
The southwest coast of Viti Levu, Fiji’s largest and most populated island, is flanked by the country’s longest fringing reef system, affectionately known as the Coral Coast. Namada is one of four traditional villages in the Korolevu-i-Wai District that will benefit from the Investing in Coral Reefs and the Blue Economy programme. Partly funded by the Joint SDG Fund, the programme supports the customary fishing rights owners for the Korolevu-i-Wai/Koro-i-Nasau qoliqoli (community) to operate coral-reef-associated ecotourism attractions and activities to generate revenue to support the effective management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Locally Managed Marine Area (KiW/KiN LMMA), as well as help support the communal development needs of the community, while also offering them economic opportunities.


Two people fishing in a canoe

The ocean produces 50% of the planet’s oxygen and absorbs 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming. Oceans are the lungs of our planet and a major source of food and medicine. Yet we are taking more from the ocean than can be replenished. is the theme of this year’s World Oceans Day, urging us to work on creating a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty, but restores its vibrancy. , spread the message and join our online.

Two decades of action and a singular success: The Western and Central Pacific Ocean is now the only major ocean area where all tuna stocks are harvested sustainably. This is a story of cooperation and diligence, a wide array of expertise, a pool of talent and skills as wide-ranging and vast as the 40 million square kilometres of ocean area whose fisheries the Pacific Island nations have been tasked to protect.

The , organized by an -led coalition, called for sufficient and reliable long-term investment in a  to conserve and use the ocean for sustainable development.

UNESCO World Heritage coral reefs cover over half a million km2 worldwide – the equivalent of the size of France – exhibiting exceptional biodiversity. They play a critical role in absorbing carbon emissions and protect coastlines from storms and erosion. Over a hundred indigenous communities are directly dependent on them for their subsistence. But the scientific data concerning these coral reefs is now very alarming. Reefs are bleaching far more rapidly than the initial science suggested, making them highly vulnerable to starvation and disease.

The Blue Connection film tells an inspiring story of unity, support, and multilateral collaboration between three countries - Barbados, Belize, and Costa Rica - and their collective efforts to sustainably develop their coastal communities in the wake of the global pandemic. The story shares an intimate perspective of the daily lives and challenges faced by people working in the blue economy through an  project.

The  programme, led by the , mobilizes commercial investments and promotes financial sustainability of coral reef conservation.  

A scientific research mission supported by has discovered one of the largest coral reefs in the world off the coast of Tahiti. The pristine condition of, and extensive area covered by, the rose-shaped corals make this a highly valuable discovery. The reef is located at depths of between 30 and 65 metres. It is approximately 3km in length and between 30m and 60/65m wide, which makes it one of the most extensive healthy coral reefs on record. The giant rose-shaped corals are up to 2 metres in diameter.

2022 is the , to highlight the importance of small-scale artisanal fisheries for our food systems, livelihoods, culture and the environment. It aims to strengthen science-policy interaction, empower stakeholders, and build new or strengthen existing partnerships. Join us and in our goal of conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources by spreading awareness of the beauty and sustainability of the artisanal fisheries. They might be small in scale, but big in value.

Since 2009, almost 14 per cent of the world’s corals have disappeared, according to a recent report from the . The Sea Women initiative works to promote restoration of coral reefs.

brings us the murky truth about plastic in the ocean: Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our ocean. Join 113,637 other people and take the Clean Sean Pledge.

Oceans present a huge opportunity for (Blue) economic growth and employment for the region, if properly tapped into (maximizing benefits), and if properly managed (minimizing the challenges). For the , identifies an opportunity to optimally utilize Ocean’s substantial blue economy potential as a new frontier for development.

The United Nations has proclaimed 2022 as the (IYAFA 2022), with the serving as the lead agency. IYAFA 2022 will be an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture, including women and youth; to share the current and potential contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and highlight related innovation; and to build and strengthen related support and partnerships at all levels.

Coral reefs occur in more than 100 countries and territories. They support at least a quarter of marine species and underpin the safety, coastal protection, wellbeing, food and economic security of hundreds of millions of people. However, coral reefs are among the most vulnerable ecosystems on the planet due to global threats from climate change and ocean acidification, and local impacts from land-based pollution, marine pollution, overfishing and destructive fishing practices. A new  examines the status of the world's coral reefs over the last 40 years.

An illustration of a person looking through binoculars with a big ship in the background

World Maritime Day (30 September) highlights seafarer's vital role as key workers for global supply chains, despite facing unprecedented hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During 2021, IMO interviewed several seafarers about topics of personal importance and the future of the sector. The spotlight issues related to the human element of shipping, including the safety and security of life on board ships, seafarers' well-being, and the importance of an appropriately trained and qualified workforce, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of digitalization and automation.