
Energy Compact Profiles


24/7 Carbon-Free Energy

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Green Hydrogen Compact Catalogue

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Coalition for Supporting Cities To Deliver Integrated Urban Energy Systems

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Gender and Energy Compact

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TO CHAMPION YOUTH MAINSTREAMING IN ENERGY COMPACTS to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition

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Just and Inclusive Energy Transition (JIET) Compact

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Member States


SDG7 Energy Compact of Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energies
  • Bolivia, until 2030, commits to achieve 100% electricity coverage with the extension of 2,977.20 km of transmission lines and the execution of renewable energy projects with a capacity of 2.07 GW
  • Build hydroelectric generation plants with a capacity of 1.45 GW
  • Implement and promote policies for the efficient and sustainable use of electrical energy
  • Develop and implement new technologies, such as lithium and green hydrogen, to accelerate the energy transition and replace the use of fossil fuels
  • Promote electromobility to reduce GHG emissions.


Renovabio Energy Compact
  • The RenovaBio Energy Compact aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the transport sector and ensure a long-term demand for low carbon fuels.
  • The CO2eq emissions reduction target of 620 million tons in the transport sector Brazil has set, will, among other benefits, further increase in 5% the share of renewables in the transport sector by 2030.


Chile towards Carbon Neutrality
  • Energy Access: 10.000 new households with electricity access 24/7 by 2022.
  • Renewable energy: Have a participation of 40% or renewable energy in the national electricity generation by 2030
  • Renewable energy - Green Hydrogen: Be one of the world's largest green hydrogen exporters by 2030
  • Renewable energy - Green Hydrogen: Produces the cheapest green hydrogen on the planet by 2030
  • Renewable energy - Green Hydrogen: Chile achieves carbon neutrality and green hydrogen applications account for 21% of GHG emissions reduction by 2050
  • Energy Efficiency: To reduce the national energy intensity by at least 10% by 2030, compared to 2019 through an Energy Efficiency Plan
  • Energy Efficiency: Companies with consumptions over 50 Tcal/year must improve the energy intensity consumption at least 4% according to the Energy Efficiency Plan.


Achieving carbon-neutrality in the energy sector of Colombia through the integration of renewable energies and the development of voluntary agreements with key stakeholders
  • The energy-mining sector of Colombia commits to reduce 11.2 Mton CO2 eq by 2030, through 7.73 Mton through diversification of the energy matrix.
  • 1.44 Mton through promoting energy efficiency.
  • 0.32 Mton through active energy demand management.
  • 1.71 Mton through and enhanced management of fugitive emissions.


Energy Compact of Denmark
  • Reduce national CO2-emissions by 70% in 2030 (compared to 1990)
  • 100% of the electricity from renewable energy by 2028.
  • Up-scale offshore wind by potentially up to 12 GW
  • Phase out of oil and gas extraction by 2050 and immediate end to new licensing rounds.
  • Increase climate finance to at least 500 million USD annually by 2023


Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy

Achieving SDG7 for Ethiopia in the Decade of Action
  • To achieve 100% Universal Electricity Access by 2030
  • To achieve 98,000 Biogas digesters for Clean Cooking Technologies by 2030
  • To increase the level of Renewable Energy in the energy mix from about 4,500 MW to about 20,000 MW by 2030, where the hydropower share will reduce from 92.8% to 72


Ethiopia Rural Energy Development & Promotion Center (EREDPC), Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE), Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC).

Ethiopia Energy Compact


    SDG7 Energy Compact of Germany
    • Germany aims to reach a 30% share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by 2030 and increase the proportion of renewable energy in total electricity consumption to 65% by 2030.
    • Germany aims to support partner countries in expanding the use of decentralized energy and innovative technologies, such as green hydrogen and PtX.


    • Honduras commits to ensure universal access electricity, adoption of clean cooking technologies and sustainable generation projects from renewable sources by 2030.
    • Honduras commits to implement the Energy Efficiency Policy, an Expansion Plan Standards and Projects for Energy Efficiency by 2030.
    • Honduras commits to guarantee transparency through data and digitization process from the energy sector by 2030.
    Honduras Energy Compact 1 - Universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern electricity promoting social economic development in Honduras


    SDG7 Energy Compact of the Government of Iceland
    • Domestically, Iceland aims to:
    • Become independent from use of fossil fuels at the latest by 2050 and carbon neutral by 2040. Renewable energy in transport will be at least 40% by 2030.
    • Take measures to improve energy efficiency and minimize energy waste.
    • Meet all energy needs of the country in a secure manner for the near and distant future.
    • Internationally, Iceland aims to:
    • Increase climate-related financing, focusing on the transition to sustainable energy.
    • Support countries in increasing the share of renewable energy and in transitioning to the circular economy through direct multiple use of energy, including for food production.
    • Help advance gender equality in the just transition to sustainable energy, including through technical training.


    Energy Compact of the Government of India
    • India commits to: Increase renewable energy installed capacity to 450 GW by 2030
    • Develop and implement National Hydrogen Energy Mission to scale up annual green hydrogen production to ~1 MT by 2030
    • Production Linked Incentive Scheme to add 10 GW solar PV manufacturing capacity by 2025
    • Create 15 MMT production capacity of compressed biogas (CBG) by 2024
    • Achieve 20% ethanol blending in petrol by Ethanol Supply Year 2025-26
    • Enhance energy efficiency in agriculture, buildings, industry and transport sectors and promote energy-efficient appliances/equipment to reduce India's emissions intensity of GDP by 33-35% over 2005 levels by 2030


    Indian Railways: On track to Net Zero
    • Mission Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2030.
    • Mission Railway Electrification by December 2023.


    Energy Compact of the Government of Indonesia

    Indonesia has unveiled its Energy Compact at the "Energy Compacts: Advancing Commitments towards SDG7 from Billions to Trillions" event. Indonesia¡¯s energy compact outlines specific targets for achieving SDG7 by 2030, including:

    • Increasing Renewable Energy Share: Indonesia aims to raise the share of new and renewable energy in the total primary energy supply from 12.3% in 2022 to an ambitious 23% by 2029. This includes a substantial increase in solar and wind power capacity installations, targeting up to 5.3 GW, a significant jump from the 0.4 GW recorded in 2022 including identified investments of USD 5 billion for projects in pipeline
    • Improving Energy Intensity: The nation plans to enhance the energy intensity of its economy, targeting a reduction from 133.9 SBM/Mil Rp in 2021 to 125.96 SBM/Mil Rp by 2030.
    • Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: Indonesia aims to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector. The goal is to transition from 358 Mton CO2e (self-efforts) to 446 Mton CO2e (conditional with interventions) by 2030, aligning with the global objective of achieving net-zero emissions by 2060.

    To realize these targets, Indonesia acknowledges the need for substantial financial commitments, estimating a requirement of around USD 272.7 billion to meet the conditional targets set for 2030.


    Italian Green Hyrogen Compact
    • Introducing hydrogen in the in the hard to abate industries, heavy transport in line with the global SDG targets
    • Hydrogen as a complementary vector in the energy mix, according to ??¨´no competition with other renewables??¨´ concept
    • To ensure a fair and inclusive opportunity to LCD countries sharing new capacity building towards a bright future.


    Japan's efforts to achieve SDG7
    • Japan will develop capacity building and investment of network utilities in developing nations by 2030
    • Japan will increase percentages of renewable in the electricity generation mix by 2030 and thereafter to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
    • Japan will promote energy efficiency in developing nations


    Kenya's Energy Compact on Clean Cooking
    • Kenya Commits to achieving Universal Access to Modern Energy Cooking Services by Rural and urban households, institutions and small commercial enterprises by 2028
    • Providing requisite policy and regulatory environments to enable accelerated transition to modern energy cooking services
    • Champion for establishment of an international Day for clean Cooking.


    SDG7 Energy Compact of the Republic of Lebanon
    • Lebanon commits to:
    • generate 30% of its electricity demand in 2030 from renewables,
    • adopt a new legal framework for renewable energy,
    • establish??modern laws to insure a faster transition towards??sustainable energy,
    • use??renewables to increase access of its population to affordable and??secure energy sources especially in rural areas


    ODD7 Energy Pact of the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEH) - Madagascar
    • The MEH undertakes to
    • Install off-grid solar parks, or a form of modern lighting for the Malagasy population
    • Provide households with efficient cookstoves using appropriate fuels
    • Massively deploy quality solar kits in areas where grid extension is not yet feasible or profitable
    • Ensure the hybridization of power generation plants through the use of solar, wind and hydroelectric
    • Promote the use of renewable energies in new electricity production in Madagascar
    • Improve the electrical and thermal energy efficiency of Malagasy businesses and industries
    • Sensitize households to the use of energy-saving stoves
    • Ensure the use of legal and sustainable forest resources for household wood needs
    • Adopt energy efficiency measures in the electricity consumption of public administrations
    • Adopt energy efficiency laws and measures on electricity consumption through the use of low consumption light bulbs and electrical equipment
    • Provide the country with an energy efficiency policy that will cover all categories of consumption
    • Ensure the implementation and monitoring of international conventions and agreements in the field of Energy that the Republic of Madagascar has ratified
    • Encourage local and foreign private investment in the renewable energy sector
    • Promote the results of research in the field of renewable and innovative energies for sustainable development (economic, social, environmental, cultural, technological)
    • Support scientific research on innovative projects in the field of promoting renewable energies
    • Actively participate in COPs for energy aspects.


