Reports on the situation in DRC

©WFP/Moses Sawasawa

Maps and data
Other official documents

©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Latest country report
The United Nations publishes its Common Country Analysis (CCA), which provides the basis for the formulation of the 2025-2029 programming cycle.
This document is the UN System's analysis of development problems, challenges and issues in the DRC, for the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Although an independent exercise of the United Nations, the DRC Common Country Analysis was a highly inclusive process. It was built on existing analyses and policy documents from UN Agencies, development partners, civil society actors, Government and the private sector. It also takes into account the aspirations and opinions of the population, particularly young people and women, gathered through various consultations organized in several of the country's provinces.
Social development and exclusion, structural transformation of the economy, environmental sustainability, peace and security, governance and the state of human rights in the country, as well as related challenges, are addressed. In addition, the underlying and structural causes of the country's conflicts are extensively analyzed.