High Level Panel of the MVI

In February 2022, following a nomination period among member States, the PGA appointed a 12-member High Level Panel as follows:
H.E Mr. Gaston Browne Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda (Co-Chair)
H.E. Ms Erna Solberg for Prime Minister of Norway (Co-Chair)
Prof. Lino Briguglio (Malta)
Ms. Natalie Cohen (Australia)
Dr. Omar El-Arini (Egypt)
Dr. Louise Fox (USA)
Prof. Edgar Guti¨¦rrez-Espeleta (Costa Rica)
Ms. Xiheng Jiang (China)
H.E. Dr. Fatumanava Pa¡¯olelei Luteru, (Samoa)
Dr. Leonard Nurse (Barbados)
H.E Mr. Jos¨¦ Luis Rocha (Cape Verde)
Ms. Yee Woan Tan (Singapore)
The Panel began its work in March 2022 and is expected to review all relevant literature and ongoing work on a multidimensional vulnerability index and provide for the consideration of Member States, recommendations on:
- A clear and coherent Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index taking into account the principles highlighted in paragraphs 80-83 of A/76/211, including its framework structure, indicators, a precise methodology for weighting and aggregating the indicators, and precise definitions of the main concepts including vulnerability, exposure, shock and resilience. A clear typology of shocks may also be included that would allow for the consideration of multiple dimensions in a coherent manner. The final product should also highlight the structural challenges faced by developing countries. Due consideration must also be given to the potential MVI¡¯s acceptability and use within the UN system and beyond, in particular international financial institutions (IFI), multilateral development banks and Member States.
- Key components (and subcomponents) of the MVI and validate them.
- Appropriate indicators for the MVI paying particular attention to data availability. Selected indicators must allow for clear separation between structural and non-structural factors, as well as, between factors of exposure to the shocks and factors of (lack of) resilience. Due consideration must also be given to data availability and reliability across all developing countries in the selection of indicators.
- Make evidence-based recommendations, on the most appropriate governance arrangements for the MVI, including modalities for the publication of MVI results and procedures for reviewing and/or revising the MVI and its components.