    Ministry of Energy and National Cookstove Steering Committee (NCSC)

    Transformation in the Decade of Action: Toward Universal Access to Cleaner Cooking Solutions for All Malawians.
    • Malawi, conditional on climate finance, targets:
    • universal access to cleaner cooking for households & institutions, phasing out open fires by 2030, with 2-million cleaner cookstoves reached in 2021-2025
    • renewable & well-managed bio-fuels, complemented with a diversity of alternatives
    • massive investment in building human capacity and in cleaner cooking value chains
    • Investment >$596 million


    Mauritius Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Compact
    • Mauritius Commits to:
    • Achieve 60% of renewables in the electricity mix by 2030.
    • Reduce electricity demand by 10% with 2019 as base year
    • Phase out the use of coal for electricity production by 2030
    • Reduce the country's GHG emission by 40% by 2030.

    National Secretariat of Energy-Republic of Panama

    Biomass and Waste Utilization in Panama
    • Create a presentation to engage foreign green energy technology companies.
    • Contact companies to present biomass investments opportunities in Panama, minimum of 20 given presentations and 2 MOU signed.
    • Connect with agricultural unions to research their experience with biomass projects, energy efficiency, waste production, and general concerns that can be linked to SDG 7.
    • Create a report of biomass utilization projects in Panama and share the diagnosis of biomass in Panama with the public.
    • Involve small-scale farmers by educating in ways to incorporate new technologies and practices in their operations.


    Nauru's National Energy Compact
    • Achieve 50% electricity generation from renewable sources by 2023;
    • Achieve a 30% improvement in energy efficiency by 2030 (from a 2021 baseline);
    • Electrification of 20% of the vehicle fleet by 2030 (from a current baseline of 0%);
    • Full implementation of this Compact requires technical and financial support.


    SDG7 Energy Compact of Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Government of Nepal: A next Decade Action Agenda to advance SDG7 on sustainable energy for all, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
    • By 2030, ensure 15% of the total energy demand is supplied from clean energy sources
    • By 2030, ensure 25% of households use electric stoves as their primary mode of cooking
    • By 2030, expand clean energy generation from approximately 1,400 MW to 15,000 MW of which 5-10% of the clean energy generated will be generated from mini and micro hydro power, solar, wind and bio-energy
    • Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) will be 90% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 60% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric rickshaws and electric-tempos)
    • Install 500,000 improved cookstoves, specifically in rural areas
    • Install an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants.


    NL Energy Compact
    • Through the SDG7 decade of action, over 25 Dutch parties will support access to clean cooking for 45 million people, access to electricity based on renewable energy for 100 million people, and double job opportunities in the energy transition for women and youth.


    Nigeria Energy Compact
    • Nigeria's flagship commitment is to electrify 25 million people across 5 million homes by 2023 using solar technologies and creating 250,000 jobs.
    • Nigeria also commits to giving 30 million homes access to clean cooking and energizing agriculture, textile production, cold storage etc. using gas as a transition fuel.


    Innovtion Contests to Promote Sustainable Development Goal 7 and the Energy Transition in Panama


      Portugal - Compact on Green Hydrogen
      • Portugal commits to:
      • achieve 47% of RES in gross energy consumption by 2030;
      • incorporate 80% of RES in electricity sector, 20% in transport sector and 49% in heating and cooling sector by 2030;
      • have, by 2030, at least 2 to 2,5 GW of electrolysis installed capacity;
      • use 2 to 5% of green hydrogen in the industry energy consumption;
      • inject 10 to 15% of green hydrogen in the natural gas grid by 2030;
      • reduce in 35% the primary energy consumption by 2030
      • accelerate exit from coal to 2021


      Ministry of Infrastructure and Ministry of Environment of Rwanda

      SDG7 Energy Compact of Rwanda
      • At least 80% of the rural population phase out open fires by accessing modern efficient or alternative cleaner fuels and cooking stoves technologies
      • At least 50% of the urban population use modern efficient cook stoves or cleaner cooking fuels, such as LPG, pellets, briquettes, electricity or green charcoal
      • Reduce institutions' demand of wood biomass for cooking and heating through supporting and encouraging institutions to use alternative improved cooking technologies with emphasis on Electricity, LPG and Green Charcoal
      • Reduce the consumption of wood for charcoal by improving the efficiency of charcoal production and its value chain
      • Increase supply of woody biomass through improved sustainable management of woody biomass resources and agroforestry promotion

      Sierra Leone

      SDG7 Cleaner Cooking Energy Compact of Sierra Leone
      • Increase the use of LPG to an adoption rate of??25% as an alternative to wood fuel??
      • Ensure??all??households??to??have access to energy-saving cooking solutions.
      • Promotesustainable??production of wood fuels??
      • Convert organic waste??(municipal and agri waste) to energy??for??domestic cooking??fuel.
      • Increasethe efficiency of most??biomass stoves??to aminimum??of??20% (Tier 2 stove??efficiency)
      • Increase??energy efficiency??on the??production of charcoal??by 40%.
      • Imposed??tax on charcoal sale and enforce the 1988 forestry Act on deforestation
      • Regrow 40% of the total forestry being depleted under the current practice of??deforestation for biomass energy use
      • Promote nation-wide awareness raising throughadvocacy??on the environmental and??health effect of deforestation and dirty cooking
      • Ban the illegal and uncontrolled logging of trees for biomass (firewood and charcoal) in??and around urban areas

      Solar Heat in Public Hospitals

      Solar Heat in Public Hospitals
      • Government commits to reach 1 million m2 of solar collectors in residential, hotel, public, health and industrial sectors by 2050
      • Government commits to install 416 m2 of solar collectors in three large public hospitals by 2022 and save 118 TonCO2 per year
      • Government commits to have solar water heaters in all 924 health institutions by 2050 and save 2.019 TonCO2 per year
      • Solar thermal is included as a technological choice for hot water in the Energy Transition Agenda.

      United Arab Emirates

      UAE leads on global climate action through green economy plans
      • UAE commits to provide 100% of UAE population with access to electricity by 2030
      • UAE commits to population primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking by 2030
      • UAE commits to generate 2.5 GW from solar energy in building sector by 2030
      • UAE commits that energy efficiecy in (building, manufacturing, transportation) sectors will be 24% by 2030

      United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

      SDG7 Energy Compact of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
      • This Compact outlines measures being taken to reduce emissions in the UK by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels and to improve global ambition on energy transition and energy access.
      • Internationally, the UK will double its International Climate Finance (ICF) to at least ??11.6 billion between 2021/22 and 2025/26

      United States of America

      U.S. Energy Compact
      • Produce more than 80 percent of the United States' electricity from clean energy sources by 2030.
      • Support emerging economies in achieving ambitious climate action, such as by supporting India in accelerating its renewable energy deployment to meet its goal of 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030.
      • Improve access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa by adding 35 million new electrical connections for households and businesses by 2030.
      • Phase out new DFC carbon-intensive investments by 2030, leading to net zero emissions in its portfolio by 2040.


      Republic of Zambia Energy Compact
      • The Republic of Zambia commits to:
      • achieving universal urban electrification (11.4 million people) and increasing rural electrification to 50% by 2030 (6.1 million people)
      • deploying 900,000 cooking stoves by 2025 (4.5 million people)
      • meeting 30% of Zambia's energy needs with renewable energy (excluding large hydro) by 2030
      • decreasing energy intensity by2%/year over the 2019-2030 period

      UN & Intergovernmental Organizations

      Central American Integration System ¨C SICA

      Improving Energy Efficiency through Central American Technical Regulations

      SICA member countries commit to improving energy efficiency in the different consumption sectors:

      • through the approval and implementation of Central American Technical Regulations (CATR) for energy efficiency;
      • through the implementation of programs for the development of technical and institutional capacities and energy efficiency standards certification

      Central American Integration System ¨C SICA

      Promotion of renewable energy for electricity generation

      SICA member countries commit to promoting the use of renewable energy for electricity generation:

      • through studies for the rehabilitation, modernization and optimization of existing hydroelectric power plants and hydroelectric potential;
      • through the estimation of participation of renewable energy in the regional expansion plan and identification of potential projects

      Central American Integration System ¨C SICA

      Reduction of fuelwood use

      SICA member countries commit to increasing access to clean cooking solutions:

      • through programmes that promote greater penetration of improved cookstoves and LP gas and contribute to the reduction of the region's consumption of fuelwood for cooking at the household level;
      • through programmes that encourage the creation of companies for and training on the construction, installation and maintenance of improved cookstoves

      Central American Integration System ¨C SICA

      Support and strengthening of non-conventional renewable energy

      SICA member countries commit to supporting further deployment and strengthening of non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE), especially geothermal, solar, wind and modern biomass technologies:

      • through greater capacity of interconnected electricity systems in the face of the intermittency of NCRE;
      • through the identification of areas with high NCRE potential for heat and power generation using geospatial systems

      Central American Integration System ¨C SICA

      Universal Access to Electricity

      SICA member countries commit to achieving universal access to electricity services:

      • with special attention to remote communities or communities with environmental restrictions for connection to electricity transmission networks;
      • through network extensions, isolated systems, distributed generation systems, and microgrids; and
      • through sustainable governance and business models for power systems and productive uses that are fair, equitable and inclusive


      European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

      SDG7 Energy Compact for EBRD Green Cities
      • EBRD's flagship Green Cities programme commits to achieving the following by 2023:
      • 50 Green City Action Plans (GCAPs)
      • ~EUR 1.9 billion in Green Cities priority investments
      • Ramping up annual energy savings to >2 million GJ
      • Addressing GCAP-identified environmental challenges through three investments per city, on average.


