 75 Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission [convened by the delegation of Pakistan]

* Approximate time (immediately following the adjournment of the plenary meeting)

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