
UN Remarks

The United Nations and Child Marriage


Child marriage is a violation of human rights. By 2020, 142 million innocent young girls worldwide will be separated from their friends and family, deprived of an education and put in harm¡¯s way because of child marriage. Together, let us resolve to end the discrimination and poverty that perpetuate this harmful practice. And let us help those who are already married to lead more fulfilling lives. All members of society will benefit when we let girls be girls, not brides."

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations

Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights and robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects. A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled. Since many parents and communities also want the very best for their daughters, we must work together and end child marriage."

Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, UNFPA

In many societies, marriage is a celebrated institution signifying a union between two adults and the beginning of their future together. Unfortunately, millions of girls still suffer from a vastly different marriage experience every year. Worldwide, many brides are still children, not even teenagers. So young are some girls that they hold onto their toys during the wedding ceremony. Usually these girls become mothers in their early teens, while they are still children themselves.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) champions the fundamental human rights of men, women and children the world over.  The inaugural International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October 2012, provides a unique opportunity to leverage that commitment, particularly as it relates to ending the harmful traditional practice of child marriage.

The Fund has partnered with premier photo agency VII on Too Young to Wed, a transmedia campaign that seeks to raise awareness of the issue, support girls who are already married and, ultimately halt the practice all together, sparing an estimated 140 million more girls over the next decade the same fate.

Too Young to Wed¡¯s creative team is led by award-winning VII photographers Stephanie Sinclair, who has spent nearly a decade investigating child marriage around the world, and Jessica Dimmock, whose still photos and cinematography intimately focus on the human condition.


? 2012 United Nations