      United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

      Advancing SDG7 on sustainable energy for all in the Asia Pacific region - a decade to transform Asia-Pacific's energy systems
      • Double the Asia-Pacific investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency from 2018 levels by 2025
      • Increase the use of renewable electricity and energy efficiency in ESCAP's secretariat building
      • Prepare SDG 7 roadmaps for 18 member States and 6 subnational jurisdictions
      • Support member State efforts to develop and agree upon a regional grid master plan by 2025 to support integration of more renewable energy.

      European Commission & International Energy Agency

      SDG7 Energy Compact of the European Commission and the International Energy Agency (IEA) : National zero-emission energy roadmaps by 2050

        European Commission and IRENA

        Energy Compact on the development of Regional Energy Transition Outlooks
        • European Commission will cooperate with International Renewable Energy Agency to develop Regional Energy Transition Outlooks for
        • the European Union,
        • each of African regions,
        • Regional Energy Transition Outlook for Latin America and Caribbean
        • as well as to support the implementation of the Regional Energy Transition Outlook developed for Central and South-East Europe. Regional Energy Transition Outlooks would provide qualitative and qualitative elements to guide progress toward the achievement of SDG7, while ensuring the alignment with the 1.5-degree pathway.

        Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)

        Supporting a sustainable, just transition to modern renewable bioenergy
        • GBEP commits to support a transition to sustainable modern bioenergy with:
        • the implementation of the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy, also thanks to the Rapid Implementation Framework Handbook that will support countries with limited resources in measuring and monitoring the sustainability of their domestic bioenergy sector
        • dedicated capacity development events and study tours involving all stakeholders

        Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network

        Energy Compact of the Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network
        • ITAIPU: USD5 million capacity development; USD400 million electrical transmission improvements Paraguay / Brazil
        • CANAL: efficiency increases 6.8%; investments EUR 80 million
        • ASAZGUA: covering minimum 30% Guatemala electricity demand (three dry-months/year) with renewables; increasing ethanol production 20%; develop new biofuel
        • ASAZGUA / CANAL: expanding renewable electricity generation to 100% of demandation to 100% of demand

        Green Hydrogen Compact

        Denmark , Chile, Germany, Brazil, European Commission, IRENA, World Economic Forum , COP26 High Level Champions, Global Environment Facility, Bloomberg NEF

        Multi-Stakeholder Green Hydrogen Compact
        • The Catalogue so far consists of 29 Energy Compacts from governments, subnational governments, intergovernmental organizations, private sector companies and coalitions, and the number continues to rise
        • The commitments total 268 GW of new renewable energy capacity by 2030 (more than the total new renewable energy capacity added in 2020)
        • The commitments also include a total of 129 GW of new electrolyzer capacity by 2030
        • More than 25 million tonnes of green hydrogen

        International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

        Supporting Member States in their Clean Energy Transition
        • IAEA commits to
        • Offer capacity building assistance to Member States (MS) in energy systems analysis and planning
        • Provide technological support (including peer reviews and advisory services) to MS operating or planning Nuclear Power Plants, ensuring their safety, security, sustainability and peaceful use
        • Continue to support women's education in nuclear science through the MCSFP Fellowship.

        International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

        Project Facilitation to Unlock Renewable Energy Investments
        • IRENA commits to mobilise USD 3 billion for financing and implementation of low carbon and climate-resilient renewable energy projects to contribute to achieving the global energy transition by 2030
        • IRENA commits to conduct annual investment forums as project- financier matchmaking events across all 141 IRENA regions and facilitate at least 100 projects towards investment readiness by 2030
        • IRENA commits to provide technical assistance and capacity building to improve the renewable energy project development ecosystem in IRENA Member States with a geographical focus on SIDS and LDCs by 2030.

        International Solar Alliance (ISA)

        ISA Energy Compact for achieving SDG7 through Global Solarization
        • Facilitate access to clean energy with focus on vulnerable communities in LDCs and SIDS
        • Reduce Carbon Emissions by 1,000 Million Tonnes by unleashing energy transitions through deployment of over 1,000 GW of solar generation capacity
        • Mobilize over USD 1,000 billion by 2030 towards solar investments.

        Powering Past Coal Alliance and UN-Energy on behalf of partner governments

        SDG7 Energy Compact for No New CoalPower
        • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; Republic of Chile; Kingdom of Denmark; French Republic; Federal Republic of Germany; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Montenegro commits to:
        • Immediately cease issuance of new permits for unabated coal-fired power generation projects
        • Cease new construction of unabated coal-fired power generation projects as of the end of year


        Renewable Energy for Latin America & the Caribbean

        SDG7 Energy Compact of RELAC: Ministries of Energy of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
        • Achieve 70% renewable energies participation in the installed capacity and electricity generation in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030
        • Establish a climate action platform that groups together Latin American and Caribbean countries and international organizations to accelerate carbon- neutrality of electricity systems

        Renewable Energy for Peacekeeping

        Renewable Energy for Peacekeeping
        • UN peacekeeping missions will scope a portfolio of 3 potential renewable energy projects each as part of their energy supply assessments by Q3 2022
        • Partners will look to initiate 2 to 3 projects of 15-20 GWh/year by 2023 and develop a longer-term work plan on the basis of assessment results,


        Securing a Sustainable Energy Future for All
        • Access:
        • 500 million more people with electricity access
        • 1 billion more people with access to clean cooking solutions across the world
        • Transition:
        • 100% increase in modern renewables capacity globally and 100% renewable-based power targets established in 100 countries
        • 3% annual efficiency improvement in at least 50 countries across the world
        • Resilience:
        • 30 million jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency
        • Re-direct fossil fuel subsidies towards clean energy and end financing for new coal power plants
        • Annual global GHG emissions to be reduced at least by one third in 2025
        • Finance:
        • Double annual clean energy investment globally (relative to the current level)
        • Raise energy access investment to US$40 billion per year, of which 50 per cent should be directed to the LDCs


        Sustainable Cities Energy Compact UN-Habitat
        • UN-Habitat commits to facilitate policy dialogues on access to energy services including electricity and clean cooking in 10 African countries by 2025.
        • UN-Habitat commits to undertake capacity building for local governments and mobilize investments to support energy efficiency measures by 2025.
        • UN-Habitat commits to promote uptake of net zero carbon architecture strategies and practices by 2030.


        United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

        UNDP Energy Compact
        • The UNDP Energy Compact's main objective is to increase energy access for those furthest behind. By speeding up investment in distributed renewable energy solutions, especially for those hardest to reach and in crisis contexts, it aims to increase access to clean and affordable energy for 500 million people through strategic partnerships and targeted stakeholder engagement.


        United Nations Industrial Development Organization

        Accelerating and scaling-up inclusive and sustainable industrial development for a just and inclusive energy transition
        • UNIDO commits to raise USD 300 million annually to finance climate and clean energy projects
        • UNIDO commits to support 12 countries and 10,000 companies and organizations to double their rate of energy performance improvement by 2030
        • UNIDO commits to support 10 countries develop industrial strategies for green-hydrogen development by 2025
        • UNIDO commits to enhance national clean energy innovation ecosystems of at least 15 partner countries and introduce at least 500 innovative renewable and energy efficiency solutions by 2027
        • UNIDO commits to empower women to equally lead, participate in and benefit from the sustainable energy transition
        • UNIDO commits to empower youth to lead, participate in and benefit from the sustainable energy transition

        UNIDO - Hydrogen

        United Nations Industrial Development Organization

        UNIDO's Global Programme for Green Hydrogen in Industry
        • UNIDO commits to increasing access to knowledge products and capacity building for green hydrogen application in industries of developing countries and transitioning economies from 2020 to 2025
        • UNIDO commits to cooperating with 10 countries in developing national industrial roadmaps and strategies for industry application through green hydrogen in industrial clusters, parks, zones and hydrogen valleys by 2025

        World Bank

        World Bank Energy Access Compact
        • The World Bank is committed to assisting its client countries to achieve SDG7 by 2030 as an integral part of just energy transition.
        • This includes providing up to 100 million people with access to clean cooking, and up to 60 million people and 60,000 healthcare facilities, schools and other public institutions with access to electricity by 2025 through inclusive and resilient and interventions.

        World Meteorological Organization CLERVICE TOOL

        WMO Climate-Energy Services Toolkit (CLERVICE TOOL)
        • By 2030, commits to:
        • facilitate energy access to 150 million people in 100 developing countries;
        • contribute to 100% increase of modern renewables capacity;
        • contribute to 1.2% increase in global energy efficiency;
        • facilitate 2 million renewable energy related jobs;
        • contribute to five Gt GHG emission reduction.

        World Meteorological Organization IG3IS

        WMO Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS)
        • By 2030, commits to:
        • Contribute to quantify the baseline emissions at national, sub-national and facility scale.
        • Contribute to Identify previously unknown emission reduction opportunities, such as hot spots and super emitters.
        • Contribute to Identify cost-effective mitigation actions and carbon removal opportunities.


        24/7 Carbon-Free Energy

        24/7 Carbon-Free Energy
        • The 24/7 CFE Compact is supported by a group of energy buyers, energy suppliers, governments, system operators, solutions providers, investors, and other organizations on a mission to transform global electricity grids to ??¨²absolute zero??¨´ - or full decarbonization.
        • Signatories commit to adopting, enabling, and advancing 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (CFE), which means that every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption is met with carbon- free electricity sources, every hour of every day, everywhere.
        • Each signatory agrees to submit a UNEnergy Compact to capture the organization's specific commitments and actions between now and 2030 to move towards 24/7 CFE

        African Renewable Energy Initiative, IRENA

        SDG7 Energy Compact of the African Renewable Energy Initiative
        • Facilitate the development of at least 300GW of renewable power in Africa by 2030.
        • Provide technical assistance and capacity-building support to relevant national and regional stakeholders
        • Enhance cooperation between African countries to reach at least 300 GW of renewables by 2030 by supporting regional and continental processes through knowledge and technical assistance.

