

27 March 2017

This document sets out a comprehensive set of recommendations that have been, or could be, made by the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group to the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-SDGs), as well as a detailed justification for recommendations of greatest relevance and importance to LDCs.

26 March 2017

The comprehensive high-level mid-term review of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), held from 27-29 May, 2016 in Antalya, Turkey, is an opportunity to review the progress achieved by the LDCs¡¯ in meeting their development priorities.

25 March 2017

Achieving the 2030 Agenda will be a challenge for?all?countries. It is however particularly?salient for the 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) where levels of deprivation are acute, infrastructure is inadequate, economies are vulnerable and capital is in short supply.Yet these are the countries we need to reach first if we are to meet the aspiration to ¡°leave no one behind¡±.

24 March 2017

The Istanbul Programme of Action aims at overcoming the structural challenges of the LDCs through building their human and productive capacities and enabling their graduation from the LDC category.

23 March 2017

LDC IV Monitor?is an independent partnership established in September 2011 by eight think tanks and academic institutions from least developed countries (LDCs) and partner countries.

21 March 2017

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the world economy today and has the potential to contribute towards accelerating?the process of economic growth and sustainable development in the least developed countries (LDCs).

18 March 2017

The United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) is presenting the?State of the Least Developed Countries 2014?as part of its mandated analytical activities on the eight priority areas of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade

10 March 2017

When United Nations Member States gathered in Istanbul in 2011 at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), it was with the view to express global solidarity and renew commitments to support strong and sustainable growth and development in this poorest and most vulnerable group of nations.

01 March 2017

Soon after the creation of the United Nations Office of the High Representative in early 2002, the Open Forum for Partnership was launched as a platform for entities of the United Nations system, policy makers, academia and development practitioners, often located outside New York, to share their perspectives on development challenges that face the three most vulnerable groups of countries: the