
Yearbook News

International Literacy Day in Juba

Celebrate literacy and multilingualism!

 (8 September), proclaimed by UNESCO in 1966 and endorsed by Economic and Social Council  in 1967, aimed to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies. Since then, the concept of literacy has .

New on the Yearbook website: 50th Anniversary Special Edition!

A new addition to the Yearbook of the United Nations website is the Special Edition of the , which captures through narrative and key historical documents the major issues and highlights of the first fifty years of United Nations history and provides a context for present and future challenges.

Happy United Nations Day!

 (24 October) marks the entry into force in 1945 of the . On 31 October 1947, the UN General Assembly, by , declared that the Day would be devoted to raising awareness of the goals and achievements of the Organization and gaining support for its work.

2014 Pre-press now featuring draft chapters!

Researchers and scholars and other users of the Yearbook of the United Nations will be glad to know that the 2014 Pre-press is now featuring first proofs of chapters as they become available, replacing the detailed and hyperlinked chapter outlines for their respective topics.


The social media account @UNYearbook has been regularly tweeting under the hashtag #UNYearbookinAction about how researchers and scholars have recently used the Yearbook of the United Nations as a source for their articles and books. The series also highlights how authoritative institutions such as the libraries of Oxford and Yale promote the Yearbook as an authoritative reference for expanding knowledge of United Nations activities and concerns.

Improving infant health worldwide!

In a July 2018 report, , UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) noted that while newborns who breastfeed in the first hour of life are significantly more likely to survive, an estimated 78 million newborns were excluded. The United Nations annually observes World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August)  to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies worldwide.

Time of remembrance!

The United Nations annually observes (8–9 May) as a time of remembrance and reconciliation to pay tribute to World War II victims . The General Assembly proclaimed those dates in 2004 by resolution 59/26 .

2013 Yearbook now available in print!

Following the 16 February release of the online edition of the sixty-seventh volume of the Yearbook of the United Nations, covering the Organization’s global activities in 2013, the publication is now available in print. The Yearbook, as Secretary-General António Guterres states in the Foreword to the volume, "provides critical information for people today and lessons for the diplomats of the future”.

Happy World Water Day!

Today is World Water Day (22 March) , proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 47/193 in December 1992  and first celebrated in 1993 . For an historical perspective of UN action related to water, the Yearbook of the United Nations recounts the Organization’s efforts to raise public awareness and highlight the importance of freshwater and the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Check out 2013 Pre-press!

The Yearbook Pre-press section is designed to help users of the Yearbook of the United Nations by providing information from yet-to-be-published Yearbooks. The Yearbook Pre-press section now features the completed 2013 Pre-press. All 33 Yearbook  draft chapters for 2013 are available for reference. The preparation of chapter outlines for 2014 and 2015, which include hyperlinks to relevant UN official documents, is underway.

Join our efforts to reach young people!

Members of the academic community write books and papers on the UN and teach students about the Organization. They are vital to the work of the United Nations because they are making the young people of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow, aware of the Organization and what it does. They also foster interest in the UN. We recognize that many users of the Yearbook of the United Nations,both the print and online editions, are also members of the academic community. In that connection, we thank you for your support of the Yearbook collection/series.

2012 Yearbook published!

The United Nations today released the sixty-sixth volume of the Yearbook of the United Nations, covering the Organization’s global activities in 2012. The Yearbook, as former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated in the Foreword to the volume, represents “one more chapter in the enduring mission of the United Nations to stand up for the most vulnerable and to work to achieve peace, justice and better standards of living in larger freedom for all”. 

Soochow University students translate Yearbook Express

Soochow University—located in Suzhou, East China—has translated eight Chinese editions of the multilingual Yearbook Express for the Yearbook Unit of the United Nations Department of Public Information since 2014, with more to come.

2012 Pre-press complete!

The Yearbook Pre-press section is designed to help users of the Yearbook of the United Nations by providing information from yet-to-be-published Yearbooks. The Yearbook Pre-press section now features the completed 2012 Pre-press. All 33 Yearbook chapters for 2012 are outlined and include hyperlinks to relevant UN official documents. Draft chapters will be added as they become available.

2011 Yearbook now online!

The published version of the  is now available in full for reading and research on the Yearbook website! The 2011Yearbook was previously available online only in its  form. The posting of this latest volume updates the collection of Yearbooks already available through the site, dating back to the 1946–47 edition.