        AOSIS & IRENA

        Alliance of Small Island States and International Renewable Energy Agency

        Islands Energy Transition towards a 1.50 degrees world IRENA-AOSIS Energy Compact operationalized through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative
        • IRENA and AOSIS through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative commit to supporting all SIDS achieve a total of renewable energy installed capacity of 10GW by 2030.
        • IRENA and AOSIS through this energy compact re-affirm SIDS Ambitious Climate Action Summit Package including SIDS increased ambition striving toward 100% renewable energy targets in the energy sector.

        City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Cornell University

        Finger Lakes Energy Compact
        • Increase access to affordable carbon-free electricity to all members of the community.
        • Reduce emissions from energy use in buildings and expand access to zero-emissions transportation options.
        • Use Cornell's Ithaca campus as a living laboratory to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy.
        • Develop, implement, and share financial models to increase equitable access.

        Cool Coalition

        Cool Coalition Energy Compact
        • The Cool Coalition seeks to accelerate the global transition to efficient and climate-friendly cooling for all by:
        • Supporting Rwanda, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Colombia on measures that expand access to efficient and climate-friendly cooling
        • Supporting Nigeria, Cambodia, India, and Vietnam on measures that expand cooling solutions powered by renewable energy
        • Doubling the number of government members of the Cool Coalition from both national and subnational levels from 90 to 180 members
        • Securing 26 commitments from governments, cities and industry on the pathway to net-zero cooling by COP 26

        Electrification of Sardinia

        Electrification of Sardinia
        • In Sardinia, by 2030, Enel commits to:
        • 1. Increase electrification of final demand by at least 1.8 TWh, from 8.5 TWh (2019)
        • 2. Increase renewables production from 4 TWh (2019) to 10.9 TWh.
        • 3. Phase-out coal
        • 4. Decrease carbon intensity of electricity production from 0.5 tCO2e/MWh to 0.1 tCO2e/MWh, reducing emissions by approximately 80% (baseline 2019), as a combined outcome of commitment n. 2 and n. 3

        Eletrobras and BNDES

        Decarbonization of the Amazon Isolated Systems' Power Matrix substituting diesel generation by clean, renewable and affordable energy
        • BNDES, one of the world's largest renewable energy financiers, and ELETROBRAS, the largest Latin America power company, are committed to promoting the substitution of diesel generation in Amazon Isolated Systems by clean, renewable, and affordable energy.
        • Commitments: Study, promote pilot projects/collaboration, evaluate alternatives, propose and implement a Decarbonization Plan 2030.

        FAO and IRENA

        Food and Agriculture Organization and International Renewable Energy Agency

        Energising Agrifood Systems with Renewable Energy
        • IRENA and FAO strive to undertake at least 5 agri-food system assessments to facilitate renewable energy adoption.
        • IRENA and FAO strive to support pilot programmes/projects in at least five countries/regions through partnerships.
        • IRENA and FAO strive to strengthen the enabling environment for renewables adoption in agri-food systems in five selected countries.

        Gender and Energy

        Catalyzing Action towards Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment to accelerate a Just, Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Transition
        • Gender and energy compact goals:
        • Women have equal opportunity to lead, participate in and benefit from a just, sustainable and inclusive energy transition
        • Women have equal access to and control over sustainable energy products and services
        • Achievement through the following outcomes:
        • Energy and time poverty, as well as drudgery of women are eliminated
        • Energy access and transition pathways, strategies and policies that are more inclusive and gender-responsive have are (re)formulated and adopted
        • Women-owned and -led businesses have increased access to productive resources
        • Career advancement avenues for women working in the energy sector are created
        • Knowledge, mechanisms, tools, and sex-disaggregated data are more available and of higher-quality

        Global Renewables Alliance

        Tripling renewable energy capacity to at least 11 TW by 2030. #3XRenewables
        • GRA commits to the campaign for tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency rates by 2030 for a 1.5¡ãC trajectory.
        • GRA?s 3xRenewables campaign at COP28 secured a historic agreement, making tripling renewables a shared international objective. GRA aims to provide continuity to this campaign in the following years.
        • GRA commits to the energy transition international dialogue, advocating with the support of relevant stakeholders, the target of achieving 11,000GW rate of global renewable energy deployment by 2030, and the need to address industry bottlenecks (in terms of financing, permitting, supply chains, among others).

        Government of the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Universidad del Desarrollo. Enel Chile

        Santiago Energy Compact
        • Illustrative examples:
        • Energy Compact Santiago commits to increase the final use of electricity in the Metropolitan Region through electric public transportation and households' electrification
        • Energy Compact Santiago commits Increase the share of solar energy in the Region's electricity generation by the implementation of urban energy distributed projects
        • Parties involved agreed to implement a multistakeholder governance led by the Metropolitan Government

        Health Facility Electrification

        Multi-stakeholder Energy Compact for Health Facilty Electrification
        • The compact partners pledge to electrify 35000 health facilities with clean, reliable and sustainable energy by 2026.
        • The compact commits to unlocking data to inform health facility electrification interventions, and conduct 30 assessments of healthcare systems at the national and/or regional levels by 2026.
        • The compact aims to leverage $550-700 million for this effort.

        IRENA and GWEC

        International Renewable Energy Agency and Global Wind Energy Council

        Offshore Wind Energy Compact
        • Increase government understanding and ambitions for offshore wind development in this decade, through the IRENA Collaborative Framework on Ocean Energy/Offshore Renewables, capacity- building, dialogue and technical assistance.
        • Achieve 380 GW of offshore wind, including fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind, installed worldwide by 2030.
        • Achieve 2,000 GW of offshore wind, including fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind, installed worldwide by 2050.

        IRENA, GGA, IGA

        International Renewable Energy Agency, Global Geothermal Alliance, its Member Countries and Partners and the International Geothermal Association

        Scaling up geothermal heating and cooling globally
        • To define the GGAs' goal for geothermal heating and cooling in 2030 to achieve a three-fold growth compared to 2014 levels.

        IRENA, SEforALL

        IRENA-SEforALL Energy Compact
        • IRENA commits to mobilise USD 3 billion for financing and implementation of low-carbon and climate-resilient renewable energy projects to contribute to achieving the global energy transition by 2030
        • IRENA commits to conduct annual investment forums as project- financier matchmaking events across all 14 IRENA regions and facilitate at least 100 projects towards investment readiness by 2030
        • IRENA commits to provide technical assistance and capacity building to improve the renewable energy project development ecosystem in IRENA Member States with a geographical focus on SIDS and LDCs by 2030

        Non-Governmental Organizations

        AID Africa

        Energy Compact for Clean Cookstoves with Aid Africa, Inc.
        • Aid Africa commits to install 5000 energy efficient stoves per year for 8 years, replacing open-fire cooking, removing 249,062 tons of atmospheric carbon, in rural Uganda
        • We commit to developing an even cleaner solar model stove
        • We commit to installing 25,000 solar stoves by 2030, with adequate investing partnership

        Alliance for Rural Electrification

        ARE's Compact to Deliver Power, Create Jobs & Save the Climate
        • By 2030, ARE strives to enable private sector to:
        • deliver sustainable electricity services to more than 500 million additional people in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America & Caribbean.
        • catalyse the creation of more than 5 million green jobs.
        • avoid more than 1 billion tonnes of CO2e emissions.

        Association for Supporting the SDGs for the United Nations (ASD)

        Association for Supporting the SDGs for the United Nations (ASD)
        • ASD commits to building networks on SDGs implementation among major global enterprises and governments.
        • ASD commits to accelerating the achievement of clean energy and carbon neutrality for all.
        • ASD commits to conducting joint-research on global trade issues such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
        • ASD commits to proliferating corporate sustainable development evaluation for notifying and enhancing energy efficiency.
        • ASD commits to joining green activities and education for future generations, facilitating sustainable economic growth and green financial activities.
        • ASD commits to cooperating for technological development and institutional efforts for climate action and carbon neutrality, spreading methods on reducing plastic wastes and creating sustainable waters.
        • ASD commits to striving for green corporation activities in AI, hydrogen, battery, semiconductor, fashion, and plastic).

        Clean Cooking Alliance

        Unlock the SDGs and Net-Zero with Clean Cooking
        • This Compact calls for a coordinated approach to achieving universal access to clean cooking by 2030, in line with climate goals. Seven transformative goals must be pursued urgently and simultaneously, with a role for every actor - governments, donors, finance institutions, the private sector and civil society:
        • Integrate clean cooking into national and city energy planning and NDCs and implement through coordinated delivery mechanisms.
        • Create favorable and stable policy and fiscal environments to accelerate sustainable clean cooking markets.
        • Dramatically scale public funding and private investment for clean cooking.
        • Put people at the center of clean cooking solutions.
        • Build synergies with electrification efforts.
        • Increase participation of women and integrate gender issues.
        • Leave no one behind.

