Submit Your Energy Compact
Energy Compacts are an inclusive process, open to all stakeholders including national governments, regions and cities, private sector companies, financial institutions, UN agencies and civil society organizations. Cross-sectoral thematic Energy Compacts with multiple partners are also welcome. All stakeholders are encouraged to develop and submit Energy Compacts at any time throughout the Decade of Action to achieve the SDGs, aligned to the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Follow these steps to formally express your Interest in the Energy Compacts:
- Download and complete the Expression of Interest.
- Submit your Energy Compact Expression of Interest form for review to the Energy Compact team by emailing your draft to and
- A small team of UN-Energy experts will get back to you and send you the details on the Energy Compact submission process and template.
In case of queries and for further information on the Energy Compacts submission process, please contact and
Join a Workshop
UN-Energy periodically hosts workshops for prospective Energy Compact proponents to learn more about the process and how to best develop actions and commitments. If you would like to join or co-host a workshop for your constituency, please contact us at
Sign up to receive regular news and follow us on to stay updated on events and other updates from us.
UN Energy appraises all Energy Compacts on a rolling basis. The UN Energy Compacts Team may place existing or new Energy Compacts on hold for further review if they do not meet the established principles and guidelines set by the United Nations for achieving the global goals by 2030 in line with climate goals by 2050. These decisions will be made with careful consideration to uphold the integrity and purpose of the Energy Compact initiative, ensuring alignment with the established objectives. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.