
Enhancing Connectivity as a driver for more sustainable and resilient economies in Landlocked Developing Countries

??????, 14 December 2023 - 9:15am to ??????, 15 December 2023 - 4:00pm

The 32 landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) face common problems due to their geographical location, which affect their economic engagement with the rest of the world. Long distances from the nearest seaports, inadequate transport and transit systems multiple border crossing and cumbersome transit procedures cause the LLDCs to incur higher transport and transit costs when compared to coastal countries.

According to a recent study by the WTO (2021), trade costs in LLDCs are 1.4 times higher than that of coastal developing countries. It is also estimated that LLDCs on average spent nearly two times more of their export earnings for the payment of transport and insurance services than the average for developing countries, and three times more than the average of developed economies. These costs erode their competitive edge and therefore discourage foreign direct investment and have a negative impact on their integration into the global economy as well as overall sustainable development. They are also not able to fully tap on the benefits of global trade such as investment finance, technology and services that are needed for structural transformation of economies. Overall, the level of development in LLDCs is about 20 percent lower than it would be if they were not landlocked. In addition, LLDCs have a less diversified production structure than their coastal counterparts.

The Vienna Programme of Action for the LLDCs for the Decade 2014-2024, aims to address the development challenges faced by LLDCs, and identifies six priorities for action for LLDCs, transit countries and development partners. These six areas of focus are: Fundamental transit policy issues; Infrastructure development and maintenance; International trade and trade facilitation; Regional integration and cooperation; Structural economic transformation; and Means of implementation. The assessment of progress achieved in addressing the challenges of the LLDCs undertaken recently, indicated that very limited progress has been achieved in addressing the challenges of LLDCs. While several countries have made progress on individual action areas, such as the building of infrastructure and regional cooperation, the group of LLDCs has faced significant challenges.

As the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024 (VPoA) draws to a close, preparations have begun in earnest for the Third United Nations Conference on LLDCs, taking place in Kigali, Rwanda, in June 2024.The implementation period of the next programme of action will largely overlap with the final period of pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which was already lagging behind even before the emergence of the cascading crisis since 2020.

It is in this context that the Government of Armenia and the Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), are organizing this Ministerial meeting, which is part of the preparatory process of Third United Nations Conference on LLDCs, and its outcome will contribute as a thematic input to the next programme of action for LLDCs.


Against this background, the objective of this Ministerial meeting is to discuss ways to enhance transport connectivity to develop resilient and sustainable economies in LLDCs, with a view to

  1. Share knowledge, experiences and innovative approaches for infrastructure financing, delivery, and resilience building, including the mobilization of financing for transport and ICT infrastructure development and maintenance; b) Create opportunities for the development of adequate hard and soft transport infrastructure to boost the creation of resilient and sustainable economies in LLDCs;
  2. Identify policy options for strengthening cooperation on transport connectivity for the next programme of action for LLDCs and for acceleration of the achievement of SDGs by LLDCs; and
  3. Identify possible deliverables for the third UN Conference on LLDC in the area of transport and ICT connectivity.


The Ministerial meeting is organized by the Government of Armenia and the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS).


This ministerial meeting aims to convene Ministers and high-level representatives for LLDCS, transit countries, development partners and relevant stakeholders, including the private sector, to discuss initiatives, innovations, concrete policies, actions to promote transport connectivity and enhance the sustainability and resilience of LLDC economies.


A summary of the discussions will be issued as an outcome of the meeting. The recommendations from the meeting will provide substantive inputs to the next programme of action for the LLDCs.


Opening Session: The role of transport connectivity in promoting sustainable and resilient development
  • Statement by Hon. Dr. Lemogang Kwape

    每 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Of Botswana and Global Chair of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs)

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Ministerial Level Exchange on the strategic importance of transport connectivity for the next programme of action for the LLDCs


Session 1: Lessons learned on transport connectivity during the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action

每 Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat (PS), Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA

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  • Presentation by Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg

每 Chief, UN-OHRLLS

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  • Statement by Mr. Nurjan Raqmet

每 Head of Unit of International organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kazakhstan

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  • Statement by Mrs. Irene B.M. Tembo

每 Chief Planner, Ministry of Transport and Logistics of the Republic of Zambia

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Session 2: Building resilient infrastructure connectivity for sustainable development of LLDCs

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Session 3: Deepening regional integration through inclusive transport connectivity

每 Head of the Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

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Session 4: Transforming global trade and connectivity through digital technologies

每 Executive Director, International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC)

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  • Presentation by Omb Mosigi

每 Director Transport Policy & Planning, Ministry of Transport & Public Works (Botswana)

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  • Presentation by Mr. Batyr Annayev

 Deputy General Director, Agency of Transport and communications, Tukmenistan

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Session 5: Strengthening global partnerships for improving transport connectivity and increasing trade in LLDCs

 Head of North-South and South-South Cooperation Department, Burkina Faso

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On the Road to Kigali
  • Presentation by Abdul Alim

每 Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UN-OHRLLS

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  • Presentation of the Yerevan Statement

Chair*s Summary