        Climate Vulnerable Forum

        CVF 100% Renewable Energy
        • Build awareness of the World Energy Transition Outlook (WETO) 1.5 degree pathway and relevance of the CVF 100% renewable energy target among line ministries for energy of CVF members including an operationalization of the CVF 100% renewable energy target
        • Establish a global overview mapping of CVF Energy Minister/Ministry led opportunities/advantages and challenges/needs for progress towards the CVF 100% renewable energy target
        • Support 20 countries on the Climate Prosperity Plan including an energy transition scenario analysis through the IRENA NDC enhancement and Long-Term strategies (LTS) work packages.

        EarthSpark International

        Multi-solving for clean cooking and electricity access in Haiti
        • EarthSpark International commits to deploying electric cooking solutions powered by solar microgrids for over 1,500 households in Haiti reducing their charcoal/woodfuel consumption by over 70% (scaling to 100% over time) leading to reduced household air pollution, increased time savings and convenience, and economic savings compared to baseline fuels.

        EKOenergy Ecolabel

        EKOenergy ecolabel - project of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation

        EKOenergy ecolabel as a tool to make renewable energy accessible for all
        • We commit to actively use our ecolabel as a tool
        • for continued and increasingly larger awareness-raising campaigns about renewable energy
        • to make it increasingly easier for all types of consumers to switch to renewable energy, worldwide
        • to raise each year more funds to finance solar energy projects that contribute to the fight against energy poverty in developing countries.

        Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative

        GECCIEnergy Compact
        • Access Ambition: Local Solar Crafts
        • To promote local solar crafts. Small and medium-sized enterprises are important factors in the fight against poverty and job creation. That's why can We Plans to use donor-funded projects to support 5 Million Communities with local solar crafts. It is expected that 5 million rural and under-served citizens will benefit through the Solar Power Strategy by 2030
        • 2 million homes will be converted from the use of polluting fuels (kerosene, charcoal, and diesel) to LPG and Biogas for cooking, by using personal home biogas digesters and community biogas digesters
        • 10,000 post-primary schools will be provided with provided with solar lights by 2030
        • 10,000 solar villages will be created by 2030.
        • 5,000 solar water pumps will be provided for 5000 villages by 2030
        • 10,000 solar-powered refrigerators will be provided for 500 villages by 2030
        • 2 million homes will transit from the use of diesel and gasoline-powered generators to pollution-free solar mini-grids for power supply. Youth-led energy projects are linked to financing opportunities.
        • Connecting youth-led energy projects (start-ups, NGOs, etc.) with funding opportunities. Obtaining pledges from youth-led organizations, enterprises, and other organizations
        • Provide available funding opportunities to provide seed funding for the best projects to scale
        • Assign the awardees to a team of experienced mentors and accountabilities partners to horn their entrepreneurial skills
        • Train manpower for the project(s) implementation and commercialization
        • Train 10, 000 young people on SDGs and energy transition
        • Enroll 1000 young people in relevant professional communities on SDG and Energy transition
        • Annual reports on youth participation in the Energy Compacts are published
        • Awards Champions.


        Power 1 Billion Lives
        • By 2030, with the right support, off-grid solar solutions can:
        • rapidly improve lives for 1 billion people,
        • Help 550 million people out of energy poverty,
        • Benefit 190 million people from energy used in enterprise,
        • improve energy access for a further 260 million people with insufficient electricity supply.


        Global Wind Energy Council

        GWEC Global Wind Energy Coalition for COP26 Energy Compact
        • The Global Wind Industry, led by the GWEC Global Wind Energy Coalition for COP26 which comprises of leading companies and organisations in the wind sector, commits to supplying 3,300 GW of wind by 2030 (from the 743GW of current installed capacity), and 250GW per annum in line with IRENAs Net Zero scenario.

        Let There Be Light International

        Solar Lights Change Lives
        • LTBLI commits to deliver SDG-7 safety-net programming to 1.5 million people by 2030
        • LTBLI commits to improving maternal and infant health for 100,000 people through our Safe Births + Healthy Homes programming
        • LTBLI commits to catalyze the inclusion of SDG7 into the programming of 30 NGOs to amplify SDG interlinkages .


        MARCOGAZ Energy Compact
        • Expanding cooperation with European and global partners by exchanging knowledge and technical expertise on decarbonized gas midstream and downstream network
        • Continued technical evaluation of the technology readiness level of the existing gas infrastructure for new gases at different concentrations in the grid, 100% decarbonized network and impact on end-use gas appliances
        • Collecting data on new gases generation, sector integration projects, and power-to-gas installations to create roadmaps for greater integration of renewables and role of gas infrastructure

        ReEnergy Africa

        The Clean Energy Access Compact
        • ReEnergy Africa Commits to the following
        • Deploying clean energy solutions in one African country every year through its Genesis1000 Energy Impact CSR initiative which is geared toward Energy, Education, Environment, and Empowerment of women, youths and children.
        • To explore collaborations to raise up to a minimum of USD 10 million yearly to finance projects with energy-efficient components.
        • To organize yearly conferences across African countries to enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy and bridge the capacity gap in sub-Saharan Africa.

        REN21 (Renewable Energy Network for the 21st Century)

        Strengthening the Renewables Voice: Increasing the influence of the renewables community
        • Through the compact the REN21 network commits to create a collective voice around renewable energy to draw attention to and strengthen the renewables' agenda
        • Link climate and development priorities by broadening the energy transition discussion by building bridges to non-energy sectors
        • Develop targeted action by working with the community to support collaborative campaigns called Lighthouse Projects.


        Sustainable Energy for All

        Sustainable Energy for All Energy Compact
        • 1,920,400 modern electricity and 313,000 clean cooking connections funded by the Universal Energy Facility (UEF)
        • 27 countries with cooling strategies and 63 countries with comprehensive energy efficiency strategies
        • Data and financing mechanisms for the electrification of 20,000 health clinics
        • 26 countries with plans, strategies, policies, regulations for sustainable energy transitions

        YOUNGO Energy Working Group

        Every COP an Energy COP
        • By 2030, achieve a 30% reduction in global grid transmission losses, enhance energy efficiency by 40%, and ensure 100% equitable access to secure and reliable energy systems for all young people worldwide.
        • Bolstering youth advocacy to achieve a 25% improvement in global energy transmission efficiency.
        • Aim to reduce grid losses by at least 15%, thereby ensuring that 95% of youth worldwide have access to reliable and sustainable energy sources.
        • Increase in youth advocacy to a global just and equitable phase-out of fossil fuels, and adopt an emissions reduction strategy for all energy systems, at a minimum reducing absolute emissions by 45% by 2030 and 90% by 2050, and reach Net Zero by 2050 and beyond.

        Philanthropic Organization

        The Rockefeller Foundation

        Energy Compact for Ending Energy Poverty
        • RF is spearheading the creation of a new global platform, committing $1 billion in philanthropic capital to scale the distributed renewable energy sector in support of ending energy poverty and combatting the climate crisis
        • RF commits to empowering one billion people with access to reliable, distributed renewably energy and reducing global GHG emissions by up to one billion tons annually
        • RF commits to achieving a modern rural energy minimum of 300 kWh/capita annual consumption
        • RF commits to increasing real household income 2X
        • RF commits to 50% of productive-use customers and employees in the value chain being women

        Academic Institution

        African Network for Solar Energy e.V.

        SDG 7 Energy Compact of African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE)
        • ANSOLE commits to accelerate the adoption and development of Renewable Energy (RE) solutions for Africa by
        • Training specialists to deploy RE in access-deficit communities
        • Developing research & innovation capacities through fellowships, staff exchanges, scientific events and publications
        • Fostering pan-African cooperation of academic, civil society, religious and cultural groups
        • Creating a match-making platform to share research infrastructures in Africa with cooperating institutions elsewhere effectively.

        Renewable Energy University League of Japan

        SDG7 Energy Compact of the Renewable Energy University League of Japan

          CSO & Youth

          ACCESS Coalition

          Inclusive and innovative energy service design and delivery is needed to achieve SDG 7; civil society in the mix
          • Support 10 energy access-deficit countries to use inclusive, integrated planning to deliver sustainable energy services that leave no one behind
          • Advocate for 3 Multilateral Development Banks to commit 50% of energy portfolio to DRE, and ensure community participation in projects.
          • Facilitate capacity building and learning on energy access in 20 countries.

          SDG 7 Youth Constituency

          Energy Revolution With, For and By Youth
          • Ensure presence of youth priorities in the global and national energy transition agendas
          • Help youth-led organisations to access scale-up and start-up funding
          • Gather commitments from youth-led organisations about their actions in support of SDG 7
          • Publish an annual review on inclusion of youth in the Energy Compacts
          • Train at least 3000 annually on their role in achievements of SDG 7

          Solar Health Uganda

          A Little Light Can Go Along Way
          • Solar Health Uganda commits to sensitizing a population of 200,000 people about energy poverty and the benefits of solar energy by 2026
          • Solar Health Uganda commits to distributing clean and safe pico solar study lamps to 3,000 students in rural off grid Uganda by 2026
          • Solar Health Uganda commits to train and establish 10 Women Solar Entrepreneur Groups (Women SET groups) by 2025
          • Solar Health Uganda commits to providing 4000 solar lights as startup capital to the established Women SET groups by 2025

          Student Energy

          Student Energy Solutions Movement
          • Student Energy commits to directly fund and support the deployment of 10,000 youth-led clean energy projects by 2030
          • Student Energy commits to raising $10 million by the end of 2021 and $150 million by 2030 to support youth (18-30) with skills, mentorship, and training necessary to accelerate progress on SDG7.


