
Colllage of images that represent food and natural resources provided by forests

Forest and Foods

21 March 2025, 10am – 1pm EST

Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York

Organizer: UN Forum on Forest

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Join us in celebrating the International Day of Forests 2025 on Friday, 21 March, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and online. This year’s theme, “Forests and Foods,” highlights the role forests play in ensuring global food security, sustaining livelihoods, and promoting biodiversity. Forests provide a rich variety of food sources, including fruits, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, honey, and wild meat, which are essential for the nutrition and well-being of billions of people, particularly Indigenous and forest-dependent communities.

The event at UN Headquarters will bring together policymakers, researchers, civil society, Indigenous leaders, youth, and major international organizations to discuss innovative and traditional ways forests contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture.

The programme includes high-level opening remarks, a panel discussion featuring global experts, and statements from member states and stakeholders.


Special remarks by:

  • Mr. Li Junhua, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
  • Mr. Ismail Belen, Chair of UNFF20 Bureau
  • Ms. Juliette Biao, Director, UN Forum on Forests Secretariat
  • Mr. Zhimin Wu, Director, FAO Forestry Division



Moderator: Ms. Angélica Jácome, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the UN

  • Ms. Tarcila Rivera Zea, President, Board of Directors, Chirapaq
  • Mr. Nathan Hunter, Coordinator, The Bronx River Foodway
  • Ms. Lindsey Jerome, Senior Ecological Monitoring Coordinator, Stone Barnes Center
  • Ms. Airi Gavan & Mr. Rizka Afif Manguntarunan Tirtaadmadja, IFSA
  • Ms. Imma Modja, UNCCD Goodwill Ambassador TBC

Through this observance, we aim to raise awareness, promote sustainable forest management, and encourage action to protect the crucial relationship between forests and food systems.

Join the conversation and help advocate for a future where forests continue to nourish people and the planet. Follow #ForestDay on social media to stay engaged! Or watch the event on .


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