11 years after the violent suppression of peaceful, popular demonstrations, Syria is still mired in war. More than 14 million civilians need humanitarian assistance with 12 million displaced, including over 6 million outside the country. The UN reports that at least 350,000 have been killed. Meanwhile, tens of thousands are detained, tortured, missing, or disappeared. Many rounds of peace talks have been attempted, and the is working with a committee to draw up a new constitution leading to free and fair elections supervised by the UN. But progress has been elusive.
The war in Ukraine poses an immediate and growing threat to the lives and well-being of the country’s 7.5 million children. Humanitarian needs are multiplying by the hour as fighting intensifies. Children continue to be killed, wounded and deeply traumatized by the devastating violence all around them. Families are terrified, in shock, and desperate for safety. is working with partners to reach vulnerable children and families with essential services – including health, education, protection, water and sanitation – as well as life-saving supplies.
Angelina Jolie, the Special Envoy for , is in Yemen this week to draw attention to the devastating consequences of the seven-year-old conflict on the civilian population. Yemen’s protracted conflict has resulted in thousands of civilian casualties. Jolie called on all parties to the conflict to respect and commit to international humanitarian law. She also called for all parties to avoid targeting civilians, and to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need, safe passage for civilians to flee conflict areas, and a negotiated political settlement.
In response to the Russian military offensive in Ukraine which began on 24 February, the United Nations and humanitarian partners are scaling up the delivery of life saving support to people affected by the conflict. Guided by the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, humanity and independence, UN staff are working on both sides of the contact line, to provide humanitarian relief to people in need, particularly women, children, elderly people and those with disabilities. The United Nations . Follow the latest developments in the Security Council and General Assembly.
Amid growing international condemnation over Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, tens of thousands of people are still trying to escape to neighbouring countries, fleeing en masse. This has brought to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, where ’s spokesperson James Elder has been giving an update on the emotional and tense scenes he’s witnessed, to ’s Daniel Johnson.
At an event to mark the occasion and to launch the 25th anniversary study, UNICEF's Executive Director, Henrietta Fore, said the has achieved concrete results for children: "For example, since 2000, at least 170,000 children have been released from armed forces and armed groups, many having survived multiple violations – including abduction or sexual violence." The UN should continue to prioritize helping these children, who have suffered terrible violence, she added. "We should seize all opportunities to increase visibility and awareness of the terrible impact of conflict on children. We should be courageous in taking steps to end impunity and advance accountability for children in situations of armed conflict."
The Security Council is holding an open debate to address violence that targets women in peace and security processes. The meeting is part of its agenda on , which recognizes the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on women and girls and stresses the importance of women’s leadership and meaningful in the prevention and resolution of conflicts. The implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is a political commitment in the Secretary General’s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative.
Survivors of genocide and other atrocities committed by ISIL fighters in Iraq should rest assured that the international community supports them. That’s the message from Christian Ritscher, head of , the special UN team investigating these crimes. While it might appear action is slow coming, he said there is no statute of limitations and crimes can be prosecuted “as long as at least one perpetrator is alive.” Mr. Ritscher was in New York recently and spoke to ’s Abdelmonem Makki, prior to presenting the latest UNITAD report to the Security Council.
The shadow cast by chemical weapons over modern history has claimed countless victims, both civilians and soldiers across the globe. On the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare (30 November), the honours the memory of the victims of these attacks through its mission to eliminate these weapons, offering hope that they will be the last to experience the horror of chemical warfare. The ’s mission is to implement the to achieve a world free of chemical weapons in which chemistry is used for peace, progress, and prosperity.
As governments, humanitarian actors, and peacebuilders meet at the UN to discuss the women, peace and security agenda, watch this space for news, updates and voices of women peacebuilders.
War, violent conflict, terrorism and violent extremism have different and devastating consequences for women and girls. In the face of these, women all over the world lead movements to prevent conflict, restore peace and rebuild communities. The women, peace and security agenda was formally established in 2000 by a unanimous . This year’s Security Council’s annual open debate on women, peace and security will focus on investing in the contribution of local women to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and transitional settings during and following UN peace operations.
A child’s right to education cannot be safeguarded in conflict zones without education itself being protected. Education can be a lifesaver. Out of school, children are easy targets of abuse, exploitation and recruitment by armed forces and groups. In 2020, there was an increase of 17 per cent on attacks on schools compared to 2019. The International Day to Protect Education from Attack (9 September) brings attention to the importance of safeguarding schools as places of protection and safety for students and educators and the need to keep education at the top of the public agenda.
More than 14,000 displaced people live in camps in Bambari, most of them women and girls – besides barriers to health care and food, documents sexual violence used as a weapon of war.