          Under Privileged Advancement by Youth

          UPAY Energy Compact
          • UPAY committed to working as a catalyst for 10,000 young underprivileged people to get ready/skilled for green jobs across India.
          • By 2030, UPAY strives to create a Women Self-Help Group (SHG's) in Renewable energy project-affected village/village nearby renewable energy project.
          • UPAY committed to delivering SDG7 awareness to 10,000 school children across India by 2030.
          • UPAY deployed INR 10 million toward upskilling, mentoring, and acting as catalyze for the create a green job.
          • UPAY will join at least 2 international Alliances and 5 National alliances/groups by 2030 to ensure smooth, painless, and gender-equal energy transition in India.

          Youth for Energy South East Asia (Y4E-SEA)

          EnergizeSEA: Action Plan for SDG7 in Southeast Asia
          • Y4E-SEA commits to boost participation 10x by 2030, engaging 3,000+ youths, fund at least 1 per ASEAN state, and secure 10+ intervention.
          • Y4E-SEA commits to execute 7,000+ projects with at least 50 sustainable initiatives, 2,000 mentorship pairings, and capacity-building for 10,000 youths by 2030.
          • Y4E-SEA commits to establish 120+ partnerships with at least 20 corporations and 50 NGOs by 2025.

          Youth Sustainable Development Network (YSDN)

          Youth Sustainable Development Network Energy Compact
          • YSDN commits to deliver 200,000 kWh of clean energy to rural Nigerian communities by 2030.
          • YSDN commits to establish a 16.29 cubic meters Cold Storage unit with energy-efficient equipment.
          • YSDN commits to empowering 20,000 youth between age 18-35 years on energy-related courses from 2023 to 2030.

          Private Sector

          ACCIONA Energ¨ªa

          SDG7 Energy Compact
          • With over 30 years of experience, ACCIONA Energ¨ªa is a pure renewable utility since inception that owns +11 GW of renewable capacity, is present in 20 countries, and operates assets in 5 technologies (onshore wind, solar PV, hydro, CSP and biomass) plus storage.
          • ACCIONA Energ¨ªa has been carbon neutral since 2016, putting the Company at the forefront of sustainability. Due to the nature of its activity the company is not a relevant emitter, however we have committed to reduce our GHG emissions of Scopes 1 a nd 2 by 60% and 47% for Scope 3 by 2030, an objective validated by SBTi.
          • Through its recent IPO, ACCIONA Energ¨ªa aims to be a 20 GW renewable installed capacity company by 2025, investing 7.8B€, and a 30 GW company by 2030.
          • Beyond growth in installed capacity, ACCIONA Energ¨ªa is also betting on offering its B2B clients decarbonization -as- a -service:
          • Through a JV with the US fuel cell and electrolyzer manufacturer Plug Power, called ACCIONA Plug, ACCIONA Energ¨ªa targets to achieve a 20% market share in the renewable hydrogen business in Spain and Portugal by 2030, through an initially planned investment of more than €2 billion.
          • In electric mobility, ACCIONA Energ¨ªa recently acquired the Spanish company Cargacoches, and aims to reach a public network of 25,0 00 charging points by 2030.
          • In order to increase its global energy management services offer, the Company has recently acquired the French company Eqinov, a leading operator for Energy Efficiency Certificates, energy consumption flexibility valorization, and energy efficiency consulting services.

          Adani Green Energy Limited

          Adani Green Energy Limited
          • Adani Green Energy Limited commits to develop and operate a renewable energy generation capacity of 25 GW by 2025 and 45 GW by 2030
          • to keep the average tariff below the Average Power Purchase Cost (APPC) at the national level
          • to invest $20 billion in low- and middle-income countries to pursue just and inclusive energy transitions by 2030
          • to provide reliable energy through renewable energy hybrid projects and to develop a 2 GW per year solar manufacturing capacity FY 2022-23.

          Adani Transmission Limited

          Adani Transmission Limited
          • Adani Transmission Limited commits to increase the share of renewable power procurement from the current 3% to 30% by FY2023 and 70% by FY2030 in its only B2C business subsidiary at present generating the majority of its revenue from electricity generation, transmission and distribution mainly in Mumbai area
          • AEML intends to achieve a 40% reduction in GHG emission intensity by end of FY2025 (31 March 2025), 50% reduction by end of FY2027 (31 March 2027) and 70% reduction by 2030.

          AES Brasil

          AES Brasil
          • By 2023, invest at least R$ 3 billion in renewable generation for intended construction of 704MW of wind generation capacity


          • From 2021 to 2030, Zipolopolo Cookstove Solutions commits to accelerate migration from unsustainable / illegal wood and charcoal fuels to sustainably sourced pellet fuels
          • accelerate migration from charcoal and wood stoves to 100% locally made pellet stoves
          • sequestrate 0.15 tCO2 per stove/year, when replacing a charcoal stove that uses illegal / unsustainable fuel

          Ather Energy Private Limited

          Ather Energy - Energy Compact
          • Ather commits to
          • Generate awareness of EVs amongst 200Mn people by 2030
          • Meet 50% of its electricity demand through renewable sources by 2026
          • Replace 14Mn ICE vehicles with EVs by 2030, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of personal commute by 0.3Mn metric tons.

          AVANGRID, Inc.

          AVANGRID, the leading Sustainable Energy Company in the US
          • Renewable Installed Capacity increase 100% (2025)
          • $12Bn in Networks for beneficial electrification and resiliency
          • Reduce scope 1 GHG emissions intensity 35% (2025)
          • Reduce scope 1 GHG emissions to net zero (2035)
          • 500 MW of green hydrogen capacity (2030)
          • Install >13,000 recharging stations (2025)
          • Transition 60% of fleet to clean energy vehicles (2030)


          Bee'ah Energy Compact
          • construct waste-to-energy facility to help ensure the complete diversion of waste, while producing clean, sustainable energy.
          • Facility will enable Sharjah to be the first city in the region to achieve zero waste to landfill.
          • Build solar facility on capped landfill site to generate 120 megawatts of clean energy per year.
          • Build green hydrogen fueling stations, capable of fueling 1,000 hydrogen-powered large vehicles per day.
          • New headquarters to be fully powered by renewable energy and optimised to have zero net energy consumption.

          Bharti Airtel Limited

          SDG7 Energy Compact
          • Contribute to global efforts to mitigate the climate change impact and build a sustainable planet.
          • Adopted science-based target initiatives business ambition for 1.5?¨®? C.
          • Increase share of renewable energy and adopt energy efficient infrastructure to achieve targets of reducing emissions in own operations by 50.2% and in value chain by 42% by FY 2031.

          BPP Technical Services Ltd (BPP-TECH)

          Green Hydrogen Compact Catalogue
          • Provide insight into costs, performance and what is required to remove technology and market barriers to produce Green H2 using FWF
          • Increase load factor of FWF up to 60%
          • Support development of export markets for H2
          • Enable developments in other sectors with its projects.

          Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

          Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
          • By 2030, CIP is aiming to raise at least EUR 130 billion for dedicated investment into greenfield renewable energy infrastructure. This amount of capital will significantly add to global renewable energy capacity and directly contribute to the achievement of SDG7 and the broader 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

          CPFL Energia

          CPFL in Hospitals
          • 155 hospitals benefited from the program
          • 90,731 replaced lamps
          • BRL 9.3 million / year of estimated energy
          • 23.3 GWh / year of estimated solar generation (sufficient to serve 9,821 homes)
          • 1,748 tCO2e avoided carbon emission (Equivalent to the planting of 10,485 trees)

          D-REC Initiative Positive Capital Partners South Pole Group

          PowerPositive: The Corporate Compact for Climate Justice
          • The D-REC Initiative and its partners commit to mobilize global corporations to deploy over 1 GW of Transformative Energy (new, zero-carbon energy in developing and emerging markets) by 2030
          • To support 100 global corporations to integrate Transformative Energy into their climate strategies.
          • To catalyze over $3 billion in new investments into Transformative Energy by 2030
          • To provide capacity building support to over 100 developers of distributed renewable energy projects in developing and emerging markets.

          e-swissolar AG

          The Smart City Network (SCNet)

          SCNet commits to an IT infrastructure for supplying modern and sustainable energy services to 1 developed and 1 developing country by 2027. SCNet commits to:

          • to accelerate the energy transition.
          • to foster digitalization in the renewable energy sector.
          • to enhance collaboration in the renewable energy sector.
          • to increase energy efficiency.

          EDP Energias de Portugal

          EDP - All Green Generation by 2030

          EDP to invest $25Bn in energy transition

          • EDP commits to 100% RES installed capacity by 2030
          • EDP commits have zero contribution of coal to revenues by end of 2025
          • EDP commits to be Net Zero by 2040
          • EDP to invest $24M in energy access companies and projects in developing countries


          SDG7 Energy Compact of Electrochaea GmbH
          • By 2030 Electrochaea commits to provide a technology to capture and recycle 9 million tons of CO2 and produce renewable methane using green hydrogen produced from 90TWh of renewable electricity
          • increase substantially the share of renewable methane in the global energy mix
          • expand research cooperation with universities in Europe, North America and globally
          • expand application of its biological methanation technology in developing countries.

          En+ Group

          En+ Group's 'New Energy' Modernization program and En+ Group's I- RECs program
          • Since 2007, En+ Group implements New Energy Modernization Program of its hydropower plants in Siberia (Russia) to boost electricity output with same water volumes in use and to partly substitute energy generated by local coal- fired plants. The anticipated results of the program for 2007 - 2025 are 26.6 Mt CO2 emissions prevention. 13.9 mln. MWh of electricity generated by coal was already replaced by clean electricity from 2007 until 2021. 9.2 mln. MWh generated by coal is expected to be replaced in 2022-2025. En+ Group has become the first energy producer and supplier in Russia certified to trade international renewable energy certificates. Since December 2020, En+ Group supplies I-RECs to national and international end-consumers. En+ Group's estimated annual sales of green capacities in future will range from 2.5 million I-RECs to 3.5 million I-RECs.


