Selected publications and archived resources on Landlocked Developing Countries
Reports by UN-OHRLLS
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
- Report on Best Practices for Effective Transit Transport Corridor Development and Management (UN-OHRLLS, 2020)
- STI for Structural Transformation of LLDCs Background Report (UN-OHRLLS, 2020)
- Summary Report of the High-level Midterm Review of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs held on 5 and 6 December 2019 (UN-OHRLLS, 2020)
- EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Report of UNESCAP/UN-OHRLLS/UNECE Euro-Asian Regional Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programmed of Action for LLDCs for the Decade 2014-2024 (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNESCAP and UNECE, 2019)
- EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Improving Transport Connectivity, International Trade and Trade Facilitation for Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNESCAP and UNECE, 2019)
- EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Review of Progress made in structural economic transformation in Euro-Asian landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) (UN-OHRLLS, 2019)
- AFRICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Report of UNECA/UN-OHRLLS African Region Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs for the Decade 2014-2024 (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNECA, 2019)
- AFRICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Improving Transport Connectivity, International Trade and Trade Facilitation for LLDCs in African Region (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNECA, 2019)
- LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Report of ECLAC/UN-OHRLLS Latin America Region Midterm Review of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014每2024 (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNECLAC, 2019) (also available in Spanish)
- LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024 in Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNECLAC, 2019) (also available in Spanish)
- Landlocked Developing Countries 每 Things to Know, Things to do (UN-OHRLLS, 2019)
- Achieving SDG 7 in Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS in collaboration with UNIDO 2019)
- Achieving the SDGs in Landlocked Developing Countries through Connectivity and Trade Facilitation (UN-OHRLLS 2018)
- OHRLLS 2018 Statistical Annex on Selected Indicators to Monitor the Vienna Programme of Action to accompany the Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024 (A/73/297). (UN-OHRLLS 2018)
- Financing Infrastructure in the Transport Sector in Landlocked Developing Countries: Trends, Challenges & Opportunities (UN-OHRLLS 2018)
- Global Report 每 Improving transit cooperation, trade and trade facilitation for the benefit of the landlocked developing countries: Current status and policy implications (UN-OHRLLS 2017)
- Improving Cooperation on Transit, Trade Facilitation and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN-OHRLLS 2017)
- Accelerating Sustainable Energy for All in Landlocked Developing Countries through Innovative Partnerships (UN-OHRLLS 2017)
- Harnessing the Trade Potential of the Landlocked Developing Countries to Implement the Vienna Programme of Action and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN-OHRLLS, 2017)
- Achieving Sustainable Transport in Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS, 2017)
- Enhancing the Role of the Private Sector in the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN-OHRLLS, 2017)
- Landlocked Developing Countries 每 Things to Know, Things to do (UN-OHRLLS, 2016)
- Report of the 15th Annual Ministerial Meeting of Landlocked Developing Countries
- Latin America Regional Report on Improving Transit Cooperation, Trade and Trade Facilitation for the Benefit of the Landlocked Developing Countries 每 Current Status and Policy Implications (UN-OHRLLS, 2016)
- Africa Regional Report on Improving Transit Cooperation, Trade and Trade Facilitation for the Benefit of the Landlocked Developing Countries 每 Current Status and Policy Implications (UN-OHRLLS, 2016)
