
The United Nations flag flies in Juba, South Sudan during a commemoration of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine

Guidance for UN Healthcare Workers

The latest information from WHO can be found at .

For any questions, please contact dos-dhmosh-public-health@un.org

  1. Within UN healthcare facilities, enhance standard infection prevention and control practices in clinics and hospitals, especially in emergency departments.
  2. Read the following guidance from the United Nations Medical Directors
  3. Provide all UN personnel travelling into outbreak areas with preventative information so as to reduce their general risk of acquiring an acute respiratory infection.
  4. Be familiar with the WHO's definition of Suspect, Probable, and Confirmed Cases
  5. Read the following technical guidance from the World Health Organization and DHMOSH
  6. If you encounter any UN personnel with a relevant travel history to locations with COVID-19, and with signs and symptoms indicative of acute respiratory infections, please contact the DHMOSH public health team at dos-dhmosh-public-health@un.org for further guidance.
  7. You may download and print the poster below and display around your duty station.
  8. For UN Staff who need to speak to a counsellor due to stress or other psychosocial needs, please ask them to reach out to their local counsellor.
    For UN staff members working:
    • at UN Headquarters, contact the NY Staff Counsellors Office at SCOHQ@un.org or call +1-212-963-7044.
    • Outside HQ, contact CISMU, preferably at undsscismu@un.org

      You may also,  based on your region, contact  CISMU/DSS Stress Counsellors for the appropriate referral:

      Africa West: Djeneba Coulibaly: +1 212 963 3682 email: coulibaly45@un.org

      Europe and Americas: Anne-Marie Serrano: +1 212 9631369  email: anne-marie.serranobanquet@un.org

      Africa East: Muhammad Sohail Ali:1 917 367 8557 email: ali173@un.org

      Asia-Pacific: Madhubhashini Hewage: +1 212 963 6432, email: hewagem@un.org

      MENA: Abdalla Mansour Amer: +1 917 367 6097, email:  mansouramer@un.org 

  9. Staff/Stress Counsellors in the field should refer to this .
  10. Know the requirements for reporting a confirmed COVID-19 case
  11. COVID-19 bed capacity calculator (Excel document for download)

    The purpose of the tool is to help missions and duty stations predict their bed capacity and medical staff requirements, using their population size and a peak infection rate of 1/1000 individuals every two weeks.

    To use the tool, one needs only to introduce the population size to calculate the numbers of cases expected, as well as the beds and staff needed.

  12. Presentation on COVID Key Preventive Measures for Field Context

  13. COVID-19 Communications Resources ?