          Enel's Energy Compact
          • Coal Phase-Out acceleration from 2030 to 2027.
          • Triple renewable energy generation to 145GW by 2030.
          • Increase battery energy storage to 20 TWh and Demand Respond to 20GW by 2030.
          • Reduce scope 1 GHG emissions to less than 82 g/kWh in 2030, in line with 1.5 ?¡ÞC scenario (SBTi certified).
          • More than 4 million EV charging points and 10.000 electric buses by 2030.
          • Reach 5.6 million new electricity connections by 2030

          Eni S.p.A.

          Eni¡¯s commitment to becoming an integrated zero carbon energy company by 2050

          Through the Energy Compact commitment:

          • Eni aims to increase installed capacity of renewables by 2030.
          • Eni aims to accelerate biorefining capacity by 2030.
          • Eni aims to expand the network of EV charging points by 2030.
          • Eni aims to increase access to clean cooking by 2030.
          • Eni aims to achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050.

          Fortescue Future Industries (FFI)

          Fortescue Future Industries Energy Compact
          • Decarbonise Fortescue
          • Develop a global portfolio of renewable green hydrogen and green ammonia projects
          • Produce 15 million tonnes per year of renewable green hydrogen by 2030
          • Fortescue has committed 10% of NPAT to FFI
          • Have the entire shipping industry embrace a net zero target by 2040


          Google Energy Compact Committing to 24/7 Carbon-free Energy
          • Google will purchase carbon-free electricity on every grid where they operate and aim to operate on 24/7 carbon-free energy (CFE) by 2030.
          • Google will develop tools and partnerships to advance 24/7 CFE for all
          • Google will catalyze the development and commercialization of new technologies to support decarbonization of electricity systems.

          Graded SPA

          Green Hydrogen Compact
          • Graded S.p.A. commits to be a proactive??partner to achieve the 7,??9, 13 SDGs by:
          • investing 1.000.000 ??¡§ in renewable energy, particularly in??green-hydrogen development
          • becoming a regional leader on sustainability and energy??transition, closing agreements with the regional ecosystem
          • increasing production of Green Hydrogen with small scale??plants

          Husk Power Systems

          Scaling Minigrids & the Rural Clean Energy Economy
          • 5,000 minigrids installed
          • 1 million connections created
          • 11 million people served
          • 500,000 businesses served
          • 500 MW of rural C&I capacity installed through turnkey rooftop
          • 5 million energy efficient appliances sold
          • 7 Mt of CO2 removed by replacing diesel generators with renewable energy

          Iberdrola S.A.

          Iberdrola's contribution to SDG 7 & net zero emission target through a robust leadership in the energy transition
          • Iberdrola commits to double renewable capacity to 60 GW by 2025.
          • Iberdrola commits to reduce emission intensity to 50 gCO2/KWh globally by 2030.
          • Iberdrola commits to provide access to electricity to 16 million people without it in emerging countries by 2030.
          • Iberdrola commits to install 600 MW of operational green hydrogen by 2025 in Spain.
          • Iberdrola commits to install 150,000 recharging stations for electric vehicles by 2025


          IBM Sustainability Accelerator
          • The IBM Sustainability Accelerator is a social impact program that applies IBM technologies and expertise to scale initiatives helping populations especially vulnerable to environmental threats. Through 2025, Accelerator projects will receive an estimated market value of $30 million in IBM support, including $10 million focused on clean energy initiatives.

          ITC Limited

          ITC's Sustainability 2.0 Strategy
          • By 2030, ITC commits to:
          • 100% RE Electricity (grid purchased)
          • 50% RE share in Total Energy Mix.
          • 50% reduction in Specific GHG Emissions over a 2018-19 baseline.
          • Expanding sustainable forestry projects on wastelands to over 630,000 acres.
          • Promoting Climate Smart Village approach to over 3 million acres covering 10,000 villages.

          JK Cement Limited, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

          JK Cement Limited ambition to achieve 75% of green energy mix by2030.
          • Standing strong to a clean and green energy transition, empowering towards green business model and to meet SBTi commitments, JK Cement Limited has committed to increase the green and clean power mix from 19% in base year FY2020 to 75% till FY2030.

          Johnson Controls

          Healthy People; Healthy Places; Healthy Planet
          • Reduce Scope 1 & 2 emissions 55% by 2030
          • Reduce Scope 3 emissions 16% by 2030
          • Contribute to doubling energy efficiency globally by 2030, including through the Three Percent Club
          • Enhance global access to clean energy, including devoting 75% of new product R&D to climate-related innovation
          • Source 100% renewable energy by 2040

          JSW Cement Limited

          JSW Cement Limited
          • JSW Cement commits to increase the renewable energy share in operations to 30% by 2030
          • JSW Cement commits to double the energy productivity of operations by 2030 from the base year 2013-14
          • JSW Cement commits to increase thermal substitution rate (TSR) in cement kilns to 20% by 2030
          • JSW Cement commits to install Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) of 65 MW by 2030

          JSW Energy Limited

          JSW Energy Limited
          • JSW Energy Limited commits to increase the renewable energy share in its generation mix to 80% by 2030 i.e. to 16.8 GW.
          • JSW Energy Limited has set a vision of becoming a 10 GW company by 2025 and 20 GW company by 2030, with all the incremental capacity additions coming from the Renewable Energy sources.

          Kube Energy

          Kube Energy Compact
          • Kube Energy commits to develop 150 GWh of electricity per year from 50 future power plants by 2029.
          • Kube Energy commits that 75% of the energy generated will come from solar power.
          • Kube Energy commits to target fragile regions where there is limited energy infrastructure in support of national efforts.

          Mana Pacific

          Accelerating Energy Independence and the Renewable Energy Transition in the Pacific ¨C Mana Pacific
          • Mana Pacific commits to deploying additional capacity of 120 MW of solar PV and 200 MWh of battery storage across Pacific Small Island Developing States and Territories.
          • Mana Pacific commits to implementing Renewable Energy Workforce Development Programs to train at least 60 renewable energy professionals by the end of 2025.

          Microsoft Corp.

          Microsoft Signs Energy Compacts with SEforAll and UN Energy SUBTITLE: The Compacts Support Global Collective Action Towards 100% Grid Decarbonization
          • At Microsoft we have a long-term vision we refer to as 100/100/0 -meaning on all the world's electricity grids where we operate, 100 percent of electrons we consume, 100 percent of the time, are generated from zero carbon sources. By 2030, Microsoft will:
          • Have 100 percent of our electricity consumption, 100 percent of the time, matched by zero carbon energy purchases.
          • Do our part to help drive the speed and scale at which the grid decarbonizes through Microsoft's procurement of clean energy to meet our company sustainability and energy targets.


          Neoenergia leveraging the human right to access renewable energy in Brazil
          • Universalize access to energy in the Bahia State
          • Contribute to bring the intensity of the Iberdrola??s global direct emissions below 50 g CO2 per kWh generated by 2030, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

          New Sun Road

          Scaling Digital Community Centers for National Impact in Guatemala
          • Install 3,000 solar-powered Digital Community Centers (DCCs) in remote areas of Guatemala by 2030.
          • Equip each DCC with reliable electricity, internet access, and digital tools to support education and healthcare.
          • Train 5,000 community members, including educators and healthcare providers in digital skills.
          • Empower 75,000 women through leadership and entrepreneurship programs facilitated by DCCs, fostering local economic development.

          NTPC LTD

          NTPC Energy Ambition
          • NTPC will install 50+ GW of renewables by 2030
          • NTPC will reduce its net energy intensity by 8.5% by 2030 vs. 2012 levels
          • NTPC will join at least 2 international Alliances and groups by 2025 to facilitate clean energy research and promote sustainability in energy value chains


          SDG7 Energy Compact of nybl: Ai driven Sustainable Energy for all
          • nybl commits to implementing community based sustainable energy projects in every country it operates in by 2030
          • improving internal energy efficiency by 30% by 2030
          • sourcing 30% of energy from renewables by 2030 and 50% by 2050
          • developing Ai solutions to support sustainable energy transitions by 2022


          Powerledger Energy Compact

          Powerledger commits to:

          • 100% 24/7 carbon free energy by 2030
          • Carbon-neutral product operations by 2025
          • Providing a public, highly energy-efficient blockchain for technological innovation and modernisation of energy systems
          • Enabling the transition to 24/7 renewable energy through our software solutions for 3 million users by 2030.