- Asia Regional Report on Improving Transit Cooperation, Trade and Trade Facilitation for the Benefit of the Landlocked Developing Countries 每 Current Status and Policy Implications (UN-OHRLLS, 2016)
- Botswana National Consultations on Mainstreaming of the Vienna Programme of Action Held 27th-29th October 2015 in Gaborone, Botswana (Republic of Botswana, UN-OHRLLS, 2015)
- Report of the High-Level Forum held on 15 July 2015, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the margins of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (UN-OHRLLS, Government of Zambia, 2015)
- Booklet on Landlocked Developing Countries prepared for the High-Level Meeting on the Follow-up to the Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS, 2015)
- The Impact of Climate Change, Desertification and Land Degradation on the Development Prospects of Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS, 2015)
- High-Level International Workshop on the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Implications for Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS, Government of Mongolia and the International Think Tank for LLDCs, 2014)
- Building Productive Capacities to Enhance Structural Transformation in Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS, 2014)
- Improving Trade and Transport for Landlocked Developing Countries (UN-OHRLLS/World Bank, 2014)
- Perspectives on the priorities of a new development agenda for LLDCs (UN-OHRLLS, 2013)
- Development Costs of Landlockedness (UN-OHRLLS, 2013)
- Unlocking the trade potential of LLDCs (UN-OHRLLS, 2012)
- The Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Crises on the Development Prospects of the LLDCs (UN-OHRLLS, 2009)
- The Transit Transport Situation in Africa, Asia and Latin America (UN-OHRLLS, 2008)
- Landlocked countries in South America: transit transport challenges (UN-OHRLLS/ECLAC, 2008) English&紳莉莽梯;每&紳莉莽梯;Spanish
- Trade, Trade Facilitation and Transit Transport Issues for Landlocked Developing Countries (Government of Mongolia, in cooperation with UNDP, UN-OHRLLS, UNCTAD and the Mission of Paraguay in Geneva, 2007)
- Geography Against Development (UN-OHRLLS, 2006)
Partner Reports
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
- Review of Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific: Addressing the Challenges for Freight Transport (ESCAP,2019)
- Infrastructure Financing for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP,2019)
- (ITU,2018) (also available in )
- (ITU,2018) (also available in)
- (UNCRD,2018)
- (UNCTAD, 2018)
- (World Bank, 2018)
- (OECD, African Union Commission 2018)
- (UNECA, 2018)
- Innovative Financing for Development in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP, 2017)
- Working Paper on Estimating Financial Infrastructure Needs in Asian-Pacific Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (ESCAP-MPFD, 2017)
- (UNECA, 2017)
- (World Bank, 2016)
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations and LLDCs: A handbook for negotiators and practitioners (International Think Tank for LLDC, 2016)
- (World Bank, 2016)
- (World Bank, 2016)
- (UNCTAD, 2016)
- (ESCAP 2016)
- (WTO, 2016)
- (CEPAL, 2016)
- (OECD, 2016)
- (OECD, 2016)
- Country Profiles 2016: (UNECA, 2016)
- (AUC, AfDB, ECA, 2016)
- (ECA, AUC, AfDB, 2016)
- (World Bank Group, 2016)
- Rwanda Electronic Single Window Supports Trade Facilitation (Christian Nizeyimana from UNCTAD, Luc De Wulf from World Bank, 2015)
- (UNCTAD, 2015)
- (UNCTAD, 2015)
- (UNCTAD, 2015)
- (ESCAP, 2015)
- (WTO, 2015)
- World Investment Report 2015 (UNCTAD, 2015)
- Interpreting Bargaining Strategies of Developing Countries-A Quantitative Approach (Valeria Costantini, Giorgia Sforna, Mariangela Zoli, SEEDS, 2015)
- The Rights of Land-Locked States in the International Law: The Role of Bilateral/Multilateral Agreements (Endalcachew Bayeh, Social Sciences, Volume 4, Number 2, 2015)
- Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Is Landlockedness Destiny? (Ramesh C. Paudel, The Economic Society of Australia, 2015)
- (Asian Development Bank, 2014)
- Landlocked Developing Countries: Facts and Figures, 2014 (UNCTAD, 2014)
- The Potential of Aid for Trade to Improve Infrastructure and Logistics Performance of Landlocked Developing Countries of Latin America (Gabriel Perez-Salas, Azhar Jaimurzina, Gordon Wilmsmeier, UNECLAC, 2014)
