Preservation Week and UN Oral History
Did you know that the UN Dag Hammarskjold Library offers a digital collection of oral history interviews and transcripts with senior UN officials and diplomats that offer insider views and personal perspectives on the Organization's work to maintain world peace? This is the UN Oral History Collection, a joint project of the UN Library and Yale University.

Digitization Update – Human Settlements
The global discussion on human settlements began as early as 1965 when the General Assembly identified inadequate housing as one of the most urgent problems necessitating immediate solutions and called upon all nations to mobilize resources and make strong efforts to improve the housing conditions for millions of people.
Researchers can now delve into the UN Conference on Human Settlements documentation which was recently digitized by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.

Tchattez avec nous !
Vous travaillez à domicile et vous avez besoin de trouver un rapport ou une résolution. Vous êtes bloqué car vous ne trouvez pas le document nécessaire. Vous avez besoin d'une réponse rapide. Arrêtez de chercher et commencez à trouver : tchattez avec les bibliothécaires des Nations Unies !

Chat with us!
In addition to answering questions by phone and email, the Library now offers an online chat service. From questions about UN document symbols or events in the organization’s rich history, we have already responded to over 2,000 queries.

Remote access to Library services
The United Nations remains open for business, and so does the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Digital services will now be offered remotely to our clients and the Reading Rooms are open for in person services again.

Digitization Update - World Conf on Women
In 1975, the First World Conference of the International Women's Year was held in Mexico City. The Conference marked the beginning of a new era of greater participation of women and girls in all aspects of social progress, development, and the search for peace, and urged Member States to recognize women’s rights and to develop policies to fully integrate women into all areas of life.
The Dag Hammarskjöld Library has now digitized the complete documentation of the Conference.

Dag Hammarskjöld Library by the numbers
2019 was a busy year for the Dag Hammarskjöld Library! Explore our diverse Library activities, resources and operations via our infographic.

Dag Hammarskjöld Library by the numbers
2019 was a busy year for the Dag Hammarskjöld Library! Explore our diverse Library activities, resources and operations via our infographic.

World Economy on the Cusp of a New Decade
On 23 January 2020, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library held this year’s debut Insight Series about the recently launched UN flagship publication World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020.

Library launches linked data services platform
How can we make the UN’s published output relevant for searchers? Linked data is structured data interlinked with other data, making it more useful (and discoverable) through semantic queries. The Dag Hammarskjöld Library is pleased to announce the launch of their new linked data services platform: .

Digitization Update - UN Energy Conference
Did you know that, long before the adoption of the 2030 Agenda which set ensuring access to affordable, sustainable and modern energy for all as one of its 17 sustainable development goals (SDG 7), the UN had already started exploring new sources of energy for sustainable development?
The UN Conference on New Sources of Energy, held in 1961 in Rome, Italy, discussed the applications of geothermal, wind and solar energy, as well as the means by which sustainable energy could be brought into wider use. The Dag Hammarskjöld Library has now digitized the complete documentation of the Conference on New Sources of Energy.

Need help finding UN budget documents?
As part of the management reforms proposed by Secretary-General António Guterres, the UN is switching from a biennial to an annual budget on a trial basis, beginning with the programme budget for 2020.
Since budget documents can be hard to find, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library has put together some tips on locating documents related to the proposed programme budget for 2020.

Latest Security Council Research Tool Online
We are pleased to announce that the 2018 edition of the Security Council Index to Proceedings has just been published and can be consulted online.
The Index to Proceedings gives insight into how various issues were brought before the Security Council for discussion and action, and which decisions were taken by the 15 Security Council members on questions of global concern.

Digitization Update - Conv on Climate Change
In February 1991 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change launched negotiations for an international treaty on climate change in Washington D.C. To offer an inclusive picture of the work of the Negotiating Committee during those formative years, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library has digitized official and unofficial foundation papers from its archives.

Partnerships for Development
Partnerships for Development – What Role for Libraries?
A panel of experts and policy-makers explored this question at an event organized by the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library in collaboration with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).