          Rai?zen as a Protagonist on the Energy Transition Process
          • Reduce the carbon footprint of ethanol and sugar by 10%
          • Reduce our carbon footprint through efficiency and innovation in all our processes
          • Ensure that our bioproducts deliver high emission reduction rates
          • Increase the gigajoule/hectare indicator by 15%
          • Increase energy production per cultivated area of sugarcane

          ReNew Power

          ReNew Power - accelerating India's Clean Energy Transition
          • To make Round the Clock power available from renewable energy at a tariff at least 20% less than equivalent to fossil fuel-based assets by using a combination of solar, wind, and storage technologies, coupled with low-cost financing and digital interventions by 2027
          • To be a leading international company in renewables with an operating portfolio of 18 GW by 2025
          • To improve efficiency of energy assets by 1.5-2% over current values by using digital analytics & AI by 2025
          • To increase efficiency of assets by 2-2.5% over current values through collaborative industry-academia research by 2030
          • To expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for manufacturing wind and solar assets and thereby supplying modern and sustainable energy services by setting up 2 GW Solar Cell and Module Manufacturing and 500 MW/year Wind Turbine Manufacturing Capacity by 2023
          • To be a net-zero organization by 2050

          ResQ Energy

          SDG7 Energy Compact of ResQ Energy - A next Decade Action Agenda to advance SDG7 on sustainable energy for all, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

            RWE Generation SE

            RWE Generation SE - Green Hydrogen Energy Compact
            • Group level: Climate neutrality by 2040, SBTi attested targets
            • Hydrogen: Significant market share in core markets Germany, the Netherlands and UK by 2030 (2 GW electrolyser capacity target)
            • Appr. 30 integrated green hydrogen projects across the entire value chain (i.a. Eemshydrogen, NL; AquaVentus, HyTechHafen Rostock and GETH2 IPCEI, GER)

            Schneider Electric

            Schneider Electric: Make the most of our energy to accelerate SDG7 achievement


              A next Decade Action Agenda to advance SDG7 on sustainable energy for all, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
              • Shell's target to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 in step with society means we are reducing emissions from our operations, as well as from the fuels and other energy products we sell to our customers.
              • It also means capturing and storing any remaining emissions using technology or mitigating them with offsets.
              • We are transforming our business to meet our target, providing more low-carbon energy such as charging for electric vehicles, hydrogen and electricity generated by solar and wind power.
              • We are also working with our customers as they make changes too, including in sectors that are difficult to decarbonise such as aviation, shipping, road freight and industry.
              • And, to help address the challenge of providing more and cleaner energy, we have an ambition to provide reliable electricity to 100 million people in emerging markets by 2030, who do not have it today.

              Switch Electric

              Switch Innovative and Inclusive Energy Compact
              • To provide renewable energy solutions through solar energy system and green hydrogen technology.
              • To promote energy efficiency across 1000 households through state of art mobile application
              • To provide data for renewable energy research and development
              • To promote equal access to energy resources among all genders through microgrids and decentralized energy systems.

              Taiyo Jyuken and IGES

              Local resilient solar community development by local SMEs
              • Taiyo Juken commits to install 19,440kW solar power at social welfare facilities by 2030 in Yokohama that is equivalent to 12.15% of Yokohama city's target
              • Taiyo Juken commits to develop 56 community spaces utilizing vacant houses by 2030 (8 in 2020)
              • Taiyo Juken commits to report her progress annually.


              Enabling decarbonization of hard to abate sectors
              • Topsoe commits to:
              • Build the world's first industrialized SOEC electrolyzer plant (500 MW)
              • Reach net zero in our own operations by 2030 (scope 1 & 2)
              • Reach net zero GHG emissions in our value chain by 2040 (scope 3) - ten years ahead of the global net zero target required by science
              • Enable customers to reduce emissions by 12 million tonnes in 2022

              TotalEnergies SE

              TotalEnergies' Ambition to have Developed 100 GW of renewable installed gross capacity by 2030
              • Ambition to have developed 100 GW of renewable installed gross capacity by 2030, providing sustainable electricity to about 80 million people around the world.
              • At least 33 GW out of our 100 GW gross capacity ambition expected to be developed in emerging or developing countries in Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America.
              • About 40 million more people benefiting from sustainable electricity or first-time decent access to power in these developing regions by 2030.

              Vale S.A.

              Vale's Energy Transition: Transforming Mining for a Cleaner Future, Together
              • Vale commits to reach 100% of renewable self-generation by 2025 in Brazil, and 100% of renewable electricity consumption globally by 2030.
              • Vale is spearheading energy efficiency projects: scalable battery storage to reduce peak-grid consumption; rotary sails and air lubrification of vessel hulls to reduce shipping fuel consumption.


              Towards a World Running Entirely on Green Energy
              • Orsted commits to:
              • Invest USD 55bn in renewable energy 2020-2027
              • Reach net-zero carbon from energy production by 2025
              • Halve supply chain emissions by 2032 and reach net-zero by 2040 ¨C ten years ahead of the global net-zero target required by science
              • Complete our phase out of coal in 2023

              Local & Regional Governments

              Basque Country

              SDG7 Energy Compact of the Basque Country
              • Action 1: Set up of 30 to 50 nonprofit cooperative energy communities involving 12,000 to 20,000 families as members of the energy communities (prosumers). Investment of ??¡§3.6M - ??¡§6M Million (M)
              • Action 2: Set up of 30MW to 250MW new photovoltaic (PV) power capacity (30 to 50 new PV installations). Investment of ??¡§0.8M - ??¡§4M per energy community (depending on the land price): total investment of ??¡§24M - ??¡§200M.

              SDG7 Energy Compact of the Basque Country - Green Hydrogen
              • Action 1: Install an electrolysis capacity of 300 MW. Investment of €180-330 Million (M).
              • Action 2: 100% of the produced hydrogen to be of renewable or low- carbon origin. Investment of €20-25 M.
              • Action 3: An annual production of 2,000 t/year of synthetic fuels. Investment of €40-50 M.
              • Action 4: 90% of hydrogen consumed in industry as feedstock to be of renewable or low-carbon origin. Investment of €15-30 M.
              • Action 5: Hydrogen will account for 5% of the total energy consumption in the industrial sector. Investment of €50-75 M.
              • Action 6: 10 pilot projects for hydrogen use in buildings. Investment of €5-10 M.
              • Action 7: The establishment of a fleet of 20 hydrogen buses, and a fleet of 450 goods transport vehicles of varying sizes. Investment of €51-62 M.
              • Action 8: A network of 10 public access hydrogen filling stations. Investment of €42-53 M.

              C40 Cities

              C40 Renewable Energy Declaration: Powering Green and Just Cities
              • Accelerating renewable energy transition: Use 100% renewable electricity citywide by 2035 and fully decarbonised energy to cook, and heat and cool buildings within the city no later than 2050.
              • Enabling energy access with renewables: Achieve universal access to reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity and clean cooking fuels and technologies by 2030 and use 100% renewable electricity citywide by 2050.
              • Maximising local renewable energy: Deploy clean energy systems for electricity, heating, cooling and cooking to achieve 50% of the assessed feasible potential within the city by 2030 and 100% by 2050
              • Lead by example, either switching municipal electricity consumption to 100% renewable energy by 2025 or deploying renewable energy systems on all feasible municipal assets by 2030.

              City of Ayodhya

              Energy Compact for Ayodhya City, Uttar Pradesh, India
              • ADA commits to set up Solar City to accelerate solar energy adoption featuring 130 MW solar plant and 27 MW of solar rooftops
              • ADA commits to use 100% hydrogen fuel cell for temple premises illumination
              • ADA commits to procure 193 AC electric buses by 2031 to promote clean public transport

              ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

              100% Renewables Citites and Regions Energy Compact
              • Signatories of ICLEI's 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Energy Compact commit to:
              • 100% renewable energy use at the latest by 2050
              • Achieving 30% renewable energy use at the latest by 2030
              • Achieving 100% renewable energy use in local government operations at the latest by 2030
              • Achieving SDG 7 at the latest by 2030
              • Implementing at least one climate mitigation action annually from 2022 onwards

              Montgomery County Government

              Montgomery County, Maryland, Climate Action Plan
              • Montgomery County, Maryland, commits to cut community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035
              • 100% of electricity must be generated by carbon- free energy sources, with a particular emphasis on electricity usage by private buildings
              • 100% of passenger vehicles and County buses must be electric/zero emissions.

              New Town Kolkata Green Smart City Corportation Limited

              Energy Compact of New Town Kolkata, West Bengal, India
              • New Town Kolkata commits to ensure stable modern energy connection to all
              • 2% renewable energy in the energy used within 2030
              • Explore geothermal energy by 2030
              • Ensure 5% gain in energy efficiency
              • Non- motorization of intra city travel by 50%
              • Have liquid hydrogen fuel plant with technology support from UN

              Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation

              Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
              • Development of Bio-methanation plant to convert hotel waste to biogas of a 50 TPD capacity by 2023
              • Aim to achieve 100 per cent collection and segregation of waste at source
              • Installation of waste to energy plant with a capacity of 12 MW by 2023
              • Installation of rooftop solar plants of 10 MW on all government buildings by 2023
              • Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Station across the city by 2028

              Shimokawa Town

              A Sustainable Town That Circulates Resources, People, Nature and Finance
              • Shimokawa set its own SDGs, adopting ??¨²Shimokawa Renewable Energy Roadmap??¨´ to realize SDGs7 with targets below
              • Shimokawa raises energy reduction awareness by promoting eco- points, and saves residents' energy/money by mainstreaming health/passive houses, renovating 15 housings/year by 2023.
              • Shimokawa supplies amount needed in-town for out-of-town demands in renewable energy until 2030 to convert energy to consume locally, realizing net zero by 2040s.

              Toyama City

              Realize a Sustainable Value Added Innovative City through a Compact City Strategy
              • Toyama City will increase its share of renewable energy to 47.2% by 2030
              • Toyama City will double its energy efficiency to 1.4% per year by 2030
              • Toyama City will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% of its 2005 level by 2030


              Infrastructure Credit Guarantee Company Limited (InfraCredit)

              Solar Energy Deployment in Unserved/Underserved Communities in Nigeria by 2030
              • InfraCredit commits to providing solar electricity to 100,000 additional underserved and unserved households/businesses in Nigeria by 2030.
              • InfraCredit commits to an increase in solar energy capacity by 50 MW by 2030.