- Connecting to Compete 2014: Trade Logistics in the Global Economy (World Bank, 2014)
- Trade and Transport Corridor Management Toolkit (Charles Kunaka and Robin Carruthers, World Bank, 2014)
- World Trade Report 2014 (WTO, 2014)
- Aid for Trade and Value Chains in Transport and Logistics 2014 (WTO/OECD, 2014)
- WCO Transit Handbook: To Establish Effective Transit Schemes for LLDCs 2014 (WCO, 2014)
- Policies to Enhance Trade Facilitation in South Asia and Southeast Asia (Anthony Bayley, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2014)
- A Review of International Legal Instruments: Facilitation of Transport and Trade in Africa (Jean Grosdidier de Matons, SSATP, 2014)
- (Kishor Sharma, The World Economy, 2014)
- The Way to the Ocean: Transit Corridors Servicing the Trade of Landlocked Developing Countries (UNCTAD, 2013)
- Quantitative Analysis of Road Transport Agreements (QuARTA) (Charles Kunaka, Virginia Tanase, Pierre Latrille, Peter Krausz, World Bank, 2013)
- WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: A Business Guide for Developing Countries (ITC, 2013)
- The Africa Infrastructure Investment Report 2013 (CBC, 2013)
- (Emily Jones, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2013)
- Mapping Support for Africa*s Infrastructure Investment (OECD, 2012)
- (UNECE, 2012)
- The OSCE-UNECE Handbook of Best Practices 每 A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective (OSCE/UNECE, 2012)
- (Jean-Francois Arvis, Graham Smith and Robin Carruthers, World Bank, 2011)
- (Allen Dennis, Ben Shepherd, The World Economy, 2011)
- (Gerard McLinden, Enrique Fanta, David Widdowson and Tom Doyle, Editors, World Bank, 2010)
- (Paras Khare and Anil Belbase, Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade Working Paper Series, No. 84, 2010)
- The Cost of Being Landlocked: Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Reliability (Jean-Fran?ois Arvis, Ga?l Raballand and Jean-Fran?ois Marteau,World Bank, 2010)
- Africa*s Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation (Vivien Foster and Cecilia Brice?o-Garmendia, World Bank Publications, 2010)
- Trade Facilitation in WTO and Beyond (Shashank Priya, Discussion Paper No. 4, Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, 2010)
- Trade and transport facilitation assessment: A practical toolkit for country implementation (World Bank, 2010)
- Freedom of Transit: Technical Note 8 (UNCTAD, 2009)
- (Jane Korinek and Patricia Sourdin, OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 92, 2009)
- Infrastructure*s Role in Lowering Asia*s Trade Costs (Douglas Brooks and David Hummels, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2009)
- Improving Trade and Transport for LLDCs (World Bank, 2008)
- Trade Facilitation 每 WTO Law and its revision to facilitate global trade in goods (Carolin Eve Bolh?fer, World Customs Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, 2008)
- (ECE and ESCAP, 2008)
- (Julio A. Gonzalez, Jose Luis Guasch and Tomas Serebrisky Policy Research Working Paper 4558, World Bank, 2008)
- The Cost of Being Landlocked (World Bank, 2007)
- Transport infrastructure for transit trade of the landlocked countries in Central Africa (UNCTAD, 2007)
- Improving transit transport in East Africa, challenges and opportunities (UNCTAD, 2007)
- Toward an Asian Integrated Network (ESCAP and Asian Institute of Transport Development, 2007)
- Central Asia: Increasing Gains from Trade Through Regional Cooperation in Trade Policy, Transport, and Customs Transit (Asian Development Bank, 2006)
- Road network upgrading and overland trade expansion in Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank, 2006)
- Best practices in management of international trade corridors (World Bank, 2006)
- (ESCAP, 2006)
- Connecting Central Asia: A Roadmap for Regional Cooperation (Asian Development Bank, 2006)
- Building a New Continent: A Regional Approach to Strengthening South American Infrustructure (on the IIRSA Initiative, Inter-American Development Bank, 2006)
- (Evdokia Mo?s谷, OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 32, 2006)
- The Transit Regime for Landlocked States (World Bank, 2006)
- (J. Michael Finger and John S. Wilson, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3971, 2006)